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Music library with geolocation, made in Vue3 packaged with Tauri, Django and Postgis as backend

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Music Library player

Music library

Ever wanted to play your music located in France ? or Canada ? or Jamaiqua ?

Just pick a country and let the music play !

Known bug: Chrome doesn't display <audio> balise because of weird positioning, but the song is playing.

What it is

  • An Audio manager and player. Currently supporting MP3, OGG & WAV as I simply use html element. Sorry for all FLAC lovers.

  • Define playlist from each available panels

  • Music library accesses your local library in readonly mode

  • Saves music and metadatas in database with the scan feature

What it is not

  • A music metadata editor. For that part, I recommend using MP3Tag


Frontend :

Backend :

Release :

Architecture Diagram

flowchart TD

backend[Django - GeoDjango
http: 8000
debug: 5678]
http: 3000]
celery[Celery - Redis
debug: 6900]
port: 54333]
shp[<a href=''>Natural Earth Data</a>
countries shapefile]
http: 8081]
protocol: tauri.localhost]
exeFront[exe: geospatial-music-library.exe]
exeBack[exe: manage.exe]

subgraph Web Application
  frontend --> Nginx
  frontend --> MusicBrainz
  subgraph front
    frontend --> shp
    webAssembly --> projectM
    frontend --> webAssembly

  subgraph back
    frontend --> backend
    backend --> celery
    backend --> db[(db)]
    backend --> gdal


subgraph Desktop
  PyInstaller -.->|build|backend
  Nginx -->|read only| Filesystem
  Tauri ==> exeFront
  PyInstaller ==> exeBack


Play music and define next songs to play from :

  • Your filesystem
    • FileSystem filtering
  • Artists view
    • Artists filtering
  • Country location
    • Countries filtering

Add geolocalization to your artists, using

  • Musicbrainz API to get auto-suggestions
  • Manual picking for unknown artists or to fix out-of-boundaries locations MusicBrainz positioning

Known limitation while auto-positioning

  • When using the geolocator, you may encounter weird positioning at first sight, as the points are calculated from the center of mass of the whole country. i.e, for France, the auto-localizer always creates a point near Morocco in the ocean because this is the center of mass of France, French Guiana and Corsica.

    • Manual positioning
  • The result breaks the player toolbar :

    • Positioning error

You can use manual picking to rectify to the right location then.

Enjoy ProjectM vizualisations (PoC in very early stage)

  • Focus mode

    • ProjectM focus Mode
  • Background mode to keep editing the playlist

    • ProjectM background Mode


Requires only Docker to launch application.

NPM if you want to build frontend as a desktop executable.



edit .env example before first launch :

  • MUSIC_LIBRARY_PATH : path to your music folder
  • MUSIC_PATH_MAX_LENGTH : default 500 character, increase that number if your music paths exceed this value, then restart backend.
  • PG_DATA : database persistency.
  • API_HEADER_MAIL : mandatory to use properly API

Start up

full dockerized environment : docker compose --profile full up

  • frontend (http://localhost:3000)
  • backend (http://localhost:8000)
    • Django admin (localhost:8000/admin)
      • root/root
  • Nginx serving your music filesystem(http://localhost:8081/music)
  • database access (
    • postgres/postgres
    • database and schema : music.public
    • external database manager recommended DBeaver, for as long as I don't provide pgadmin container.


Configuration update (.env)

You need to update your .env file configuration to add your email or link an other folder, don't forget to run the following command to apply changes:

  • docker compose stop backend
  • docker compose up backend --build

"[backend] exec /app/ no such file or directory"

This error may occur on backend start

  • run dos2unix ./ then docker compose restart backend

Backend cannot connect to database

backend may fails to connect to database because it doesn't wait enough for the first db init :

  • Wait for the db container log line LOG: database system is ready to accept connections. It may take a while and you may see database stopping and restarting in the process.
  • Then run docker compose restart backend.

"[frontend] listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use"

Don't know why. may happen sometimes, we are not alone.

  • run docker compose up frontend --force-recreate

Dev notes

Run frontend without server, use mocked data / API

  vite: {
    define: {

building production - PoC


WIP Does not contains postgres + gdal binaries, nginx not included either. Will not work without those binaries

  • configure ./services/backend/manage.spec to includes new modules + third part binaries
  • compile executable services/backend > docker run --volume "%cd%:/src/" batonogov/pyinstaller-windows:latest
  • copy ./services/backend/dist/*.exe in ./services/frontend/src-tauri/binaries
  • rename the executable as *-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe
  • then services/frontend > npm run tauri build
  • executable will be in services/frontend/src-tauri/target/release. It works well with the backend launched in docker environment



Music library with geolocation, made in Vue3 packaged with Tauri, Django and Postgis as backend







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