Python packages for compressible flow computations
- Mach dependent functions for isentropic total pressure, temperature and mass flow
- local Rankine-Hugoniot shock wave equations (or 2d planar shocks) and conical shock waves
- Fanno equations for momentum losses in a duct
- Rayleigh equations for heating/cooling in a duct
- unsteady compressible 1D flows
- 1D stability equations: Orr-Sommerfeld and linearized compressible inviscid
- applications:
- nozzle flows
- (Riemann) shock tube
- Channel incompressible flow stability (Poiseuille)
- degree based trigonometric functions
- real gaz and kerozen thermo functions
- Newton iterative solve, ODE integration, Chebyshev spectral discretization
pip install aerokit
Documentation is available on readthedocs. More examples are available in the repository.
- examples are plotted using