Slice is a super-fast, lightweight, scalable, and easy-to-setup, source code search engine for use by individuals or small teams. It is designed and optimized for use on low-end commodity hardware: it will return lightning fast results on large source code bases without requiring a large amount of RAM or an SSD.
Of course, it will also return lightning fast results on better equipped machines with more RAM+SSD, but returning fast results on fast machines is too easy 😄.
Additionally, unlike traditional source code engines like Github source search, Slice is optimized for substring text search. This means a search for RestService
will not only match
, but also
. Source code search engines like Github are traditionaly only optimized for 'exact match' or 'starts with' searches (as efficient tree-based algorithms exist for these).
Slice is a backronym that stands for Searchable scaLable Index Creation Engine.
- Clone the repo, build it, and extract the newly built Open Liberty server:
git clone
cd slice
mvn clean package
cd SliceEAR/target
Extract the server to install it
- Extract the file
to somewhere on your machine, which we will refer to as the installation directory(install dir)
- Extract the file
Add configuration settings to the Open Liberty configuration file,
:- Open the Liberty
file at(install dir)/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml
- If you want Open Liberty to be accessible from other machines, you must use
. Add that attribute to the following line in server.xml (you may also edit http/https port):<httpEndpoint httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*">
- Add the following to the
- Open the Liberty
<jndiEntry jndiName="slice/config_xml_path" value="(path to GettingStarted-FileConfiguration.xml in artifacts/ directory of git repo)"/>
<jndiEntry jndiName="slice/SRC_DIR" value="(path to root of git repo)"/>
<jndiEntry jndiName="slice/DB_DIR" value="(path to where you want to store the database)"/>
- Run the indexer to index the source code in SRC_DIR, and store the index in DB_DIR
export DB_DIR=(path to where you want to store the database)
export SRC_DIR=(path to root of git repo)
# With Windows, use set, rather than export
java -jar (git repo root)/SliceCreation/target/SliceCreation-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (path to GettingStarted-FileConfiguration.xml in artifacts/ directory of git repo)
- Start the Open Liberty server
(install dir)/wlp/bin/server start
- Or, to start the server as a foreground process (allowing you to see the console and server log), use:
(install dir)/wlp/bin/server run
- Visit the Slice application at
https://(your host name):9443/SliceRS/resources/test-src
. Before you can issue search requests, you must log-in. ClickClick here to log-in here.
The username istest-user
, the password istest-password
. Both of these values are specified in theGettingStarted-FileConfiguration.xml