Proposal: A Modern Computing Architecture for Connected Autonomous Vehicles
Defense: An Extensible Computing Architecture Design for Connected Autonomous Vehicle System
UNT: An Algorithm for Optimal Mutual Exclusion in Computer Networks (Ricart-Agrawala)
UNT: VoxelNet, End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detections (Zhou-Tuzel) [Tensorflow implementation]
UNT: Docker Wharf - Sharing Docker Images in a Distributed FileSystem (Hildebrand)
UNT: 150 Successful Machine Learning Models: 6 Lessons Learned at Booking.com (Bernardi)
UNT: Firecracker - Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Applications (Alexandru Agache et al)
UNT: DeFog - Fog Computing Benchmarks (Jonathan McChesney et al)
Digital Divas 2023: Miles to Go: Golang for Competitive Programming?
Ready, Set, Go(lang)!: Boring by design: Simplicity and depth in software engineering
HackUNT 2023: Miles to Go: Golang for Competitive Programming?