C99, no dependencies other than libc and POSIX. Doesn't use lexx/flex or yacc/bison for lexing / parsing.
- scripts contains example .ASM files to run.
POSIX (Linux [x64 and Raspberry Pi]), OSX, Cygwin)
Windows (native, Visual Studio 2015 Community).
- simplecpu asmfilename [Y]
Assembles and runs specified file. Currently no support for pre-assembled memory images. Y being optional debug output from assembler.
; Comment
:LABEL Label
12345 Literal number
'A' Literal ASCII character (eg 65)
:BOTTLES "bottles of beer" Labelled string
#include Include file, eg: #include "../scripts/incl.asm"
Target operand is first, eg: ADD REG LIT will add literal LIT to register REG.
- HLT HALT (stop CPU)
- NOP No operation
- INC REG Increment register, eg INC R10
- DEC REG Decrement register, eg DEC R10
- ADD REG (LIT|REG) Add literal or register value to register
- SUB REG (LIT|REG) Subtract literal or register value from register
- MUL REG (LIT|REG) Multiply register value by literal or register value
- JMP :LABEL Unconditional jump to :LABEL
- JEQ :LABEL Jump to :LABEL if equal
- JNQ :LABEL Jump to :LABEL if not equal
- JGT :LABEL Jump to :LABEL if greater than
- JLT :LABEL Jump to :LABEL if less than
- MOV REG (LIT|REG|PORT) Copy value from register, literal or port to register, eg: MOV R9 $INPORTC
- MOV PORT REG Copy value from register to port, eg: MOV $OUTPORTC R10 or MOV $OUTPORTI R10
- CMP REG (LIT|REG) Compare and set flags
- PUSH (LIT|REG) Push value or register value to stack
- POP REG Pop value to specific register
- CALL Call :LABELNAME (Subroutine call)
- RET Return from subroutine
- PUSHU Push all user registers to stack, (not SP or PC).
- POPU Pop all user registers from stack, (not SP or PC).
- MOD REG LIT Modulo division, leave remainder in REG.
- MOD REG REG Modulo division, leave remainder in REG.
Not CPU instructions, but commands for assembler.
- REBASE Choose different memory location to continue assembling from.
- EQ Equality flag
- C Carry flag
$INPORTC Input character
$INPORTI Input integer
$OUTPORTC Print output character
$OUTPORTI Print output integer
$I00 - $I15 Interrupt vectors
$XYZABC Assign label "XYZABC" to a word of storage.
$I00 to $I15 are the interrupt vectors.
IRQ0 is KEYBOARD interrupt, eg:
; Setup interrupt handler (IRQ0)
MOV $I00 500 ; ie jump to location 500 to service IRQ0 (keyboard)
REBASE 500 ; Move assembly point to location 500
MOV R9 $INPORTC ; Get character
CMP R9 'X' ; See if it's eXit
JEQ :INPEND ; Jump to "end of input"
MOV $OUTPORTC R9 ; Print value
:INPEND ; "End of input" label
RET ; Return
16 registers.
R0 = PC
R1 = SP
R2 = Flags (Not yet supported)
R3 to R9 = GP registers.
R10 = First CALL register
R11 = Second CALL register
R12 = Third CALL register
R16 = RETURN value register
Stack starts at nearly top of memory (STACKTOP) and grows downwards. - No stack overflow checks.
Declare word variables as: $NUMBOTTLES
Declare static string variables as (for instance):
:TAKEONE " take one down, pass it around, now there's "
- Terminal control is incomplete for all platforms, so monitor.asm will not work (and is incomplete itself)
- Interrupt driven I/O needs work
- Would like to simplify instruction set further, possibly make this more 6502-like.
- Not tested on Linux / MacOS / BSD