Hu, J., Qiu, H., Zhang, H., & Ben-Zion, Y. (2020). Using Deep Learning to Derive Shear- Wave Velocity Models from Surface-Wave Dispersion Data. Seismological Research Letters, 91(3), 1738-1751.
You should have Anaconda3.4 and Matlab>=2014
pip install requirement.txt
cd ./1BuildTrainingTestDataset
# see readme and run some scripts to genertate training dataset
cd ./2TrainingAndTestScripts
All training parameters used during training can be modified in
class Config(object):
def __init__(self):
self.filepath_disp_training = '../DataSet/TrainingData/0.5km/USA_Tibet/disp_combine_gaussian_map/'
self.filepath_vs_training = '../DataSet/TrainingData/0.5km/USA_Tibet/vs_curve/'
self.filepath_disp_real = '../DataSet/TestData/real-8s-50s/China/disp_pg_real/'
self.batch_size = 64 # training batch size
self.nEpochs = 600 # maximum number of epochs to train = 0.00001 # learning rate
self.seed = 123 # random seed
self.plot = True # show validation result during training
self.alpha=0.0000 # damping, not used here
self.pretrained =True
self.start=600 # training from 600th model.
self.pretrain_net = "./model_para/model_epoch_"+str(self.start)+".pth"
For training, please set self.filepath_disp_training
and self.filepath_vs_training
tensorboard --logdir ./runs
After training, then you plot training loss and validation loss for publish
python ./ # you should change some parameters in this script
For prediction, set your real dispersion curve path self.filepath_disp_real
Set self.start=number
, number is your model ID stored in ./model_para/
must be True
The name and content of real dispersion curve file should be like examples
e.g. lat_lon.txt
period1 ph_vel1 ph_un1 gr_vel1 gr_un1
period2 ph_vel2 ph_un2 gr_vel2 gr_un2
periodN ph_velN ph_unN gr_velN gr_unN
cd ./ExtractResultMap
see Readme to run some scritps.
copy layers_vs_usa and layers_vs_usa_tibet to ../3GMT_plotResults/
cd ../3GMT_plotResults
See readme to run some scripts to plot results.
Left to right: Test1 (usa data as training dataset), Test2 (usa-tibet data as training dataset), Shen et al. (2016)
By Jing Hu
Date 2020-11-24
Email [email protected]