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wing doc using regular expressions to achieve, no context dependent, so it can use in any php file system

how to use?

1、Install chrome extension from directory /chrome/WingDoc or file /chrome/WingDoc.crx

2、Use the following code to create a document

include "vendor/autoload.php";
$app = new \Wing\Doc\Doc("/Users/yuyi/Web/xiaoan/api",__DIR__."/doc");



http api doc demo

 string(6,64) means that the password form key length must be between 6-64
  * user login api
  * @url
  * @request number(11,11) phone 手机号码
  * @request string(6,64) password 密码
  * @response json

use json template and datetime format

  json template like this : * @request json topics [{"id":0,"name":"${string(0,0)}"},{"id":0,"name":"${string(0,0)}"}] 悬赏话题
  datetime format like this : * @request datetime time ${Y-m-d H:i:s} 时间

   * 发布悬赏
   * @url
   * @header string token 用户token标识
   * @request string title 悬赏标题
   * @request string describe 问题描述
   * @request json topics [{"id":0,"name":"${string(0,0)}"},{"id":0,"name":"${string(0,0)}"}] 悬赏话题
   * @request datetime time ${Y-m-d H:i:s} 时间
   * @request double money 悬赏金额
   * @response json