Remake Final Mission of Ace Combat Zero with Unity.
- This is a personal project and currently in development.
- Since I'm testing with DualShock 4 (PlayStation 4 Controller), I'm not sure if other gamepads are working properly in this project. (XBOX Controller, etc.)
- Due to asset's license issue, commit histories can be deleted sometimes. (In that case, commit count will be very low.)
- Please check for other used assets.
- Input
- Aircraft Control
- Camera Control
- Missile
- Machine Gun
- UI
- Missile & Camera Lock-On
- Additional Movement (Autopilot, Stall, etc)
- Damage System
- Enemy AI
- Autopilot
- Missile Evasion
- Firing missile to Player
- Game Over Direction
- Sound System
- Phase System & Special Weapon
- Pause/Game Over UI
- Transcript System
- ZERO Mission Cutscenes
- Phase 3 Cutscene
- Ending Cutscene
- Main/Result Screen
- English/Korean Language Support
- Build Test
This list can be changed at anytime.
Always TODO:
- Animations
- Graphics Enhancing
- Optimization
(YouTube link image)
[Development Example]
devlog : (Korean language only)