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Tool for repeating earthquakes searching and analysis

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Event based or template-matching repeating earthquake searching and analyzing tool

What it can/cannot do

-[x] Download USGS catalog 
-[x] Download event-based data or continuous data
-[x] Event based repeating earthquake searching (with unknown arrival picks)
    i.e. RepEQ predict travel time arrival by a user defined velocity model.
-[x] Continuous data based repeating earthquake searching with the ANSS(USGS) picks
-[x] Coda waves interferometry
-[-] Earthquake relocation (Beta)

Important Updates

(2020.12.14) Parallel processing cross-correlation template matching
(2020.12.09) Add chunk reading for ms > 2GB (automatically applied)
(2020.11.17) Add coda wave interferometry
(2020.11.13) Data visualization of waveforms
(2020.11.01) Add repeating earthquake relocation (iterative inversion method)
(2020.10.17) Add template download tool
(2020.10.06) Modify Mass_downloader

Example of template-matching method for repeating earthquake detections in the Hawaiian Island

(left) Example waveforms at the station JOKA; (right) Zoom-in view of the waveforms

1. Installation

RepEQ uses phase picks from the ANSS(USGS) catalog, so make sure install libcomcat first

cd to the place where you want to put the source code

cd Your_Local_Path  
git clone


Go to your environval variable file (.base_profile or .bashrc)

vi ~/.bashrc  


vi ~/.bash_profile      

and add the following line in the file

#set RepEQ

2. Download catalog

2-1 RepEQ uses USGS's API to download events (libcomcat not required)

Simply copy example file and modify the parameters for event based catalog.

#in control file
download_tools.catalog_USGS(cata_times, cata_area, cata_magnitude, cata_out)

The function takes 4 inputs

Variable Name Meaning
cata_times <array or list; len=2; dtype=str or datetime> i.e. [t1,t2] the begining and ending of catalog.
cata_area <array or list; len=4; dtype=float> area defined by 4-points [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]
cata_magnitude <array or list; len=2; dtype=float> magnitude range [mag_min, mag_max]
cata_name output name

2-2 RepEQ can also generate fake catalog for downloading continuous data later

Copy example file and modify the parameters.

#in control file
download_tools.make_catalog(times=[cata_times[0], cata_times[1]], dt=dt, lon_lat=lon_lat, outname=cata_out)

The function is similar to example 2-1 except the dt, which controls the sampling interval of the generated time.
For daily data, set dt=86400.

3. Download waveforms

3-1 RepEQ download waveforms based on the catalog generated from the above. Waveforms can be either chunks of data (event-based) or continuous data (everything)

Copy example file or then set the time (i.e. how long the timeseries to be downloaded) and filter (i.e. which event should be downloaded)

#in control file
download_tools.download_waves_catalog(cata_out, cata_filters, sec_bef_aft, range_rad, channel, provider, waveforms_outdir)

Default output directory is home/project_name/waveforms

3-2 Download templates for continuous data searching

Copy example file, use the repeq.template module

from repeq import template

T = template.Template(home, project_name, cata_name2, True, sampling_rate, filter=filter, tcs_length=[1,9], filt_CC=0.3, filt_nSTA=6, plot_check=True)
#set = True
T.template_load()  #load data or download data depends on is True/False

The template will be in the home/project_name/waveform_template

Attribute Name Meaning
catalog <str;> catalog name
download <boolean;> download the data or loading them from waveform_template
tcs_length <array or list; len=2; dtype=float> time series length before and after arrival

4. Repeating earthquake searching

Now you have the waveforms what's next?

4-1 For continuous data template matching

Copy example file, use the repeq.template module.

Step 1. Before run the script, make sure you have downloaded template data in home/project_name/waveform_template/ and continuous data in home/project_name/waveform/ .
There are two ways to run calculation i)run directly or ii) multiprocessing which is highly recommended!

# Run by multiprocessing
T = template.Template(home, project_name, cata_name2, False, sampling_rate, filter=filter, tcs_length=[1,9], filt_CC=0.3, filt_nSTA=6, plot_check=False)

# Set = False, so T.template_load() will not download the templates again but load all the existing ms in the list
T.template_load()  #to show all the templates: print(

# Decide how many multiprocessing
n_part = 8 #set 8 multiprocessing
T_part = template.T_partition(T,n_part=n_part) #partitioning the T
template.T_parallel(T_part, n_part=n_part, save_CCF=False, fmt=2) #parallel for all T_part

## if you insist or computer out-of-memory, here is the way to run them one-by-one
## T.template_load()
## T.xcorr_cont(save_CCF=False, fmt=2) #fmt=1 no longer supported

The results will be saved in home/project_name/output/Template_match/Detections/

Step 2. Make sure detections are robust.

from repeq import data_proc

#set some filter to the detections
    'diff_t':60,         #inter-event time >= 60 s
    'min_sta':6,         #minimum 6 stations (channels or phases)
    'min_CC':0.3         #minimum averaged CC

# cut the time series from filtered detections
data_proc.bulk_cut_dailydata(home, project_name, filter_detc, cut_window=[5,20])  #cut a longer time series for better plotting

# make figure from the above (cut) timeseries
from repeq import data_visual

data_visual.bulk_plot_detc_tcs(home, project_name, filter_detc)

4-2 For event-based searching

Copy example file, make search=True then run. It has main 4 steps.

Step 1. Predict arrival time based on catalog and station location from a given velocity model, and calculate CC

analysis.searchRepEQ(home, project_name, vel_model, cata_name, data_filters, startover=startover, make_fig_CC=make_fig_CC, QC=True, save_note=True)

Step 2. Apply hash to merge the measurement into a large summary file

analysis.read_logs(home, project_name) #merge all the .log file into a large summary file: project_name.summary

Step 3. Link the summary file and find repeating earthquake sequence

analysis.sequence(home, project_name, seq_filters) #make sequence file: project_name.summary

Step 4. Furthermore, measure coda-wave interferometry

analysis.measure_lag(home, project_name, lag_params, sequence_file, cata_name) #If A and B are repeating EQ, align P waves and measure their lags.  

Add Issues if you have questions, ideas, or would like to contribute to the code via Step-by-Step Fork tutorial, or simply email: jiunting AT uoregon DOT edu