Service worker for qido url —> sql transform
Or client script can query directly
Qido service runs either on client or service worker, backed by SQLite static db
Index: patient and study level
Attribute Name | Tag |
PatientName | 00100010 |
PatientID | 00100020 |
PatientBirthDate | 00100030 |
AccessionNumber | 00080050 |
ModalitiesInStudy | 00080061 (if supported on study level) |
Modality | 00080060 (series level, if ModalitiesInStudy not returned on study level) |
StudyDate | 00080020 |
BodyPartExamined | 00180015 (may need to parse DICOM to get this) |
StudyInstanceUID | 0020000D |
{attributeID} can be one of the following:
{dicomTag}.{attributeID}, where {attributeID} is an element of the sequence specified by {dicomTag}
{dicomKeyword}.{attributeID}, where {attributeID} is an element of the sequence specified by {dicomKeyword}
{dicomTag} is the eight character hexadecimal string corresponding to the Tag of a DICOM Attribute (see 6 in PS3.6 ).
{dicomKeyword} is the Keyword of a DICOM Attribute (see 6 in PS3.6 ).