This project is a memory game based on one of my favorite series: Vikings.
Here I created two pages: the first one is a login page that takes the username and save on Local Storage. The second one it's the game itself. A game composed by 28 cards representing 14 characters from the serie (Ragnar, Bjorn, Lagherta, Ivar, Ecbert, etc.).
I hope you enjoy It! 🙂
Here are the languages used in this project:
- JavaScript
1 - Open the file index.HTML and you'll be redirected to the game's login page. Now all you have to do it's to type your Warrior Name ⚔️
2 - Ready! Now you can play the game. Click on the cards, find the pairs and in the end of the game the Browser'll show your game time: ⏲️
- João Pedro Nascimento
Thanks to visiting me and good coding!