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Jocelyn Thode edited this page Jan 16, 2017 · 17 revisions

Roadmap November 2016


  • Improve code documentation
  • Improve code structure for reusability
  • Find out exactly what metrics we want to show


  • Run tests for churn
  • Improve drastically the benchmarking scripts
  • Improve log parsing scripts


  • Create figures
  • Start working on basic sections structure
  • Start working on basic explanation for figures

Roadmap October 2016


  • Define Goal further down the line
  • Choose values to test for (should we test for 60 and 250 only?)
  • Run tests for no churn values


  • Automate testing
  • Prettify the automated tests
  • Find a nice way to count packets sent (Wireshark?)
  • Check if JMH might be adapted to our project

Improve Base OpenNebula Image

  • Add memory capacity : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 quiet"
  • chown data folder


  • Improve packet size efficiency for the PSS
  • Find a way to fix the max events per packet (MTU? or just use 576 ? or just 1400 ?) (probably either 1400 or 576)
  • Check if GZip is used the right way (We don't anymore)
  • Find a way to pass the delta as a program arg
  • Add argparse4j to JGroupsTester
  • Enhance JGroupsTester run scripts (since we can't use docker swarm we have to "hack" a solution)