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API Documentation

Joel Christ edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 5 revisions

Creating shorties

There are currently two ways of creating a shorty, either with a randomly generated unique identifier, or with a custom one you can choose yourself.

Random Identifier

URL : /shorties/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Permissions required : None

Data constraints

Provide a JSON representation of the shorty you want to create

    "fullUrl": "<string>"

Note that the fullUrl field should contain a valid URL.

Data example

    "fullUrl": ""

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

Returns a JSON representation of a shorty object.

    "fullUrl": "",
    "shortIdentifier": "abcde"

Custom Identifier

URL : /shorties/custom/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Permissions required : None

Data constraints

Provide a JSON representation of the shorty you want to create

    "fullUrl": "<string>",
    "shortIdentifier": "<string>"

Note that the fullUrl field should contain a valid URL.

Data example

    "fullUrl": "",
    "shortIdentifier": "iamcustom"

Success Response

Condition : If everything is OK and a shorty with the same shortIdentifier didn't exist.

Code : 201 CREATED

Content example

    "fullUrl": "",
    "shortIdentifier": "iamcustom"

Error Responses

Condition : If a a shorty with the same shortIdentifier already exists.

Code : 409 CONFLICT

Content :

    "timestamp": 1516904578585,
    "status": 409,
    "error": "Conflict",
    "exception": "nl.joelchrist.shorty.exceptions.DuplicateShortyException",
    "message": "A shorty with this shortIdentifier already exists.",
    "path": "/shorties/custom"


Condition : If fields in the request are missing or invalid

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content example

	"timestamp": 1516904705569,
	"status": 400,
	"error": "Bad Request",
	"exception": "org.springframework.web.bind.MethodArgumentNotValidException",
	"errors": [{
		"codes": ["URL.shorty.fullUrl", "URL.fullUrl", "", "URL"],
		"arguments": [{
				"codes": ["shorty.fullUrl", "fullUrl"],
				"arguments": null,
				"defaultMessage": "fullUrl",
				"code": "fullUrl"
			[], {
				"codes": [""],
				"defaultMessage": "",
				"arguments": null
			}, -1, {
				"codes": [""],
				"defaultMessage": "",
				"arguments": null
			}, {
				"codes": [".*"],
				"defaultMessage": ".*",
				"arguments": null
		"defaultMessage": "A shorty's full url should be a valid url",
		"objectName": "shorty",
		"field": "fullUrl",
		"rejectedValue": "df",
		"bindingFailure": false,
		"code": "URL"
	"message": "Bad Request",
	"path": "/shorties/custom"
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