This is a simple app that helps users track their favorite stonks and see their value in a portfolio that is kept manually for now. This is not a real time watchlist.
You will need to get your own API keys. They're all free. To get started, follow these instructions.
This app proudly uses the Financial Modeling Prep API to download stock quotes and information.
- Users can see stonks.
- Users can save stonks.
- Users can delete stonks.
- Users can search for stonks.
- Users can get detailed information about a single stonk.
- Users can see news about their stonks - Powered by
- Users can see sector performance.
- Users can see market movers, winners, and losers.
- Users can see market indexes.
- Users can delete all of their stonks.
- Users can create a portfolio of their own stocks and track performance.
- Users can manually save all their trades to a portfolio.
- Users can save their credentials and update their trades from their own brokers.