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Config File Setup

Johelvis Guzman edited this page Oct 19, 2021 · 18 revisions

If you wish to use the configuration files to configure the repositories, please follow these steps:

Element Definitions

Element Description
defaultContextFactory A typed element that defines the default repository context factory to use
interceptors Accepts a collection of typed interceptor elements
interceptor A typed element that defines an interceptor that can intercept activity within the repository
loggingProvider A typed element that defines a logging provider for logging activity within the repository
cachingProvider A typed element that defines a caching provider for caching query results within the repository

Each element can accept a collection of parameters that can be used to construct the type.

Element Description
parameters Accepts a collection of parameter elements
parameter A name-value element

XML Configuration File Template Example

In order for the repositories to read data from the App.config the user will need to add a custom section handler and a configuration section:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit -->
    <section name="repository" type="DotNetToolkit.Repository.Internal.ConfigFile.ConfigurationSection, DotNetToolkit.Repository" />
    <defaultContextFactory type="DotNetToolkit.Repository.InMemory.Internal.InMemoryRepositoryContextFactory, DotNetToolkit.Repository.InMemory">
      <param name="ignoreTransactionWarning" value="True" />
      <param name="databaseName" value="__InMemoryDatabaseName__" />
    <loggingProvider type="DotNetToolkit.Repository.Configuration.Logging.ConsoleLoggerProvider, DotNetToolkit.Repository">
      <param name="minLogLevel" value="Debug" />
    <cachingProvider type="DotNetToolkit.Repository.Test.Data.TestCacheProvider, DotNetToolkit.Repository.Test">
      <param name="expiry" value="00:00:30" />
      <interceptor type="DotNetToolkit.Repository.Test.Data.TestRepositoryInterceptor, DotNetToolkit.Repository.Test">
        <param name="p1" value="random param" />
        <param name="p2" value="True" />
var options = new RepositoryOptionsBuilder()
    .UseConfiguration() // it will use the App.config file
    .UseConfiguration(fileName) // it will use an arbitrary file path to load the xml file

JSON Configuration File Template Example

In order for the repositories to read data from the appsettings.json file the user will need to add a section to the file:

  "repository": {
    "defaultContextFactory": {
      "type": "DotNetToolkit.Repository.InMemory.Internal.InMemoryRepositoryContextFactory, DotNetToolkit.Repository.InMemory",
      "parameters": {
        "ignoreTransactionWarning": true,
        "databaseName": "__InMemoryDatabaseName__"
    "loggingProvider": {
      "type": "DotNetToolkit.Repository.Configuration.Logging.ConsoleLoggerProvider, DotNetToolkit.Repository",
      "parameters": {
        "minLogLevel": "Debug"
    "cachingProvider": {
      "type": "DotNetToolkit.Repository.Caching.InMemory.InMemoryCacheProvider, DotNetToolkit.Repository.Caching.InMemory",
      "parameters": {
        "expiry": "00:00:30"
    "interceptors": [
        "type": "DotNetToolkit.Repository.Integration.Test.Data.TestRepositoryInterceptor, DotNetToolkit.Repository.Integration.Test",
        "parameters": {
          "randomParameter": "random param value",
var options = new RepositoryOptionsBuilder()
    .UseConfiguration(Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration) // it will use a configuration section

Additionally, any element type that is defined in the configuration file can be resolved by using the RepositoryDependencyResolver.