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4.4. Field templates

John edited this page Dec 25, 2015 · 3 revisions

In order to avoid repetitions of identical field definitions, the field templates were introduced. These have to be placed into a file named "_templates.csv" (either directly in the configuration directory or a subdirectory in which case the templates are only valid for message definitions in that subdirectory).

A field template definition consists of the following columns:


The individual columns are these:

    The name of the template, optionally followed by the field name that will be used when the template is referenced by a message definition.
    A list of builtin base data types and/or already defined template names separated by semicolon.
    The divider to apply on the numeric base type or a list of name/value associations separated by semicolon (value either in decimal or starting with "0x" for hex).
  • [UNIT]
    The value unit (e.g. "°C").
    A comment for the field.

Example template definition

name type/templates divider/values unit comment
temp:temperature D2C °C
sensor UCH 0=ok;85=circuit;170=cutoff sensor status
tempsensor temp;sensor
calibration D2C K
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Example message definition using templates

By using defaults and templates as described above, the example from a previous chapter can be further reduced to this:

type circuit name comment QQ ZZ PBSB ID field1 part type/templates divider/values unit comment
*r ehp 08 B509 0D
*w ehp 08 B509 0E
r1 brinetemp 0F00 tempsensor
r;w brinetempcal CD00 calibration
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