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Tutorial 1: Annotating an SBML model

johnmay edited this page Apr 8, 2013 · 46 revisions


This page will guide you through the process of annotating a Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) model. This tutorial is intended a guide only, further details can be found on the other wiki pages. There is a screencast to accompany this tutorial is available here.

### Contents * [Before you begin](#byb) * [The model](#tm) * [Download Metingear](#dl) * [Resources](#res) * [Loading the SBML](#lts) * [Create a reconstruction](#car) * [Import the SBML file](#itsf) * [Saving the active reconstruction](#star) * [Extracting Annotations](#ea) * [Selecting metabolites](#sm) * [Extracting cross-references](#ecr) * [Extracting textual annotations](#eta) * [Assigning Annotations](#aa) * [Manual cross-reference](#mcr) * [Automatic cross-reference](#acr) * [Curated cross-reference](#ccr) * [Transferring chemical structure](#tcs) * [Manually assigning chemical structure](#macs) * [Generating chemical structure](#gcs) * [Export](#exp)
## Before you begin
### The model

We will be annotating the a consensus model of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 (Theile et al, 2011). To begin, download the SBML from the supplementary material: and extract the STM_v1.0.xml file to an accessible location on your computer.

### Download Metingear You can download the latest version of Metingear from the [home page]( Further information on starting the application can be found on the [Installation](Installation) page. **When running the Java Archive version (`.jar`) be sure to provide the Virtual Machine enough memory** [Installation/Java Archive](Installation#wiki-jar).
### Resources

With Metingear open, choose the menu item Edit > Preferences. Within the Resources preferences you can load information from a variety of datasets. Some dataset require the location to be manually defined as their files are either not freely accessibly or are very large. The datasets used in this tutorial can all be automatically downloaded. Although you can load multiple resources at once it is not advisable on large data sets as this may lead to excessive memory and CPU consumption. If you are having issues when the loading the resources you may not have assigned enough memory to the Java Virtual Machine (see. Installation/Java Archive).

For this tutorial we will need four resources. Click the update icon (down arrow) for ChEBI Names, ChEBI Chemical Structures (large), ChEBI Data and UniProt Taxonomy - these are indicated below.

Loading resources

Please refer to the Resources page for a more detailed description of each resource.

## Loading the SBML
### Create a reconstruction [`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#itsf)

Before we open the SBML file we need to create a reconstruction into which the metabolites and reactions can be loaded. Open the Metingear application and select the menu item File > New Reconstruction. This will pressent you with a dialog and several text fields. Select the Organism Code field and enter salty - this is the five character mnemonic from UniProt. If you have successfully loaded the UniProt Taxonomy resource entering the code will display a list of possible options below the text field. Select and click the first entry in the drop-down list and the rest of the fields in the dialog will be filled in.

Create Reconstruction Code Selection

If you have not loaded the UniProt Taxonomy resource then you will need to complete each of the fields manually and specify an identifier for your reconstruction. The fields are Organism Name=Salmonella typhimurium, Organism Code=salty, Taxon Code=99287, Kingdom=BACTERIA.

### Import the SBML file [`prev`](#car)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#star)

Creating a reconstruction will update the sidebar to show there is currently one active reconstruction. With an active reconstruction we can now load our SBML file. Select File > Import SBML and use the file chooser to navigate to where you extracted STM_v1.0.xml and open it. Please wait while the file is opened - this may take a long time for larger files. Some SBML files may contain compartments that Metingear does not yet recognise in this case a popup will request you select an appropriate compartment (see Import).

Once the SMBL has been imported the side bar should update with labels beside Metabolites and Reactions. These labels list the total count of that entity type.

Active Reconstruction in Sidebar

To view the metabolites and reactions you must navigate to either the Metabolites or Reactions view. It is possible to navigate to the view by selecting Metabolites or Reactions in the side bar. On the toolbar at the top there is a button group which list the view you are currently on. To navigate to another view click one of buttons which is not depressed.

Change View

### Saving the active reconstruction [`prev`](#itsf)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#sm)

Before we continue it is a good idea to save the reconstruction by selecting File > Save. This will save the reconstruction as binary, the default location to save is <home>/<>.mr. In my case the reconstruction id was iSty2546 and so the reconstruction was saved to /Users/johnmay/ (see also Saving Internally).

## Extracting Annotations
### Selecting metabolites [`prev`](#star)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#ecr)

With the model loaded select the Metabolites view and click on the Accession column. This will sort the entries by accession. Click on the accession column until the rows are sorted, the first entries should be; M_10fthf_c, M_12dgr120_p, M_12dgr140_p, etc.

Sort By Accession

Select the first entry in the table M_10fthf_c - 10-Formyltetrahydrofolate. Notice how the inspector ad the bottom changes. On the right of the inspector there are several Notes defined for this entity.

inpsector for M_10fthf

These annotations correspond to the <notes> element of the imported SBML.

<species id="M_10fthf_c" name="10-Formyltetrahydrofolate" compartment="c" charge="-2">
    <html xmlns="">
      <p>FORMULA: C20H21N7O7</p>
      <p>KEGG ID: C00234</p>
      <p>PubChem ID: 3533</p>
      <p>ChEBI ID: 15637</p>

There are currently two tools in Metingear which allow us to extract information from the Notes. Extracting the information gives the data context and definition which is required to unambiguously identify what a metabolite is.

### Extracting cross-references [`prev`](#sm)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#eta)

Whilst viewing the Metabolites select the first 5 entries (M_10fthf_c - M_12dgr160_p).

Selecting the First Five Entries

With the entries selected, click the menu item Tools > Annotation > Extract cross-references from notes.

Extract Xref Dialog

Without changing any options in the dialog, click Extract. This will update the list of metabolites which will now have ChEBI cross-references listed in the Cross-references column and in the inspector.

Entries with Xref's

Selecting the first entry we can also see the annotation table has updated. Clicking the value (CHEBI:15637) for the ChEBI Cross-reference will open up the entry in your default browser.

ChEBI Xref Value

With the ChEBI references loaded we will now undo this action. Select Edit > Undo to remove the added cross-references. The metabolites should update and the first 5 entries will no longer have any cross-references listed.

Selecting the First Five Entries

You may have noticed that the PubChem ID and KEGG ID references were not extracted by the tool. This is because the names PubChem and KEGG are too general to infer which resource the identifier was from. In the case of PubChem this could be from PubChem-Compound (CIDs) or from PubChem-Substance (SIDs). Generally PubChem-Compound is more common as PubChem-Subtance contains redundant entries. Unfortunately there is no difference in the identifier format between these two databases. The PubChem ID: 3533 from the first reference could be either a CID or an SID. As is shown below the entries for CID 3533 and SID 3533 are not the same.

CID-3533 SID-3533

This metabolite was actually referencing the SID but cannot infer this from the identifier alone.

In the case of KEGG, metabolic models normally refer to KEGG LIGAND which is actually a composition of several databases including: KEGG COMPOUND, KEGG GLYCAN, KEGG DRUG and KEGG REACTION. In this case it looks like all the identifiers are for KEGG COMPOUND in which case we must tell the extraction dialog that KEGG is an alias for KEGG COMPOUND. If one of the KEGG ID identifiers is not from KEGG COMPOUND then it will only be included if Verify accession is valid is unchecked.

Select the first 5 entries again and click the menu item Tools > Annotation > Extract cross-references from notes. This time we are going to check the Override Inference box and select KEGG COMPOUND from the list of resources.

Extract Xref Dialog - select kegg

The Resource Pattern will update and now contain KEGG COMPOUND. As we are specifying KEGG as an alais for KEGG COMPOUND we must remove the COMPOUND suffix.

Removing Compound Suffix

With the suffix removed we can run the tool again by clicking Extract. This time the cross-references C000234 and C000641 are correctly extracted and assigned.

Entries with KEGG Xref's

### Extracting textual annotations [`prev`](#ecr)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#mcr)

In addition to the the cross-references we also have Notes which contain the formula of the metabolites. We can extract the formula and other textual annotations in a similar manner to the cross-references. Select the first 5 metabolites again and click the menu item Tool > Annotations > Extract textual annotations from notes.

Entries text annotation dialog

Select Molecular Formula from the combo box, this will set the Pattern required to extract the formula. Some Notes may require a different Pattern but for this model the default option is okay. Click Extract and the formula for the first 5 entries will be added. Please refer to the Tools page for more information on extracting cross-references and text annotations.

Entries with formula

# Assigning Annotations

In addition to extracting annotations from notes it is also possible to add annotations manually or to infer an annotation based on a metabolite name. This section will guide you through these steps as well as how to attach a chemical structure when the no cross-reference is adequate.

### Manual cross-reference [`prev`](#eta)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#acr)

We are going to search for and add a cross-reference to 1-4-alpha-D-glucan. To search for this metabolite we will use the search box at the top right of the toolbar. Enter "1-4-alpha-D-glucan" in the search box making sure to include the quotation marks. The quotations are required as this name contains the subtract (-) character which can be used to narrow the search and exclude terms you do not want to appear in the results.

Search Box

Entering the name will update the active view to show the entities which match your query.

Search Results

In this case the first entry is the one we wanted.

Top Result

Double click on this entry and you will be taken back to the Metabolites view with 1-4-alpha-D-glucan as the selected entry.

Entry in Metabolites View

In the inspector we can see this entry has a Note for the KEGG COMPOUND identifier but the ChEBI and PubChem-Compound references are empty (NA). As of July 2012 (after this model was published) ChEBI now has (1→4)-α-D-glucan (CHEBI:15444) which we can add as a cross-reference. To manually add this cross-reference double click on the the cross-reference column. This will open a callout dialog with a text-field.

Xref Dialog

Select the text field in the dialog and enter CHEBI:15444 this will automatically update the resource selection on the left to ChEBI.

Xref Dialog + ChEBI

We can also add additional cross-references such as the KEGG COMPOUND identifier listed which was listed in the Notes. To add another identifier, click the green plus to the right of the text-field. This will add another row to the dialog.

Xref Dialog Expanded

Enter the KEGG COMPOUND identifier C00912 into this second field.

Xref Dialog + KEGG

Again the resource selection has correctly updated to KEGG Compound. Closing the dialog using the cross in the top left will add the cross-references to the entity.

Xref Dialog Updated

### Automatic cross-reference [`prev`](#mcr)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#ccr)

Although it is possible to manually add each cross-reference it is a lot faster to do this automatically. We can use the name of a metabolite to find an appropriate cross-reference from our loaded resources. Select the entries R-Propane-1-2-diol and S-Propane-1-2-diol - these entries should be just above 1-4-alpha-D-glucan when sorted by accession (see previous paragraph).

Select R and S propane-1-2-diol

Click the menu item Tools > Annotation > Automatic Cross-reference this will open up a dialog with several options. In the opened dialog select the checkbox Approximate match.

Automatic Xref Dialog

If you have more then one resource available drag ChEBI to the top of the Resource priority.

Automatic Xref Dialog - ChEBI Bottom Automatic Xref Dialog - ChEBI Top

Selecting Okay will perform a search on the name of each metabolite and attempt to assign one or more cross-references to the selected metabolites. The search succeeds and adds CHEBI:28792 and CHEBI:29002 as Cross-references on these metabolites.

R/S Propanediol with Xref

Please refer to Tools/Automatic Cross-reference for more details on using this dialog.

### Curated cross-reference [`prev`](#acr)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#tcs)

In addition to automatically assigning a cross-reference it can be beneficial to choose the most appropriate. Select the metabolite 3-Phospho-D-glyceroyl-phosphate this should be just below the two entries from the previous paragraph (if ordered by accession). With the entity select extract the molecular formula from the Note (see Extract Textual Annotation).

pgly selected

This entry already has several cross-references in the notes, including one for ChEBI. The existing ChEBI cross-reference (CHEBI:16001) is referring to the same structure but at a different protonation state. We will try to find a cross-reference which matches this metabolites protonation state. With the entity selected click the menu item Tool > Annotations > Curate Metabolite. This will open a dialog with several sections which are hidden by default. Clicking any arrow on the left will expand that section.

curate dialog

Click the arrow next to the first section Database Search to expand that section.

curate dialog expanded

From the list of resources on the left if multiple are available drag ChEBI to the top of the list.

curate dialog chebi on top

Selecting the Approximate box - this will display several results in the table to the right.

curate dialog aprx

By selecting the first row we can inspect the quality of this reference using the match indicator at the top of the section.

curate dialog hit 1

This first entry (CHEBI:16001) is the same as the one in the notes. As you can see the match indicates the formula and charge do not match. An orange formula indicates it would be correct if the charge matched. Selecting the second row will change the match indicator to show all fields have a successful match.

curate dialog hit 2

With the second row selected click the Assign button at the lower left of the dialog to set this cross-reference on the metabolite.

curate dialog assign

Select Okay at the bottom right to close the dialog, the entry is now updated with the correct cross-reference.

pgly update

Please refer to Tools/Curate Metabolite for more details on this database search dialog.

### Transfer chemical structure [`prev`](#ccr)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#macs)

Now we have some cross-references assigned we can use these to attach a chemical structure. Chemical structure is transfer from one or more cross-reference. As the cross-references are linked to a resource we know where to go to find the structure. With the metabolites sorted by accession, select all the rows we have previously edited.

select rows

Choose the menu item Tools > Annotation > Transfer Chemical Structure. This will open the following dialog with several options. Please refer to Tools for a detail explanation of the available options.

transfer dialog

Selecting Allow Web services will allow you to fetch structures from KEGG Compound. The resources will be processed in the order they appear. To follow this tutorial ChEBI should be moved to the top. With the options specified, click Okay. The Metabolites table will update and the entries now have chemical structures attached.

transfer dialog result

To the right of each row in the table (you may need to scroll) an icon indicates whether a structure is likely to be correct (Validity). The Validity is calculated given an annotated Charge and Molecular Formula. The two structures for R-Propane-1-2-diol and S-Propane-1-2-diol are indicated in red because the formula has not been attached. As before, we can attach for formula using Extract Textual Annotations and the indicator will update to green. If a structure is indicated as Red it is either incorrect or it may be a generic structure which needs to be expand. We need to correct such cases manually.

![structures with formula]( added-with-formula.png)

### Manually assigning chemical structure [`prev`](#tcs)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#gcs)

You may have noticed that metabolites in rows 2-5 all had the same cross-reference (C00641). These four metabolites are all glycerolipids. Typically chemical databases will only provide a generic form of lipids, this is the reason while four different metabolites all have the same cross-reference.

To fully capture the chemistry of these metabolites (and the reactions they participate in) we need to completely specify their structure. We can interrupt what the chemical structure should look like from their name. The didodeca in the first name means 2 x 12 or 2 chains of length 12. In this case it is even easier as the suffix (C120) encodes the length of the aliphatic chain (C12 = 12) and, with the last digit, whether there is a double bond in that chain (0 = no double bonds, 1 = a double bond). The full name can be used to determine where the double bond is located and also what stereo conformation it is. In the name 1-2-Diacyl-sn-glycerol-ditetradec-7-enoyl the 7 indicates the double bond is between the 7th and 8th carbon of the chain, there is no stereo-conformation specified. The table below summarises the length of chains for these four lipids and their IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI). The InChI line notation provides a concise representation of the chemical structure which Metingear can interpret.

Metabolite Name Chain length Saturated InChI
1-2-Diacyl-sn-glycerol-didodecanoyl-n-C120 12 Yes InChI=1S/C27H52O5/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-26(29)31-24-25(23-28)32-27(30)22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h25,28H,3-24H2,1-2H3
1-2-Diacyl-sn-glycerol-ditetradecanoyl-n-C140 14 Yes InChI=1S/C31H60O5/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-30(33)35-28-29(27-32)36-31(34)26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h29,32H,3-28H2,1-2H3
1-2-Diacyl-sn-glycerol-ditetradec-7-enoyl-n-C141 14 No InChI=1S/C31H56O5/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-30(33)35-28-29(27-32)36-31(34)26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h11,13-14,16,29,32H,3-10,12,15,17-28H2,1-2H3/b13-11-,16-14-
1-2-Diacyl-sn-glycerol-dihexadecanoyl-n-C160 16 Yes InChI=1S/C35H68O5/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-27-29-34(37)39-32-33(31-36)40-35(38)30-28-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h33,36H,3-32H2,1-2H3

We can attach these chemical structures to the metabolites in a variety of ways. The easiest way is to use the Curate Metabolite dialog to assign the structures in batch. If multiple structures are selected the dialog will automatically open for the next structure once the previous metabolite has been curated.

With the table sorted by accession, select the four entries in the metabolites table from rows 2 to 5.

select only lipids

Open the Curate Metabolite dialog again by choosing Tools > Annotation > Curate Metabolite from the menu. With the dialog open expand the Assign Structure section

curate dialog 2

We can identify which entry we are curating by the title of the dialog.

curate dialog entry 1

This metabolite was in our second row in the Metingear table view (first of our selection). To assign the InChI simply paste the InChI string (InChI=1S/C27H52O5/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-26(29)31-24-25(23-28)32-27(30)22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h25,28H,3-24H2,1-2H3) into the text area and click Okay to move to the next metabolite.

curate dialog entry 1 inchi

The dialog will move to the next metabolite. Again, we can identify which metabolite we are curating by the name at the top. This metabolites was in the third row of our Metingear table view (second of our selection).

curate dialog entry 2

Continue to add all four InChIs, when Okay is clicked for the forth time the dialog will close and the metabolites will now have the InChI assigned. Click here to go back to the InChI Table.

curate dialog complete

As the InChI does not provide the coordinates of atoms the metabolite will not be updated with a chemical structure diagram. To add a structure diagram please refer to Generate Structure Diagram.

### Generating chemical structure (optional) [`prev`](#macs)|[`top`](#contents)|[`next`](#exp)

This section will demonstrate how we can generate certain chemical structures from a name. Metabolic networks can often contain reactions involving peptides. Reconstructions which model peptidoglycan synthesis will have multiple di-peptides listed in in their metabolites. Metingear can generate chemical structures for peptides by manually specifying the residues or inferring the residue sequence from the name.

To begin, use the search box and type cys to locate the Cys-Gly metabolite. With the metabolite located, double click the row in the search results to return to the entry in the Metabolites view.

search cys

Ensuring Cyc-Gly is selected in the Metabolites view -

select cys

- choose the Tools > Annotation > Curate Metabolite menu item.

curate cys

Expanding the Generate Peptide section will show to combination boxes. If the name of your metabolite looks like a polypeptide, Metingear will have already selected the appropriate values. When no stereo chemistry is specified the L form will have been chosen. You may change the residues by selecting a different value in the combination box. The chain can be lengthened or shortened using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.

generate cys

With the correct residues specified, clicking okay will assembly the peptide chain structure and attach it to the Cys-Gly metabolite.

diagram cys

# Export as annotated SBML [`prev`](#gcs)|[`top`](#contents)

The annotated metabolites (and the reactions they participate in) can be exported as SBML. The cross-references and chemical structure are specified using Resource Description Framework (RDF).

To export the active reconstruction, select the menu item File > Export SBML. Choose the location and the name of your SBML file (e.g. salty-annotated.xml) and click okay.

Here is the species output for the metabolite R-Propane-1-2-diol which we annotated above.

<species id="M_12ppd_R_e_e" name="R-Propane-1-2-diol" metaid="_000000023" compartment="e">
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:bqbiol="" xmlns:bqmodel="">
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="#_000000023">
            <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
            <rdf:li rdf:resource=",2H2,1H3/t3-/m1/s1"/>


* Thiele _et. al_ . A community effort towards a knowledge-base and mathematical model of the human pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium LT2. _BMC Systems Biology_ 2011, **5**:8 [link](
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