This is the repository containing the code to reproduce the experiments in Transfer Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation
- BraTS '17/'18 Training Data and BraTS '18 Validation Data -- See here for instructions how to obtain the data: -- The BraTS '18 validation data is used to obtain test results. Predictions can of course be carried out on any other dataset.
- PyTorch
- batchgenerators by MIC@DKFZ ( -- Follow the following guide in order to convert the BRATS data into the necessary format: -- -- The data should be stored in brats_data_preprocessed/Brats17TrainingData (and Brats18ValidationData) -- Be aware that the new output format occupies considerably more disk space! E.g. 18 GB for the BraTS 17 training data!
brats_data_preprocessed: The preprocessed BraTS data stored in a separate subdirectory for each year and type (train/validation)
models: The models saved by PyTorch
segmentation_output: The output segmentations produced by the trained model in NIFTI format. These can be directly uploaded to the BraTS evaluation server.
tensorboard_logs: Tensorboard logfiles that contain the dice scores/losses over time.
Read-Logs.ipynb: Notebook to visualize the tensorboard logs
Dice-Plots.ipynb: Notebook to visualize the dice box plots
Seg-Graphic.ipynb: Notebook to visualize the example patient segmentation
- Wrapper class for the BraTS dataloader used to train the model from the preprocessed files.
- Contains the AlbuNet3D architecture using a ResNet34 encoder.
- Wrapper class to read tensorboard logs.
- Reference file containing the original AlbuNet model.
- Python script to train the model for a given configuration passed as arguments.
- Helper class to facilitate the training procedure for any deep learning model.
- Shell script to launch for the configurations used in the paper.