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Jonny Dee edited this page Sep 10, 2013 · 5 revisions


There are some samples showing PUB-SUB, REQ-REP and PUSH-PULL protocol with multi-part messages in action. As nzmqt uses C++ exceptions for error handling you will need to catch them by overriding QCoreApplication::notify() method. The included samples will show you how this can be done.

Running samples

All samples are compiled into one executable called nzmqt_app. You can try them out by providing appropriate command line parameters. If you don't provide any, or if you provide -h or --help option, a list of all examples together with required parameters will be shown:

USAGE: ./nzmqt_app [-h|--help]                                                                 -- Show this help message.

USAGE: ./nzmqt_app pubsub-publisher <address> <topic>                                          -- Start PUB server.
       ./nzmqt_app pubsub-subscriber <address> <topic>                                         -- Start SUB client.

USAGE: ./nzmqt_app reqrep-replier <address> <reply-msg>                                        -- Start REQ server.
       ./nzmqt_app reqrep-requester <address> <request-msg>                                    -- Start REP client.

USAGE: ./nzmqt_app pushpull-ventilator <ventilator-address> <sink-address> <numberOfWorkItems> -- Start ventilator.
       ./nzmqt_app pushpull-worker <ventilator-address> <sink-address>                         -- Start a worker.
       ./nzmqt_app pushpull-sink <sink-address>                                                -- Start sink.

Publish-Subscribe Sample:
* Publisher:   ./nzmqt_app pubsub-publisher tcp:// ping
* Subscriber:  ./nzmqt_app pubsub-subscriber tcp:// ping

Request-Reply Sample:
* Replier:     ./nzmqt_app reqrep-replier tcp:// World
* Requester:   ./nzmqt_app reqrep-requester tcp:// Hello

Push-Pull Sample:
* Ventilator:  ./nzmqt_app pushpull-ventilator tcp:// tcp:// 100
* Worker 1..n: ./nzmqt_app pushpull-worker tcp:// tcp://
* Sink:        ./nzmqt_app pushpull-sink tcp://

As can be seen, this output also provides examples showing how to run them with concrete command line parameters. You can directly copy and paste them to a shell prompt and run them without changing anything (assumed the given ports are free).


Sample-specific information can be found here:

  • pubsub: Demonstrates how to implement PUB-SUB protocol.
  • pushpull: Demonstrates how to implement PUSH-PULL protocol.
  • reqrep: Demonstrates how to implement REQ-REP protocol.
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