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The 3D Gizmo

joorjoor edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 1 revision

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The 3D Gizmo

The gizmo is used to manipulate nodes in your scene. It will appear when selecting a node.
The Atomic Editor has 3 kinds of gizmos:

1) **The move gizmo**
Used to move the selected object. 2) **The scale gizmo**
Used to scale the selected object. 3) **The rotate gizmo**
Used to rotate the selected object. By dragging one of the 3 sides of the gizmo, you will manipulate the selected node in its corresponding direction by its respective function (move, translate, or scale).

Additionally, you can also move multiple axes in the gizmo if you hover the mouse over the middle of the three axes, demonstrated below:

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