The docker container is setup with ros2 humble, turtlebot3 and gazebo installed.
Navigate to the directory humble and open a terminal here. Run the command:
docker build -t humble .
This will create a docker image called humble in your system.
Now once the docker image is built, the container can be launched by running the command:
make up
This will run the container. Now to enter the container run the following command:
make enter
Now you have access to the container running on ubuntu jammy and ros2 humble, installed with gazebo and turtlebot3.
Now launch a turtlebot3 simulation using the command:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
By default the burger model of turtlebot will be spawned. If you want to change the model run:
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
Change value burger to your desired model.
Note: Currently only the burger model is being spawned. The waffle and waffle_pi models are not being spwned and are giving errors as of now.
Updates: Created docker container with ros2 humble and turtlebot3+gazebo.