Dataset Name: Traffic Accidents in the City of Madrid (since 2019)
Description: Traffic accidents in the City of Madrid recorded by the Municipal Police involving victims and/or property damage.
Responsible Unit: General Directorate of the Municipal Police
Description of the SIGIT application file structure
- The file includes one record per person involved in the accident (drivers, passengers, pedestrians, witnesses, etc.).
- For 2019 and later:
- The data structure differs from previous years. Details of these structures are available in the 'Associated Documentation' section.
- Witness records are not included.
- Files from 2010 to 2018 only record accidents involving injuries or municipal property damage.
- The published data is provisional for up to six months after the end of the year.
- Neighborhood-level data is not currently available.
- Double collision: Traffic accident involving two moving vehicles (head-on, side-front, side collisions).
- Multiple collision: Traffic accident involving more than two moving vehicles.
- Rear-end collision: Accident occurring when a vehicle in motion or stopped due to traffic circumstances is struck from behind by another vehicle.
- Collision with obstacle or road element: Accident involving a moving vehicle with a driver and a stationary object on the road or in an adjacent area (parked vehicle, tree, lamppost, etc.).
- Pedestrian hit: Accident involving a vehicle and a pedestrian on the road or walking on sidewalks, refuges, walkways, or other areas of the public road not intended for vehicle traffic.
- Overturn: Accident involving a vehicle with more than two wheels, where the tires lose contact with the road and the vehicle ends up on its side or roof.
- Fall: Includes all falls related to traffic circumstances (motorcycle, moped, bicycle, bus passenger, etc.).
- Other causes: Includes accidents caused by animal collisions, cliff falls, road departures, and other scenarios.
- 01 Emergency care without subsequent admission - MINOR
- 02 Hospitalization of 24 hours or less - MINOR
- 03 Hospitalization of more than 24 hours - SERIOUS
- 04 Death within 24 hours - FATAL
- 05 Outpatient care after the accident - MINOR
- 06 Immediate medical care at a health center or mutual aid center - MINOR
- 07 Medical care only at the accident site - MINOR
- 14 No medical care
- 77 Unknown
- Blank: No medical care