This project consists of a common Handlebars template & stylesheet, and a gulpfile used both to generate the scaffolding for new branded SILK wrappers (terminology used by Localist to refer to a minimalist page chrome into which they inject their own content), and to assemble the assorted static resources into their deployable forms.
- generate-brand-scaffold:$BRAND - Generate scaffolding for a new brand
- build - Build all brands
- build:$BRAND - Build a specific brand
- watch - Watch source files for all brands & rebuild upon change
- watch:$BRAND - Watch source files for a specific brand & rebuild upon change
- css:$BRAND - Generate output CSS (via Myth) for a specific brand
- js:$BRAND - Generate output JS (via UglifyJS) for a specific brand
- html:$BRAND - Merge data for given brand into template (via Assemble)
- images:$BRAND - Generate output images (via imagemin) for a specific brand
- fonts:$BRAND - Copy fonts into build directory for a specific brand
- watch-{js,css,html,images,fonts}:$BRAND - Watch tasks corresponding to the five previous tasks
- Generate the brand scaffolding with 'gulp generate-brand-scaffold:$BRAND'
- Set the URLs and other data as appropriate in brands/$BRAND/data.json
- Place your logo image as brands/$BRAND/img/logo.png
- Place assorted favicon & app icons in brands/$BRAND/img/. See index.hbs for expected filenames & sizes ( is a useful tool to generate these at the assorted sizes, from a large source image.)
- Set brand colours as appropriate in brands/$BRAND/css/style.css
- Add any other brand-specific styling in style.css
- Build it (gulp build:$BRAND)
- Host it somewhere
- Configure your Localist instance's "SILK Wrapper URL" property to point at wherever you hosted the generated files.
- nconf for configuration file parsing
- gulp-concat & UglifyJS for script processing
- gulp-sourcemaps (only in non-production mode) to generate JS sourcemaps
- gulp-concat & Myth for stylesheet processing
- Assemble for merging data into templates
- gulp-imagemin for image processing
- gulp-conflict to avoid overwriting existing brands when generating new scaffolds