A fast http router for node. Matches static routes with hashmap lookup and parameter routes with assembled regex or the Radix Tree.
The Regex based on nikic/fast-route. Check out nikic blog post for more Explanation.
The Radix Tree based on find-my-way.
Radix Tree is the standard router for matching dynamic routes because it is faster in most cases.
Saving the static routes in a hashmap and dynamic in the radix tree is the fastest for matching http requests. Also with this you have the power of path-to-regex in combination with the fast Radix Tree.
Only Radix Tree without the hashmap is also possible.
Use the assembled regex for 100% type safety e.g. if you want to match like this: /(user|u)
. But this method don't support wildcard route (/*
//es 6
import {router, dispatcher} from 'gram-route';
let r = router();
//a static route without parameters
//route has a method, a path (or pattern) and a handler (which can be anything)
r.get("/",(req, res) => {
res.write("Hello world");
//a route with a placeholder (wildcard)
//:id can be anything until the next /
r.get("/user/:id",(req, res, id) => {
res.write("page from user: " +id);
//routes can placed in groups so every route got the same prefix
//a group needs a callback where all routes of this group will be placed
r.group("/admin",() => {
r.get("",(req, res) => {
res.write("Admin main page");
r.get("/server-status",(req, res) => {
res.write("Server is still working");
//nested groups, the group inside will get the prefix of the outside group
r.group("/user-manager",() => {
//route: /admin/user-manager/:id
r.get("/:id",(req, res, id) => {
res.write("all data from user: " +id);
r.post("",(req, res) => {
res.write("user successfully created");
//Adding middleware to a route with the add() function from the route object
r.get("/routeWithMiddleware",() => {
}).add(() => {
//Adding more middleware to a route
//add() returns the route object
r.get("/routeWithMoreMiddleware",() => {
.add(() => {
.add(() => {
//Adding middleware to a group
//All routes in this group will get this middleware
r.group("/admin", () => {
r.get("",() => {
//admin index
r.group("/user", () => {
r.get("/:id",() => {
//Get user
r.post("",() => {
//Add user
}).add(() => {
//e.g. authentication middleware to protected the endpoints /admin*
// router() will always returns the same instance with the same options (see Extendable)
let c = router();
c.get("/123",(req, res) => {
res.write("hello 123");
//the dispatcher will match the requested path
//and returns a route object with all information's about the matched route and the paramter if the route where dynamic
//make sure dispatcher() will created AFTER the routes are collected (after all route collectors)
let d = dispatcher();
//sample server
var http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
//result contains the status (e.g. 200 or 404), the route id and the parameters
// [status,route id,parameter]
let result = d.dispatch(req.method,req.url);
if(result[0] === 200) {
let route = r.getRoute(result[1]);
let callback = route.handler; //handler is in the case a callback
let middleware = route.getMiddleware(); //retuns all middleware to this route (group and route middleware) as an array
callback(req,res, ...Object.values(result[2]));
} else {
//not found, 404
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
//es 5
var router = require("gram-route");
var r = router.router(); //router
var d = router.dispatcher(); //dispatcher
The generator, dispatcher and collector can be changed.
import {router, dispatcher} from 'gram-route';
//use functions to return an instance of a class.
//Generator must implement GeneratorInterface and must be compatible with the dispatcher
//Dispatcher must implement the DispatcherInterface
//Collector must implement the RouteCollectorInterface
const options = {
getGenerator: () => GeneratorInterface,
getCollector: (generator) => RouteCollectorInterface,
getDisPatcher: (collector) => DispatcherInterface
let r = router(options); //now every instance of router() uses the new options
//e.g. the createRoute function in collector can be overridden
//if another route object is needed (e.g. to handle middleware different)
//so you don't need to rewrite the collector
- Router Regex Algorithm : Copyright by Nikita Popov.
- Router Radix tree Algorithm: Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Tomas Della Vedova