schema='{"type":"string","title":"Hello","description":"A brief but helpful description of value","maxLength":5}'
You can either use CDN
<script src="//"></script>
or as a dependency, in es6
import 'json-form-custom-element'
Installation process uses customElements.define
browser API (which supported by current FireFox and Chrome, it may require polyfill in other browsers).
<json-form schema='{}' value='{}' config='{}'></json-form>
- schema, strinigified json schema, which may contain some additional ui specifications, see for example of
configurations - value, strinigified json value
- config, stringified json object which may contain these properties
- dense: true | false (boolean) - choose between dense and regular layout
- textFieldStyle: "outlined" | "filled" (string) - style of text fields
- name: (string) - name of a form, should be unique on the page, used to generate unique ids of form elements
- collapseNestedObjects: (boolean) - make nested json forms expandable (collapsed by default)
- customCss: (string) - custom stylesheet, replaces builtin styling
- showErrorIcon: (boolean) - whether to show inline error icon when validation fails (default true)
- change:
with detail{ isValid: boolean, value, errors: { [path]: [string] }}
: padding of a nested object, default0px
: padding of an expandable object, default0 10px
: background of a form, default#fafafa
: font family for form elements, defaulthelvetica, sans-serif
: color of active element, default#27b9cc
: color of inactive element, default#8a8a8a
: color of invalid element, default#c72227
A few notes on how json schema interpeted by form generator.
For the sake of simpliticy form generator uses a "type" keyword of JSON Schema in order to identify type of the field. When "type" keyword is an array or types or missing then value edited as json string. Boolean renders toggle, but can be customized to render a checkbox.
Title rendered as label for terminal input fields (leaf nodes of the value), and as h3 headers for objects.
Keyword required
of object type used to identify whether to display * near the label. Optional text fields also have button to erase value displayed.
Main json-form repository is here: please report all bugs there. Issues are disabled in this project.