We've put together some example data streams to get us up and running quickly on Saturday.
You can view them online at jsoxford.com/RTHackPack/.
You're definitely not limited to the streams/tech covered by these demos - there's a whole lot of very cool stuff out there; though this gives us a good place to start.
- Download this project here
- Open an html file in the demo directory
- Get hacking
- set a background colour of
based on the timestamp and watch several devices tick together - show which trains are pulling into Oxford
- plot geocoded tweets on a map
- speak out loud any tweets to JSOxford (hint:
speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello World'));
Feel free to add stuff, the main target of this is to get something hackable with as little effort as possible. We should be able to tweak demos with just a text editor and a web browser, so 1) allow it to be opened with file://
and 2) make it as self contained as possible.