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Adding a Meetup group to the meetup groups.json

Max Glenister edited this page Aug 5, 2017 · 1 revision

To add a group you can open a PR for this file:

Your group will need to be added by its Meetup group ID.

You can find this using the Meetup API console (, and putting the group slug in the :urlname field and hitting "Show response".

For example JSOxford will give you the id 17778422 in the response.

After you've got the ID, take a look at how some of the other groups are added to meetup-groups.json, we've got the ID, a friendly name, an associated channel (you might not have any specifically, but for example the "JSOxford" group would use our #jsoxford channel), and aliases for how people refer to the group.

If you get stuck, @averagemarcus @danielthepope or @omgmog can help!

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