Using BeautifulSoup and Requests in Python Django Rest Framework
A webscraper for FlipKart product Listing Using Django And BeautifulSoup4
The application is to showcase webpage scraping specifically ecommerce platforms like Flipkart Product Listing
The user simply needs to paste the url of the Flipkart product listing and the scraped results will be displayed below
The product Title Rating Price including the primary image will be scraped and shown
The application was built using Django, Requests and BeautifulSoup4
The scraped data is also stored in a local database like SQLite.
To run the Project Clone/Fork the repo code.
Install the requirements.txt :
pip install requirements.txt
python manage.oy runserver
In the browser :
Paste any product listing url from Flipkart into the text box provided and hit the button.
You will see the scraped data for the same.
Thanks and Regards VELU