A friendly IRC bot, eager to give you fortune cookies.
$ git clone https://github.com/jsynacek/lambda-irc.git
$ cd lambda-irc
$ stack install
The program is installed to $HOME/.local/bin/
by default.
Cookies are loaded from $HOME/.fortunes
, one cookie per line. If that file cannot be read for some reason, several hard-coded cookies are provided by default.
$ lambda-irc
< parsed irc message stream incoming ... >
Afterwards, any PRIVMSG
starting with the string !fortune
sent directly to the bot will yield a fortune cookie.
Limited control of the bot is available via a unix socket at /tmp/lambda-irc.sock
These are the recognized commands. Their arguments are specified as described in RFC1459, see <params>
The following is an example usage of the command dispatch using nc
. The blank lines are not part of the session, they are added for clarity.
$ nc -U /tmp/lambda-irc.sock
Give me a cookie!
unknown command: Give me a cookie!
/join #haskell-beginners
<no output, bot joins the channel>
/mesg #haskell-beginners :Hi, I'm worth a fortune!
<no output, bot sends a message to the channel>
/part #haskell-beginners
<no output, bot leaves the channel>
/quit :I'm tired...
<no output, bot disconnects from the server>
Extend the program to accept an additional command !dict
which would use a web-based dictionary and display translations.
For example, !dict en cz fortune
might use https://slovnik.seznam.cz/en-cz/?q=fortune
and display something like:
(small) fortune (celé) jmění, spousta peněz, majlant
(good) fortune štěstí přízeň osudu
fortunes úspěchy, zdary
tell sb's fortune věštit komu osud z dlaně ap.