REST API and Backend service to Trello tasks app using Gradle configuration for building, testing and running the application.
A personalized task list app with the ability to export to Trello. Sends reminders to the email address according to the schedule. When the task was added to the list and how many left to do at any interval, relative to the Cron configuration.
The application is based on Richardson maturity model. This is a model developed by Leonard Richardson, who describes how to design REST API systems.
- Java 8
- Spring Boot 2.0
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot Email
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Lombok
The application is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
- CSS3
- jQuery
- Thymeleaf
Implementation and support for the Thymeleaf template engine, to generate Web pages on the server side.
The result of the coverage shows 85% classes coverage in code.
Class | Method | Line |
85% | 80% | 74% |
- Unit Testing and Mocking written using Mockito and JUnit
- Selenium WebDriver and XPath were used for Web Integration Testing in Chrome and Firefox browsers
- Bash scripts for automatically building and starting applications. Besides generating files like war or jar
- Builds a standard WAR file or an executable JAR file
- Monitoring and Metrics with Actuator and Swagger
- Support for Heroku cloud provider
See also about REST on Wiki
An article on: What is REST ? in Polish