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Ether Deck Mk2

A reasonably optimized, extensible smart account.

flowchart LR
    e{Ether Deck Mk2}

    u -->|call| run --> e
    u -->|call| runBatch --> e
    u -->|call| setDispatch --> e
    u -->|call| setBatchDispatch --> e

    e --> mods
    e -->|call| target([Target])

    mods -->|delegate| Flash([FlashMod])
    mods -->|delegate| RevokeMod([RevokeMod])
    mods -->|delegate| TransferMod([TransferMod])



// -- snip --
    mapping(bytes4 => address) public dispatch;
    address public runner;
// -- snip --
flowchart LR
    e --> dispatch
    e --> runner([runner])

    dispatch --> lo(["bytes4(0x00000000)"])
    dispatch --> mid(["bytes4(0x........)"])
    dispatch --> hi(["bytes4(0xFFFFFFFF)"])

The core deck storage layout occupies two storage slots in accordance with solidity's storage layout rules.


Slot zero is occupied by a dispatch mapping which maps four byte selectors to mod addresses that are authorized to mutate the deck. all dispatchers must be enabled by the deck's runner.


Slot one is occupied by a runner address, the account authorized to run actions on the deck.



function run(address target, bytes calldata payload) external payable;

The run function makes an external call from the deck with a designated target, payload, and value.

Reverts if the caller is not the runner or if the call fails.


function runBatch(
    address[] calldata targets,
    uint256[] calldata values,
    bytes[] calldata payloads
) external payable;

The runBatch function batches external calls from the deck with designated targets, payloads, and values.

Reverts if the caller is not the runner, the number of targets, values, and payloads are inequal, or if any one of the calls fails.


function setDispatch(bytes4 selector, address target) external;

The setDispatch function sets a target mod in the dispatch mapping based on the given selector.

Logs the DispatchSet event.

Reverts if the caller is not the runner.


function setDispatchBatch(bytes4[] calldata selectors, address[] calldata targets) external;

The setDispatchBatch function sets an array of target mods in the dispatch mapping based on the provided selector array.

Logs the DispatchSet event.

Reverts if the caller is not the runner.


fallback() external payable;

The fallback function loads the mod address from the dispatch mapping.

If a mod address is set for the selector, the deck delegate calls to the mod, forwarding all calldata, then bubbling up the returndata to the caller, either reverting or returning, depending on the status of the mod delegate call.

If no mod address is set for the given selector, the deck returns the selector.

Returning the selector when no address is set for the given selector allows the deck to receive tokens whose standards force the receiver to respond to transfer callbacks with the callback selector. Since the deck can make arbitrary contract calls, all future tokens received by the deck may be handled without mods.

Reverts if a mod target is set for the selector and the target reverts.



event DispatchSet(bytes4 indexed selector, address indexed target);

The DispatchSet event is logged when setDispatch is called.


flowchart LR
    dr --> deployer
    dr --> deploy

The DeckRegistry creates and registers decks. Only existing decks may create decks through the deck registry.



mapping(address => address) public deployer;

The deployer function loads the deployer address for a given deck.


function deploy(address runner) external returns (address);

The deploy function deploys a new deck from another deck.



event Registered(address indexed deployer, address indexed deck)

The Registered event is logged when deploy is called.


Mods are contracts that may be delegate called by the deck to extend its functionality. Any contract may be set as a mod for the deck, though serious security considerations must be taken before setting mods to the deck.

Existing Mods

  • BribeMod: A mod for bribing external parties to run transactions on the runner's behalf.
  • CreatorMod: A mod for creating contracts.
  • FlashMod: A mod for issuing ERC-3156 flashloans to external parties.
  • FlatlineMod: A mod for using a deadman's switch.
  • RevokeMod: A mod for revoking approvals and operators in batch.
  • TransferMod: A mod for transferring in batch.
  • StorageMod: A mod for reading and writing storage slots in batch.
  • TwoStepTransitionMod: A mod for two-step runner transitions.

Mod Registry

flowchart LR

    mr --> authority
    mr --> searchByName
    mr --> searchByAddress
    mr --> transferAuthority
    mr --> register

The ModRegistry stores mods with name and address lookups.



function authority() external view returns (address);

The authority function returns the address with authority to mutate the mod factory.


function searchByName(string calldata) external view returns (address);

The searchByName function returns the address of a given named mod.


function searchByAddress(address) external view returns (string memory);

The searchByAddress function returns the name of a given mod address.


function transferAuthority(address newAuthority) external;

The transferAuthority function sets the new authority.

Logs the AuthoritySet event.

Reverts if the caller is not the authority.


function register(address modAddress, string calldata modName) external;

The register function writes to searchByName and searchByAddress for a given mod address and name.

Logs the ModRegistered event.

Reverts if the caller is not the authority.



event AuthorityTransferred(address indexed newAuthority);

The AuthorityTransferred event is logged when transferAuthority is called.


event ModRegistered(address indexed addr, string name);

The ModRegistered event is logged on when register is called.



  • no slots collide except when StorageMod.write is used
  • no slot may be written without the explicit consent of the runner; consent meaning:
    • transaction initiation
    • signature
    • approval
  • no tokens may be taken from the deck at the end of the transaction without the explicit consent of the runner; consent meaning:
    • transaction initiation
    • signature
    • approval
  • runner slot is overwritten only:
    • on StorageMod.write call with slot 0x01
    • to the desginated receiver on FlatlineMod.contingency call after the interval has passed since lastUpdate
    • on TwoStepTransition.acceptRunnerTransition call by the newRunner


  • runner will not set a malicious mod
  • runner is aware of all storage slots passed to StorageMod.write
  • runner is aware of all storage slots and indices in each mod
  • runner will not call FlashMod.setFlashFeeFactor with a malicious token


Mods have full write access to the deck via delegatecall.

Per convention, mods that require their own storage must namespace storage using a keccak hash minus one.

uint256 storageSlot = uint256(keccak256("EtherDeckMk2.<storage_name>")) - 1;


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