Live Site: will be a journaling platform where users will be able to use different types of journaling templates. will be a journaling platform that utilizes templates to help people document
their daily experience and personal growth in a private, secure digital space. Users can create
profiles, customize their settings, pick different templates, and begin to write their
entries, which can be tagged, organized, and found using an easy-to-navigate user
- People who like to journal
- People interested in mental health
- Students interested in keeping a research journal
- Professionals who want to keep a work journal for self or manager assessments
- Writers who want to setup prompts for themselves
- As a user, I want to have guided prompts to help me journal
- As a user, I want to be able to tag my entries
- As a user, I want to have inspirational quotes to be put in the right mindset to journal
- As a user, my entries should be dated for searching purposes
- As a user, my entries should be searchable for reminiscing purposes
- Allow users to create an account, log in, and log out securely
- Provide users the ability to add a journal entry
- Allow users to tag journal entries
- Generate inspirational quotes on top of an entry provided by a third-party API
- Ability to delete journal entries
- Ability to edit journal entries
- Search functionality to go through entry
- Light/Dark mode
- Ability to start another journal type (A work journal would be next)
- Other journal type would need new template prompts and possible removal of quote section
- Share ability to be enacted based on journal type
- Ability to create template from form
- Java Script
- Express
- Node (sequelize, ejs, crypto-js)
- Postgres
- Data API
I will be using to retrieve stoicism quotes. The API provides a simple quote and author database and can provide one every day.
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd to the repository
Install the required dependencies: npm i cookie-parser crypto-js method-override nodemon
Create a .env file at the root of the project and fill in the necessary environment variables: PORT=8000 ENC_KEY=key (For key you should put whichever key string you want to use in VARCHAR format)
Start the server Go to directory and hit nodemon
Open the browser and go to http://localhost:8000
The aim of this journal project was to create a platform where users can journal, choose different journals, and have guided prompts. To achieve this goal, we adopted an iterative and user-centered design approach, which involved several key steps.
Firstly, I conducted research to gain a deeper understanding of our target users and their needs. This involved conducting user interviews, surveys, and analyzing existing journals and mental health apps. Based on our findings, I developed user personas and defined our design goals and requirements.
Next, I created wireframes and prototypes of the journal platform, which I tested with potential users to gather feedback and refine our designs. I also conducted usability testing to ensure that the platform was easy to use and understand.
Once I had finalized the design, I developed the platform using modern technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express and Node.js. I also implemented user authentication and database integration to ensure that users could securely and easily save and access their journal entries.
Finally, I launched the platform and gathered feedback from early users to continue improving the design and functionality. Throughout the project, I focused on creating a user-centered and accessible platform that empoIrs users to take control of their emotional wellbeing.
I think this was a very challenging project that involved front and back end technologies that were tough to wrap my head around. I think the biggest piece is the realization that writing code more and more, whether I fully understood it or not, helped me learn intensely. It was a week of full breakthroughs with Express and node as well Sequelize and deployment.