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Jürgen Pabel edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

No connection to host


The microcontroller (with the display) can't establish a data connection to the host (Linux). The firmware on the microcontroller waits 10 seconds after its boot-up process (showing the animations) is completed and than it shows this error message.

Possible causes

Most likely the 'frontend' component isn't running on the host (Linux); or, it is running but can't access the Linux device /dev/ttyHAL9000, which represents the data connection via USB to the microcontroller.


  1. Login (SSH?) to the Linux system: ssh <IP-ADDRESS>
  2. Switch to the "application" user (hal9000): sudo -i -u hal9000
  3. Check if the application containers are running: podman ps --all --format "table {{.ID}} {{.Names}} {{.Status}}"

The output should look something like this:

fd01fd665a47 hal9000-infra Up About an hour ago
a23f4ce870b8 hal9000-mosquitto Up About an hour ago
929bf3e2a5a6 hal9000-kalliope Up About an hour ago
0886ffa9fe3e hal9000-frontend Up About an hour ago
1c1c8e27c9fe hal9000-brain Up About an hour ago
71f202d11b7b hal9000-console Created

If the podman status matches the provided output (all "Up"...except for maybe hal9000-console, which is started on-demand) then it's most likely an issue with the /dev/ttyHAL9000 device. Make sure it exists and the user 'hal9000' has read+write permissions (usually via group 'dialout').

If the podman status doesn't show any/most of these containers (or maybe all but 'hal9000-frontend') then there's an issue with the startup of the systemd user instance (of user 'hal9000'). If none are shown then most likely the 'linger' flag for the user 'hal9000' isn't activated.

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