Here you can find the interactive notebooks we used for the cbspython surface data session.
For freesurfer.ipynb notebook you need to be in the MPI CBS network. All installations and data are available there.
For the freesurfer_free.ipynb and more_interesting_applications.ipynb we need some special setup, there are two options:
#####Option A -- Inside the MPI CBS network
- Bring a laptop with remote access to your workstation
- On your workstation try the following commands beforehand (they should all succeed):
source /scr/ilz1/cbspython_surf/surfenv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=/scr/ilz1/cbspython_surf/brainsurfacescripts:/scr/ilz1/cbspython_surf/nilearn
>>> from nilearn import plotting
>>> from vtk_rw import read_vtk, write_vtk
>>> from plotting import plot_surf_stat_map
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.__version__
- Clone this repo to get the notebooks or download them from dropbox (no need to download the data)
#####Option B -- On your personal computer
- Make a python 2.7 virtual environment (virtualenv / anaconda) and install the following packages:
notebook==4.0.6 (you might need to install functools32 as well)
seaborn==0.6.0 (will also install pandas 0.17.0)
- Clone the following github repos and include them in your PYTHONPATH:
NOTE: for nilearn you need the branch 'enh/surface_plotting', here is a good description how to clone specific branches:
- Test your installations as described above
- Download the data from dropbox
- Clone this repo to get the notebooks or download them from dropbox as well