- Asteroid shooting game
- Tech: Python and PyGame
- Player moves around the screen
- WASD keys or arrow keys
- Player shoots Asteroids (3 sizes)
- shooting with Space key
- When hit, Asteroid splits or dies
- Large Asteroids splits into 2 Medium Asteroids
- Medium Asteroid splits into 2 Small Asteroids
- Small Asteroid just dies
- When Asteroid collides Player, Player dies
- Add a scoring system
- Implement multiple lives and respawning
- Add an explosion effect for the asteroids
- Add acceleration to the player movement
- Make the objects wrap around the screen instead of disappearing
- Add a background image
- Create different weapon types
- Make the asteroids lumpy instead of perfectly round
- Make the ship have a triangular hit box instead of a circular one
- Add a shield power-up
- Add a speed power-up
- Add bombs that can be dropped