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Pure Data externals for generative lasershows


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Pure Data externals for generative lasershows

The eos library is a collection of Pure Data externals and abstractions designed for laser manipulation and control. Inspired by the concept of GEM for graphical rendering, eos aims to provide a similar level of ease and flexibility for working with laser systems in the Pure Data environment. The library offers a range of objects for realtime generation, processing and transforming of ILDA style point data. With eos, artists and developers have access to a comprehensive toolkit for exploring the possibilities of laser-based art and applications.

The eos toolkit includes:

  • Pd externals built on pd-lua, covering geometric primitives, transforms, geometry and color modulation, color manipulation, compositing and rendering, ILDA file loading and playback, plus a collection of generative objects - flocking, spirograph/xy gizmo, phase tunnel, scan modulation...
  • Pd abstractions. Some of the eos externals have a corresponding control panel built as a Pd abstraction. For example patch a render-control object into inlet 2 on a render object, and you have an instant UI for the render object.
  • eos lua libraries. With the eos lua libraries available in a project, you can easily create your own laser effects Pd externals with little boilerplate, and lots of examples to learn and build from.
  • Sandbox environment. eos-sandbox.pd is a Pd patch with many sub-patches which provides working examples for all of the eos objects. The sandbox patch itself also serves as an example of how to set up multiple visual generating sub-patches running concurrently.
  • Presets system. This is a generic presets system which is easy to integrate into a patches control panel. Saving a preset writes all of the control panels variables to file named with the preset name. Loading a preset from file restores all of the variables and control panel UI state. Browse saved presets using the prev and next buttons.
  • pd_helios (julesb fork) and helios-control. An enhanced version of pd_helios that adds dynamic PPS control, transforms, color controls, geometric correction, low level DAC features. The full featured control panel makes it easy to control all settings from within Pd.



Install the requirements listed above.

Add the eos directory in this repo to your Pd path: File->Preferences->Path->Add.

Add the eos directory in this repo to your LUA_PATH environment variable:

export LUA_PATH=<your-path>/eos/'?.lua;;'

Add the above line to your .bashrc or similar to make it permanent.










Generate frame stats.



Combine multiple visual elements into a frame.



Internally eos coordinates and color components range from -1 to 1, or from 0 to 1. denormalize maps points to 12 bit full scale screen coordinates from -2047 to 2047. Colors are similarly mapped to the range 0 to 255. This is the format that the DAC expects.

Most eos patches should have a denormalize as the last stage in the pipeline before the DAC.



A simple utility object which is used to reduce the amount of patching required when combining multiple image generating subpatches in a master patch.



Load and play ILDA files.



Internally eos coordinates and color components range from -1 to 1, or from 0 to 1. normalizecan be used if you want to specify geometry in screen coordinates ranging from -2047 to 2047. Run your data through normalize before patching to any eos object inlets. Colors are similarly mapped from a 0 to 255 range to a 0 to 1 range. [see denormalize]



The render object transforms raw point data into a format suitable for sending to the laser DAC. It can perform subdivision, inserting new points along the path between input points so that the galvo moves with a controlled trajectory between the points. This type of conditioning is usually required in order to prevent the galvo overshooting corner positions. It inserts dwell points at the provided points which provides sharp corners.


  1. Points data Input raw point data in XYRGB format.
  2. Control messages Input messages to control the object's parameters.


  1. Processed points data: Output points data in a format suitable for sending to the DAC.
  2. Number of output points: Output the number of points generated by the object.


  • mode
  • dwell
  • subdivide
  • preblank

The creation arguments set the initial values for these parameters. See the Messages section for details. The arguments are positional and are all optional. For example render lines 4 16 will create a render object in lines mode with dwell=4, subdivide=16. Preblank will be set to a default value.


  • mode Symbol. Valid values are either points or lines.

    • points In points mode, all subdivision points will have a color of [0, 0, 0], meaning the input points will be drawn with no lines connecting them.
    • lines In lines mode, subdivision points will inherit the color of the point before the subdivision points, rendering a line between the points.
  • dwell Integer. Sets the number of dwell points to insert at corners.

  • subdivide Integer. Specifies the largest distance that the galvo is allowed to travel without subdivision points (ballistic motion). Smaller values create more subdivision points, creating a more precise and stable image, potentially at the cost of reduced frame rate. Distances are in "screen space" - i.e., with a 16-bit DAC, the screen will have a width and height of 4096 points. Typical values are between 16 to 64, but it will depend on the content.

  • preblank Integer. Inserts extra blank points at the end of a blank travel, before turning the laser on, with the intention of preventing a "pre-tail" that can occur if the galvo is still traveling when the signal to turn the laser on is received.


Loads frames from a .xyrgb file. These are a simple ascii files containing frame data extrated from ILDA files. Each line contains all of the points in a frame, in the format X Y R G B X Y R G B etc. Send a bang to inlet 1 and it will output the next frame.



The color object applies a color to the incoming points based on the specified color mode, which can be RGB, HSV, or a named color.


  1. List Input point data in XYRGB format.
  2. Float R (in RGB mode) or H (in HSV mode) color component.
  3. Float G (in RGB mode) or S (in HSV mode) color component.
  4. Float B (in RGB mode) or V (in HSV mode) color component.


  1. List Output point data with modified colors in XYRGB format.


The creation arguments set the initial values for the color mode and color components. The arguments are positional and are all optional.

  • mode or named color The color mode or a named color. Valid values are "rgb", "hsv", or a named color.
  • color_component_1 R (in RGB mode) or H (in HSV mode) color component (range 0 .. 1).
  • color_component_2 G (in RGB mode) or S (in HSV mode) color component (range 0 .. 1).
  • color_component_3 B (in RGB mode) or V (in HSV mode) color component (range 0 .. 1).



Named colors

black grey red orange yellow green cyan blue purple violet magenta white


color blue color rgb 0.1 0.1 0.9 color hsv 0.5 1 1


Color correction. Get closer to a linear color response when using an RGB laser module that has inherent nonlinear response curves. Use three Pd arrays to specify R G B color response curves.


Applies sinusoidal or square wave color modulation over the input points. Each color channel has its own frequency, amplitude and phase parameters.



Applies a color gradient over the input points. Two gradient endpoint colors are specified in HSV format.



Color module to use when using a laser with TTL color modulation only.



Color range mapping. For example map RGB components range from 0 to 1 to the range 0.5 to 1. Useful if your lasers response drops off quickly in the lower color range.




Generates a single point with XY coordinates and default color white.



Generates a n-sided polygon in XYRGB format.

polygon nsides radius stride




Rotate points.



The scale object scales incoming points in both the x and y axes as well as adjusting the individual RGB color components.


  1. List Input point data in XYRGB format.
  2. Float Scaling factor for the x-axis.
  3. Float Scaling factor for the y-axis.


  1. List Output point data with modified scale and color components in XYRGB format.


The creation arguments set the initial values for the scaling factors and color component multipliers. The arguments are positional and are all optional.

  • x_scale Scaling factor for the x-axis.
  • y_scale Scaling factor for the y-axis.
  • r_scale Multiplier for the R color component.
  • g_scale Multiplier for the G color component.
  • b_scale Multiplier for the B color component.




Duplicate points with n-fold rotational symmetry.



Translate points



A framework for creating animation sequences that can be triggered on demand. When a sequence is triggered repeatedly more quickly than the duration of the sequence, then sequences begin to overlap. A new instance of the sequence, on its own timeline, is created for each trigger event. The results of all the active sequences are composited into a single visual.



This is a simple one-shot visual sequence intended to be used in the triggers framework. Draws a circle that starts as a point and grows, fading to black as the radius increases.



Classic flocking algorithm with extensions - lots of parameters.



Simplex noise based position modulation.



A trippy tunnel effect.



This is a generic presets system which is easy to hook into a patches control panel. Save and load named presets. Browse saved presets using the prev and next buttons.



A line, under the influence of simplex noise, leaving trails. Based on (my memory of) the classic game Qix.



A singular bright beam moves gracefuly through the air, leaving frozen sheets of ice in its wake.



Classic spiro / sinusoidal modulator.



Beams are independant agents with their own behaviour, living within a simulation.


Ref doc template

### `<objectname>`


#### Inlets

1. **<type>** <desc>


#### Outlets

1. **<type>** <desc>


#### Arguments


#### Messages



Pure Data externals for generative lasershows







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