This is the research code repository for the paper Interventional Probing in High Dimensions: An NLI Case Study.
title = "Interventional Probing in High Dimensions: An {NLI} Case Study",
author = "Rozanova, Julia and
Valentino, Marco and
Cordeiro, Lucas and
Freitas, Andr{\'e}",
booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023",
month = may,
year = "2023",
address = "Dubrovnik, Croatia",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
pages = "2489--2500",
abstract = "Probing strategies have been shown to detectthe presence of various linguistic features inlarge language models; in particular, seman-tic features intermediate to the {``}natural logic{''}fragment of the Natural Language Inferencetask (NLI). In the case of natural logic, the rela-tion between the intermediate features and theentailment label is explicitly known: as such,this provides a ripe setting for interventionalstudies on the NLI models{'} representations, al-lowing for stronger causal conjectures and adeeper critical analysis of interventional prob-ing methods. In this work, we carry out newand existing representation-level interventionsto investigate the effect of these semantic fea-tures on NLI classification: we perform am-nesic probing (which removes features as di-rected by learned linear probes) and introducethe mnestic probing variation (which forgetsall dimensions except the probe-selected ones).Furthermore, we delve into the limitations ofthese methods and outline some pitfalls havebeen obscuring the effectivity of interventionalprobing studies.",
This project depends on the amnesic probing repository. Clone it and change
in experiments/
The relevant models are in the huggingface transformers model hub.
To encode the data for the set of models in 'encode_configs.json':
python -m experiments.encode_nli_xy
The intervention experiment consists of the following subsequent parts, which should be run in order. When prompted, feel free to link to a WandB account for visualizations, or simply select the option "(3) Don't visualize my results".
To run the amnesic probing step (generating all projection matrices):
python -m experiments.interventions.amnesic_probing
To run the representation intervention step:
python -m.experiments.intervene_project
To run the post-intervention evaluation:
python -m experiments.interventions.insert_predict