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Client Management System


This is a Python-based client management system that uses JSON for data storage and the stringcolor library for colorful console outputs. The system allows you to perform various operations such as adding, updating, deleting clients, displaying client details, and transferring money between clients.


  • Load Clients: Load client data from a JSON file.
  • Save Client: Save client data to a JSON file.
  • Add Client: Add a new client to the system.
  • Get Client: Retrieve a client's information by their ID.
  • Update Client: Update a client's details.
  • Delete Client: Delete a client from the system.
  • Display Client: Display a client's details in the console.
  • Clients Overview: Display an overview of all clients.
  • Get Total Balance: Calculate the total balance of all clients.
  • Send Money: Transfer money between clients.


  • clients.json: The JSON file that stores client data.



Loads client data from the clients.json file and returns it as a dictionary.


Saves the client data to the clients.json file.

  • clients: A list of client dictionaries to save.

add_client(clients, client_name, client_dob, client_balance)

Adds a new client to the list.

  • clients: The current list of clients.
  • client_name: The name of the new client.
  • client_dob: The date of birth of the new client.
  • client_balance: The initial balance of the new client.

get_client(clients, client_id)

Retrieves a client by their ID.

  • clients: The current list of clients.
  • client_id: The ID of the client to retrieve.

update_client(clients, client_id, client_name=None, client_dob=None, client_balance=None)

Updates a client's details.

  • clients: The current list of clients.
  • client_id: The ID of the client to update.
  • client_name: The new name of the client (optional).
  • client_dob: The new date of birth of the client (optional).
  • client_balance: The new balance of the client (optional).

delete_client(clients, client_id)

Deletes a client from the list.

  • clients: The current list of clients.
  • client_id: The ID of the client to delete.

display_client(clients, client_id)

Displays a client's details in the console.

  • clients: The current list of clients.
  • client_id: The ID of the client to display.


Displays an overview of all clients in the console.

  • clients: The current list of clients.


Calculates and returns the total balance of all clients.

  • clients: The current list of clients.

send_money(clients, from_id, to_id, amount)

Transfers money from one client to another.

  • clients: The current list of clients.
  • from_id: The ID of the client sending money.
  • to_id: The ID of the client receiving money.
  • amount: The amount of money to transfer.


To use this client management system, ensure you have a clients.json file in the same directory. The file should be structured as follows:

    "clients": []

Here is an example of a typical workflow:

clients = load_clients()
add_client(clients, "John Doe", "1990-01-01", 1000)
add_client(clients, "Jane Smith", "1985-05-15", 1500)
update_client(clients, 1, client_balance=1200)
delete_client(clients, 2)
display_client(clients, 1)
total_balance = get_total_balance(clients)
send_money(clients, 1, 2, 200)

Ensure you have the required stringcolor library installed:

pip install stringcolor


  • The clients.json file must be present in the same directory as the script.
  • Client IDs are auto-incremented based on the last client's ID in the list.
  • The system uses colorful console outputs to enhance readability.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Bank Management System






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