Monte Carlo N-body Simulation for Self-Interacting Dark Matter
Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM) is a hypothetical model for cold dark matter in the Universe. A strong interaction between dark matter particles introduce a different physics inside dark-matter haloes, making the density profile cored, reduce the number of subhaloes, and trigger gravothermal collapse.
This is an N-body simulation code with Direct Simulation Monte Carlo scattering for self interaction, and some codes to analyse gravothermal collapse of isolated haloes (see Koda & Shapiro 2011 [1]). The N-body simulation is based on GADGET 1.1 [2].
See nbody/Makefile
and run
$ make
in nbody/
MPI C compiler and FFTW2 is required; GSL is recomended.
Give the parameter file as the argument. A sample parameter.txt
in nbody
mpirun -n 2 ./sidm-gadget parameter.txt
- Koda J., Shapiro P. R., 2011, MNRAS, 415, 1125
- Springel V., Yoshida N., White S. D. M., 2001, New Astronomy, 6, 79