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fix: Bump protoc-gen-validate
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Dr0p42 committed May 15, 2023
1 parent 3660de9 commit 8a4b6b1
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/protoc-gen-validate
Submodule protoc-gen-validate updated 61 files
+1 −1 .bazelversion
+132 −0 .github/
+1 −1 .github/actions/github-tag-action/
+4 −4 .github/workflows/ci.yaml
+1 −1 .github/workflows/commit.yaml
+18 −0 .github/workflows/pr-title.yaml
+1 −1 .github/workflows/version-bump.yaml
+2 −0 .gitignore
+0 −26
+0 −37 DCO
+5 −5 Dockerfile
+11 −1 Makefile
+0 −4 NOTICE
+32 −14
+2 −2
+1 −1 bazel/dependency_imports.bzl
+6 −6 bazel/repositories.bzl
+1 −1 cmd/protoc-gen-validate-cpp/main.go
+2 −2 cmd/protoc-gen-validate-go/main.go
+1 −1 cmd/protoc-gen-validate-java/main.go
+5 −5 dependencies.bzl
+3 −3 example-workspace/dependencies.bzl
+9 −11 go.mod
+17 −450 go.sum
+1 −1 java/pgv-java-grpc/pom.xml
+1 −1 java/pgv-java-stub/pom.xml
+2 −1 java/pgv-java-validation/pom.xml
+2 −0 java/pgv-java-validation/src/main/java/io/envoyproxy/pgv/validation/BUILD
+1 −1 java/pgv-test-coverage-report/pom.xml
+11 −11 java/pom.xml
+2 −2 main.go
+1 −1 module/checker.go
+2 −2 module/validate.go
+1 −1 python/pyproject.toml
+15 −1 templates/cc/msg.go
+19 −4 templates/cc/register.go
+1 −1 templates/ccnop/register.go
+1 −1 templates/go/register.go
+14 −0 templates/goshared/msg.go
+46 −10 templates/goshared/register.go
+4 −4 templates/java/register.go
+3 −3 templates/pkg.go
+1 −1 templates/shared/context.go
+1 −1 templates/shared/disabled.go
+1 −1 templates/shared/enums.go
+1 −1 templates/shared/functions.go
+1 −1 templates/shared/well_known.go
+4 −3 tests/go.mod
+17 −401 tests/go.sum
+5 −0 tests/harness/cases/BUILD
+12 −0 tests/harness/cases/enums.proto
+3 −0 tests/harness/cases/maps.proto
+6 −0 tests/harness/cases/other_package/embed.proto
+80 −0 tests/harness/cases/sort/BUILD
+10 −0 tests/harness/cases/sort/sort.proto
+6 −0 tests/harness/cases/yet_another_package/embed.proto
+1 −0 tests/harness/executor/BUILD
+17 −1 tests/harness/executor/cases.go
+1 −0 tests/harness/go/main/BUILD
+16 −3 validate/validate.h
+2 −2 validate/validate.pb.go

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