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- $('body').addClass('js-on');
- // A - Z Sorting
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- var text = $(this).find('.site-header').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase().substr(1,1);
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
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- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- });
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- $('.diff-sort a').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var term = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
- var $sites = $('.sites section');
- $sites.show().filter(function() {
- var text = $(this).find('.site-difficulty').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase();
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
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- $('.no-results').show();
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- });
- // Popular sorting
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- var term = "popular";
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- $sites.show().filter(function() {
- var text = $(this).find('.meta').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase();
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
- if ( ! $('.site-block').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- });
- // Clear search and sorting
- $('button.reset').click(function(e){
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- $('input').val('');
- });
- // When the search field changes, update the hash
- $('input').keyup(function(){
- window.location.hash = $(this).val();
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- // Call updateSearch when hash changes
- $(window).on('hashchange', function() {
- updateSearch();
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- // Search function
- function updateSearch() {
- if ($('.no-results').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').hide();
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- var term = hash.substr(1);
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- var text = $(this).find('.site-header').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase();
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
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- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- // Insert the term into the field
- // (sometimes this is missed if the hash is changed directly)
- $('#search').val(window.location.hash.substr(1));
- }
- // Update search results on page load (if there is a hash)
- if (window.location.hash !== "" && window.location.hash !== "#") {
- // Insert the term into the field
- $('#search').val(window.location.hash.substr(1));
- // Update the results
- updateSearch();
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- $('.site a').prop('title', '');
- // jQuery ScrollTo plugin from http://lions-mark.com/jquery/scrollTo/
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- if (typeof callback == 'function') { callback.call(this); }
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- e.preventDefault();
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- });
- $('.info').click(function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
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- // create the keys and konami variables
- var keys = [],
- konami = "38,38,40,40,37,39,37,39,66,65";
- $(document).keydown(function(e){
- keys.push(e.keyCode);
- // and check to see if the user has entered the Konami code
- if (keys.toString().indexOf(konami) >= 0) {
- // do something such as:
- (function(){
- $('.site-block:first').after('
Difficulty: impossible
No Info Available
- +'
Difficulty: impossible
No Info Available
- })();
- // and finally clean up the keys array
- keys = [];
- }
- });
-// Load Facebook after page load
-window.onload = function() {
- $('#search').focus();
- (function(d, s, id) {
- var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
- if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
- js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
- js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1";
- fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
- }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
- console.log('Welcome to justdelete.me. We currently have ' + $('.site-block').length + ' services listed.');
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Just Delete Me | Un directori d'enllaços directes per eliminar els teus comptes dels diferents serveis d'internet.
- Català
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popular
- A - Z
- dificultat
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Entra al teu compte, ves a paràmetres, fés clic a 'Delete my account'. Confirma clicant a 'I want to delete my account'. I novament a 'Delete my 9GAG account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- S'ha de posar en cotacte amb ells. Mitjançant telèfon o e-mail.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Per tancar el seu compte, contacti amb Amazon via e-mail (omplint aquest formulari de contacte) i demanant que es tanqui el seu compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- You must login before visiting the link.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Nosaltres no 'esborrem' o 'finalitzem' comptes d'ACC. En el cas que no vulgui utilitzar més el lloc, pot esborrar totes les teves dades personals del seu perfil i evitar entrar més.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Demani l'eliminació del compte al servei d'atenció al client.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Vagi a la pàgina 'Settings', baixa fins a trobar 'Deactivate account'. Cliqui al botó 'Close Account', i confirmi-ho.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- L'Assistencia al Client li demanarà que envii una carta firmada confirmant els seus desitjos, els detalls de la seva conta i una copia d'identificació legal (Passaport, DNI...).
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Al menú lateral, cliqui a 'Delete Account', a la pagina de confirmació cliqui 'Delete Account', tots els comptes i repositoris serán cancel·lats
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Hauries d'esborrar tot el compte de Google sencer, però si que pots eliminar el teu blog.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Només pots desactivar el compte contactant amb l'Assistència al client. No podràs eliminar mai el compte, només desactivar-lo, els comptes desactivats són visibles al públic.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Només cal clicar a 'Abschicken'
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Must remove uploaded files first
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- We don't delete old accounts.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No podrà eliminar el compte. Només pots canviar-te el número de telèfon.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Comenci una discusió privada amb ells i 'procuraran fer-ho'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Per raons de seguretat, necessitem verificar si aquestes peticions provenen des de l'e-mail lligat al seu compte de Codecademy.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Identifica't al lloc web i entra https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No pot ser completament eliminat, la reactivació serà possible sempre. Ompli el formulari i seleccioni 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Contacti amb l'assistència al client i demani que li esborrrin el compte.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Editi el seu compte i seleccioni 'Remove my account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Vosté pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrem i continuarem utilitzant qualsevol contingut que hagi enviat al nostre servei.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- mitja
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- mitja
- Totes les seves dades son esborrades inmediatament. Els comptes poden ser reactivats abans de 30 dies, després d'aquest termini no podrà ser reactivat.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No hi ha cap informació al FAQ sobre la cancel·lació de comptes, l'operador telefonic diu que no es poden esborrar els comptes.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Cliqui a 'close my account' i confirmi-ho amb la seva contrasenya.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Contacti amb l'assistència al client de Digg i demani que es clausuri el seu compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- mitja
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Tots els comptes romandran al sistema durant 3 anys. Esborri qualsevol informació bancaria abans de suprimir el compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Contacti amb assistència al client i demani que es clausuri el seu compte. Si vius fora dels EEUU ho hauràs de fer per telèfon.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Se li farà un petit qüestionari abans desborrar el compte.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- mitja
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No té perqué esborrar el seu compte. Un compte antic sens ús ni cursos completats serà eliminat.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- No pot tindre pagaments pendents amb Etsy o una entrega pendent. El seu e-mail continuarà als seus fitxers.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No pot eliminar un compte d'Evernote, només pot desactivar-la temporalment. La desactivaciò no esborra les seves dades, ho haurà de fer manualment, després sincronitzar i desactivar.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Pot esborrar el compte facilment, algunes dades com el chat o missatges en grup son guardades per sempre, com s'explica als termes de privacitat del lloc.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Enviï un e-mail a l'assistència al client per demanar l'eliminació del compte.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Cliqui al seu usuari (adalt esquerra) → cliqui a 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. Totes les seves dades seràn eliminades.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Vés a 'Account Management' dins l'aplicació
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- mitja
- Per esborrar el seu compte no ha de pujar res en 3 dies.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- difícil
- Fixa't si el balanç del compte es positiu, si ho és envía un 'ticket' a l'assistencia demanant que tanquin el seu compte
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- /msg NickServ DROP nom_usuari contrasenya
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Per esborrar el seu compte contacti amb l'assistència al client
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Contacti amb l'assistència al client i demani que li esborrrin el compte.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot deixar d'utilitzar el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, no obstant continuarém fent servir el Contingut que ha enviat.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Elimini qualsevol informació que vulgui que no apareixi al lloc web. Després seleccioni 'Account Settings' i 'Close Account'
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Ha d'enviar un e-mail a l'assistencia al client. Si es disposava de compte Premium no es tornaran els diners.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- Pot parar d'utilitzar el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres seguirem fent servir el Contingut que ha enviat al lloc.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Contacti amb assistència al client i demani que esborrin el compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Vosté no pot esborrar el seu compte, però pot desactivar-lo. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Els comptes de GoDaddy son aparentment retinguts “per complir amb les [seves] obligacions legals ” pots esborrar molta informació editant el teu perfil.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- difícil
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- A la barra superior, cliqui al 'seu nom', després cliqui a 'Delete Account' al final del quadre de diàleg.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- fàcil
- Seleccioni un motiu per tancar el compte, només seran 2 clics
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Seleccioni un motiu per tancar el compte, només seran 2 clics
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- No es pot esborrar el seu compte de Gravatar sense borrar tot el compte de WordPress.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Pot esborrar el seu perfil i historial de xat desde la mateixa aplicació o pot enviar un e-mail amb el seu UDID.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- difícil
- No s'explica com eliminar el compte. Haurà de contactar directament amb el servei d'assistència (link al final de la pàgina) i ells li borraran el compte.
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Les seves contribucions es mantindran, però pot netejar el seu perfil -- incloent el seu e-mail.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Clica a l'enllaç “Close your account...” al final de la pàgina.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot esborrar la seva informaciò i manualment sortir d'HOL, però el seu compte es permanent.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- difícil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- A la barra superior: 'El seu nom', 'My Account' i faci click a 'Delete Account' al final.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Contacta amb el servei d'assistència. Perdrà l'accés a qualsevol contingut que no hagi descarregat al seu ordinador.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Cliqui a 'Delete Accout' al final de la pàgina de preferències del compte
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Entri al compte. Posi la seva contrassenya. Presioni 'delete'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- Només podrà inhabilitar el compte, no hi ha manera de fer-ho permanentment.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Trigaran aproximadament 180 dies per eliminar les teves dades del sistema .
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- La desactivació pot trigar 7 dies a eliminar les teves dades
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Cliqui a 'Profile', després 'Edit', 'Show advanced settings', i finalment marqui 'Delete my account'.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Hi han informes que diuen que LinkedIn segueix enviant correu electrònic a les persones amb comptes tancats. Podria ser necessari posar-se en contacte amb el servei al client per eliminar el compte en lloc de tancar-lo.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- impossible
- One cannot even change the password
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Una vegada que hagi eliminat el seu Journal, tindrà 30 dies per tirar enderrera la decisiò. Després de 30 dies el seu contingut serà borrat permanentment i no es podrà recuperar.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Ha de tornar tots els discs físics, el seu compte estarà en “cancelament pendent” fins que es rebin els discs.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- mitja
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Marca DELETE i presioni el botó 'Delete Account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Cliqui a 'Accounts' adalt a la dreta, després seleccioni 'Settings'. Vés al final de la pàgina i cliqui a 'Delete Your Mint Account' i finalment 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Si vostè es va registrar a Mojang i ara vol esborrar el seu compte, visiti la página de configuració del compte. Tingui en compte que si l'elimina no podrà entrar més amb els serveis de Mojang i no podrà adquirir futurs jocs de Mojang.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- “Cancel your account” al final de la pàgina.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Contacti amb el servei d'assistència al client. No s'eliminarà completament, sota la premisa de que potser voldràs reobrir el compte i mantindre l'historial i les notificacions.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- Seleccioni 'settings', a continuació 'account' i 'delete'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Utilitzi el formulari per escriure a l'assistència al client i demar-lis la clausura del compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Entri al seu compte, baixi fins a 'License Agreement', cliqui a 'Delete profile', marqui les caselles que desitgi, entri la seva clau i faci clic a 'Remove'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Visiti la pàgina de paràmetres, i seleccioni 'Delete Account'
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot desactivar el seu compte amb l'enllaç. Però les dades no poden ser esborrades. Encara que contacti amb Atenció al client no esborraran les seves dades.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Has d'enviar un e-mail a l'assistència al client amb el compte d'email associat al compte de Pandora. Si no té accès al e-mail, haurà d'informar de l'email amb el que s'ha registrat, l'any de neixement i Codi Postal associat al compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot esborrar els seus 'pastes', però no hi ha cap enllaç per esborrar el compte.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- No podrà esborrar el seu compte de la web. Obri l'aplicació d'iOS/Android, vagi a settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- S'ha d'entrar al compte, anar als paràmetres (el petit engranatge al costat del teu nom d'usuari), cliqui a 'Delete my account'. Rebrà un e-mail confirmant l'acció.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No pot esborrar el seu compte a Picasa sense esborrar el seu compte de Google.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- Els comptes poden ser desactivats, però els seus pins i perfil seràn ocultats, no esborrats.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Completi el formulari d'eliminació del compte
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Entri al seu compte -> Cliqui a l'enllaç (les dades s'eliminen permanentment, no es pot revertir).
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Entri al seu compte, vagi a la pàgina de configuració i cliqui a 'I want to delete my account'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- No podrà esborrar el seu compte, pero es podrà desactivar.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Augmenti la seva productivitat fins a 5 vegades amb aquest truc que ningú en vol sentir a parlar!
- mostrar informació
- popular
- difícil
- Si decideix desactivar el seu compte haurà de posarse en contacte amb support@redditgifts.com. Haurà d'enviar l'e-mail i nom de l'usuari de Reddit associat al compte de la web.
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- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Haurà de contactar amb flixter per cancel·lar el perfil natiu d'RT, mentres que els comptes associats amb Facebook o Flixster.com són més fàcils d'esborrar.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Enllaç al final: 'Delete Account'
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Després de clicar al botó, haurà d'entrar la contrasenya i completar el 'captcha', clicar un altre botó i confirmar a la finestra de diàleg.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Entri al seu compte i segueixi les instruccions a 'Account Suspension'.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Cliqui a l'enllaç 'Delete your account' al final de la pàgina. Nota: Al teu Dropbox, el contingut d'aquest servei a Dropbox no serà esborrat. Si ho necessita, pot esborrar la carpeta 'Apps/scriptogram' de forma manual.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Seleccioni 'Please cancel my account'. Esculli un motiu i seleccioni 'close my shopify store'.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Contacti amb l'assistència al client per e-mail o chat i demani la supressió del compte.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Contacti amb l'assistència al client. Haurà de coneixer 5 contactes de la seva llista, el mes que va ser creat el compte i el e-mail associat.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha un enllaç directe ja que aquest està basat en el seu nom d'usuari.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Entri el seu nom d'usuari i contrasenya i faci clic a 'Delete'.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
Envia un e-mail »
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Les dades creades per l'usuari, com els posts i tickets es mantindran atribuits al compte, inclús si es eliminada. El nom d'usuari no estarà disponible.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Si vol acabar amb el seu compte d'Speaker Deck, simplement deixi de fer servir Speaker Deck.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- mitja
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Si mai ha publicat al lloc només és un clic. En cas contrari, editi la seva biografia a 'About Me' i escrigui 'please delete me' a continuació contacti amb atenció al client.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- No poden esborrar el compte, pero si ho demanes poden “esborrar tota la seva informació per tal de no rebre e-mails i cap de les teves informacions estigui disponibl a [ells] per potencials accions fraudulentes.”.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- L'eliminació no pot ser anulada. Totes les dades del teu perfil, contactes, missatges i imatges seran eliminades permanentment. Ningú es podrà posar en contacte amb tu.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Si contacta amb l'assistència al client d'Steam, li respondran que deixi d'utilitzar el seu compte. Si no ha comprat jocs el compte serà deshabilitat al cap d'un temps.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
Envia un e-mail »
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Mitjançant la desactivació, totes les activitats s'eliminaran i serà eliminat de totes les leaderboards. Strava mantindrà un arxiu amb les dades GPS que s'envien a Strava, però l'arxiu no es podrà utilitzar per restaurar el compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Pot reactivar-la en un termini de 14 dies. Desprès d'aquest temps el compte serà esborrat.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
Envia un e-mail »
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Edit profile (menú situat a la cantonada superior esquerra) → Delete account
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- Haurà de sol·licitar que esborrin el seu compte via formulari.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- Vostè no podrà esborrar el compte, però podrà contactar via e-mail per desactivar-la.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Seleccioni l'opció 'Delete your account?' per esborrar el seu compte
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Si i no, depén del tipo(s) de compte(s), i l'haurà d'eliminar en l'ordre correcte. Tots els comptes estan relacionats amb l'inici de sessió únic (login.ubuntu.com) Ubuntu One, aleshores aquesta és l'ultim compte que has de tancar . A més, l'enmagatzematge d'arxius en el núvo Launchpad.net, AskUbuntu i altres comptes s'han de tancar abans si és possible. Això és molt important si té algun servei de pagament, per assegurar-se que no se li cobrarà res després de tancar els seus comptes. L'últim pas és tancar el compte de Single Sign-On (SSO). Comptes d'SSO han de ser eliminats manualment pel personal d'Ubuntu One.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Un treballador d'Udacity recomana que pari d'utilitzar el compte, això vol dir que no hi ha cap manera d'esborrar el compte de moment.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Per esborrar el seu compte, haurà de deixar d'estar subscrit a tots els cursos.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Baixi fins al peu de la pàgina a 'Account Settings' i cliqui a 'Delete Account'
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- Pot parar de fer servir el servei en qualsevol moment. Nosaltres, si més no mantindrém i continuarem utilitzant el contingut que ha enviat amb el servei.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- Hi ha un botò a la dreta, just a sota del menu.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- L'unica manera d'esborrar el seu compte de Vine sense esborrar el compte de Twitter es contactar amb Twitter via el seu formulari de contacte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- impossible
- La web no té opcions d'usuari o per esborrar el compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Des de l'aplicació: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (no es pot tornar endarrera)
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- 'No es poden esborrar els usuaris.' Però fan algunes suggerencies.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- mostrar informació
- difícil
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
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- mostrar informació
- impossible
- “Els comptes de WordPress.com no poden ser esborrats.” La millor millor opció és esborrar qualsevol dada personal del compte.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- Cliqui a 'Delete Account' al final del panell d'opcions del compte.
- mostrar informació
- impossible
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Seleccioni 'delete my profile' al final de la pàgina.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- Fes clic a l'enllaç “Delete account” al final de la pàgina.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- fàcil
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- mostrar informació
- mitja
- Haurà de demanar l'eliminació de les dades de Yatado abans d'esborrar el compte.
- mostrar informació
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- popular
- impossible
- No pots esborrar el teu compte de YouTube sense borrar tot el compte de Google, però pots borrar el teu canal.
- mostrar informació
- popular
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- fàcil
- No hi ha informació disponible
- difícil
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
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- mostrar informació
about anchor
Que es això?
Nombroses companyies usen una técnica anomenada dark pattern per dificultar l'eliminació dels comptes d'usuari als seus serveis online. JustDelete.me busca ser un directori on centralitzar els enllaços per eliminar facilment les vostres comptes de la web.
Creus que es podría posar algun altre servei web a la llista? Fes un Fork del projecte a GitHub.
Els enllaços de la part superior s'han classificat amb un codi de colors per indicar la dificultat per suprimir el compte:
- Fàcil - Procés simple
- Mitja - S'han de fer alguns passos extra
- Difícil - No es pot suprimir permanentment sense contactar amb atenció al client
- Impossíble - No pot ser suprimida
El servei d'allotjament d'aquesta web d'ajuda costa diners, si t'agrada JustDelete.me, considera fer una donació, si us plau.
Extensió per a Google Chrome
El nostre amic Mike Rogers ens ha ajudat a llançar aquesta increible Extensió de Google Chrome per a JustDelete.me.
Si entres a una web identificada per JustDelete.me, l'extensió et mostrarà un punt a l'omnibar. Clicant a aquell punt, et portarà directament a la pàgina per esborrar el compte.
Per instal·lar-la, entra a la Chrome Web Store .
Guia del Punt de l'extensió
- - Procés simple
- - S'han de fer alguns passos extra
- - No es pot suprimir permanentment sense contactar amb atenció al client
- - No pot ser suprimida
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/de.html b/docs/de.html
deleted file mode 100644
index da6b1c41..00000000
--- a/docs/de.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Ein Verzeichnis direkter Links zur Löschung deines Accounts aus verschiedenen Webdiensten.
- Deutsch
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Beliebt
- A - Z
- Schwierigkeit
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Um deinen Account zu löschen, kontaktiere den Support über den Link und beantrage die Löschung dort.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- You must login before visiting the link.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Beantrage die Löschung beim Support.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Deaktivierung von Accounts bis auf weiteres nicht möglich
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Nach dem einloggen muss der Kundenservice zur Löschung kontaktiert werden.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Einfach auf 'Abschicken' klicken
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Must remove uploaded files first
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Sie können Ihren Account nicht löschen ohne den Support zu kontaktieren. Sie müssen den Betreff auf 'Delete Account' setzen.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- We don't delete old accounts.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Logge dich in deinen Account ein und klicke auf der Seite auf 'Account löschen'.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Starte eine private Diskussion mit ihnen und sie 'Kümmern sich drum'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Kann nicht vollständig gelöscht werden, reaktivierung ist immer möglich. Fülle das Formular aus und wähle 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Kontaktiere den Support und sie löschen deinen Account.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Sende eine E-Mail an abuse@craigslist.org und beantrage die Löschung
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Editiere deinen Account und wähle 'Remove my account'
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Nach Angabe der E-Mail-Adresse und der Auswahl eines Grunds der Löschung, erhält man per Mail einen Sicherheitscode. Dieser wird im Löschformular eingetragen und abgeschickt. Danach wird der Account unwiederbringlich gelöscht.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- mittel
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- mittel
- Alle Daten sind sofort gelöscht. Accounts können innerhalb von 30 Tagen reaktiviert werden. Nach dieser Zeitspanne können sie nicht mehr wiederhergestellt werden.
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- unmöglich
- Keine Informationen in den FAQ über Account-Löschung. Der Mitarbeiter an der Hotline bestätigte, dass die Löschung nicht möglich ist.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Klicke auf 'close my account' und bestätige dies mit deinem Passwort.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Kontaktiere Digg's Kundensupport und beantrage die Löschung deines Accounts.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- mittel
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Alle Accounts bleiben 3 Tage lang in ihrem System. Lösche alle Bank-Informationen bevor du deinen Account löschst.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Kontaktiere den Support um die Löschung zu beantragen. Wenn du außerhalb der USA bist, muss dies per Telefon geschehen.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Ein paar Fragen werden dir vor dem Löschen gestellt.
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- popular
- mittel
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- unmöglich
- Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit deinen Account zu löschen. Ein alter, unbenutzter edX Account ohne fertiggestellte Kurse wird automatisch gelöscht.
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- schwer
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- leicht
- Zitiert von Ello: Wenn Sie Ihren Account löschen, entfernen Sie alle persönlichen Informationen von Ello. Ihr Account kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden.
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- leicht
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
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- schwer
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Du kannst deinen Evernote-Account nicht löschen, du kannst ihn nur temporär deaktivieren. Deaktivierung löscht nicht deine Daten, deshalb musst du manuell jede Notiz und persönliche Information löschen. Schließe dann eine Synchronisation ab und deaktiviere deinen Account dann.
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- schwer
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Während du deinen Account leicht löschen kannst, bleiben einige deiner Daten dauerhaft. z.B. Chat- und Gruppennachrichten. Dies ist so in den Datenschutzbestimmungen bestimmt.
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- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Schreibe eine mail an den Kundensupport um die Löschung zu beantragen
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Klicke auf deinen username (oben rechts) → klicke auf 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. Alle Daten sind augenblicklich gelöscht.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Gehe auf 'Account Management' innerhalb der App.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- mittel
- Um deinen Account zu löschen, schreibe nichts für mindestens drei Tage.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- schwer
- Stelle sicher, dass der Kontostand positiv ist, dann erstelle ein Support-Ticket um deinen Account zur Löschung zu beantragen.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- /msg NickServ DROP Nutzername Passwort
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- mittel
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Account-Löschung erfordert es den Kundensupport zu kontaktieren
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Kontaktiere den Support und sie löschen deinen Account.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Du solltest aufhören den Service zu nutzen, ohne uns zu informieren. Wir behalten uns vor, dein Inhalt und deine Daten, die du durch unseren Service hochgeladen hast weiterhin zu nutzen.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Lösche die Informationen, die du entfernt haben möchtest, von der Seite. Dann wähle 'Account Settings' und 'Close Account'
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Du musst den Support von der E-Mail-Adresse aus kontaktieren, die registriert ist. Dann beantreage die Löschung. Eine bestehende Premium-Mitgliedschaft wird nicht erstattet.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Sie können Ihren Account nicht löschen ohne den Support zu kontaktieren. Sie müssen ein Ticket eröffnen und den Betreff auf 'Delete Account' setzen.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Sie können Ihren Account nicht löschen ohne den Support zu kontaktieren. Sie müssen den Betreff auf 'Delete Account' setzen.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- Du solltest aufhören den Service zu nutzen, ohne uns zu informieren. Wir behalten uns vor, dein Inhalt und deine Daten, die du durch unseren Service hochgeladen hast weiterhin zu nutzen.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Nutze die Support-Mail-Adresse und beantrage die Löschung dort.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Kontaktiere den Kundensupport und beantrage die Löschung
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Du kannst deinen Account nicht löschen, aber du kannst ihn deaktivieren (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- schwer
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- leicht
- Wähle einen Grund für die Löschung und es wird nur 2 Klicks benötigen.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Wähle einen Grund für die Löschung. Es braucht nur 2 clicks.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Du kannst dein Profil und dein Chat-Verlauf innerhalb der App löschen oder du kanns den Support per mail mit deiner UDID kontaktieren.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- schwer
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
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- leicht
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Sie können Ihre daten manuell löschen und HOL schließen, aber Ihre Daten bleiben gespeichert
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Du kannst persönliche Daten Löschen. Wenn du Soziale Netzwerke zum Anmelden benutzt hast kannst du die Verbindung zu diesen trennen.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- schwer
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
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- unmöglich
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Kontaktiere den Kundenservice. Du wirst deinen Zugang zu allen Medien verlieren, die du nicht auf deinen Computer heruntergeladen hast.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Logge dich ein, tippe dein Passwort ein. Klicke auf 'delete'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
E-mail senden »
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Es kann bis zu 180 Tage dauern, bis all deine Daten aus dem System entfernt sind
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Es kann bis zu 7 Tage dauern um deine Daten zu löschen.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- unmöglich
- One cannot even change the password
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- leicht
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Click “Close account”.
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- leicht
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- mittel
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Passwort eingeben -> An das Ende der Seite scrollen -> 'Delete Account' klicken
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Sie müssen eine E-Mail an den Support senden. Es kann bis zu 48 Stunden brauchen Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- schwer
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Gehe zu deinen Account-Einstellungen (oben rechts, klicke auf deine E-Mail-Adresse) und wähle 'Delete Account' aus.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
E-mail senden »
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- unmöglich
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- leicht
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Du kannst deinen Account mit dem Link deaktivieren, aber deine Daten werden nicht gelöscht. Auch wenn du den Support kontaktierst, können sie deine Daten nicht löschen.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Es ist nicht möglich das Konto mit allen Daten zu löschen, es ist nur ein 'weiches Löschen' möglich, bei dem es immer die Möglichkeit des Wieder-Aktivierens gibt.
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- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Um den Account löschen zu können, müssen Sie zunächst alle aktiven Webseiten löschen, oder diese an jemand anderen übertragen.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- mittel
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- schwer
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Auf der Account Seite auf 'Delete Account' klicken.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Es ist nötig den Support zu kontaktieren oder über das Webinterface seine Meinung abzugeben unter 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Fill out the deletion form
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- zeige Info...
- popular
- schwer
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Email request required.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Du musst ein Support Ticket erstellen und den Betreff zu Delete Account setzen.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Füge 'delete me' in die Beschreibungsbox auf deinem Profil ein und sende eine E-Mail an team@soup.io, die deine soup-URL und eine Löschaufforderung beinhalten.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- mittel
- Dein Account kann nicht gelöscht werden. Er kann deaktiviert werden, aber deine Daten werden inaktiv auf den Servern bleiben.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Es ist erforderlich, eine Email an den Support zu schreiben. Alle Aktivitäten werden anonymisiert.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Die Löschung Ihres Eintrages kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Alle Ihre Profildaten, Kontakte Nachrichten und Bilder werden unwiderruflich entfernt. Ihre Mitschüler und Kontakte können nicht mehr über StayFriends Kontakt zu Ihnen aufnehmen.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- Um Deinen StepMap-Account zu löschen, teile uns dies bitte per E-Mail an info@stepmap.de mit und nenne uns Deinen Benutzernamen. Die Absenderadresse muss Deine E-Mail-Adresse sein, mit der Du Dich bei StepMap angemeldet hast.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Klicke auf 'Konto löschen' und dann auf 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- unmöglich
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- zeige Info...
- schwer
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- zeige Info...
- unmöglich
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- leicht
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- zeige Info...
- mittel
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- zeige Info...
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- popular
- unmöglich
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- zeige Info...
- popular
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- leicht
- Keine Information verfügbar.
- schwer
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
E-mail senden »
- zeige Info...
about anchor
Was ist das?
Viele Firmen nutzen dark pattern -Techniken, um es schwierig zu machen, deinen Account zu löschen. Das Ziel von JustDelete.me ist ein Verzeichnis von URLs, damit Sie Ihr Konto bei verschiedenen Webdiensten einfach löschen können.
Fehlt eine Seite, die hinzugefügt werden sollte? Forke das Projekt auf GitHub .
Die Links oben sind farbkodiert, um die Schwierigkeit des Account-Löschens anzuzeigen:
- Leicht - Einfacher Prozess
- Mittel - Einige zusätzliche Schritte sind notwendig
- Schwer - Kann nicht gelöscht werden, ohne den jeweiligen Support zu kontaktieren
- Unmöglich - Kann nicht gelöscht werden
Hosting kostet Geld. Wenn du JustDelete.me magst, denke bitte über eine Spende nach.
Google Chrome-Erweiterung
Unser Freund Mike Rogers hat uns geholfen, eine großartige Google Chrome-Erweiterung für JustDelete.me zu erstellen.
Wenn Sie auf einer Seite sind, die auf JustDelete.me gelistet ist, fügt die Google Chrome-Erweiterung einen kleinen Punkt zur Omnibar hinzu. Ein Klick auf diesen Punkt befördert Sie zur relevanten Löschen-Seite.
Um die Erweiterung zu installieren, rufen Sie einfach den Chrome Web Store auf.
Punkte-Anleitung der Erweiterung
- - Einfacher Prozess
- - Einige zusätzliche Schritte sind nötig
- - Kann nicht vollständig gelöscht werden, ohne den jeweiligen Support zu kontaktieren
- - Kann nicht gelöscht werden
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/es.html b/docs/es.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9725f8..00000000
--- a/docs/es.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Un directorio de enlaces directos para eliminar sus cuentas de los diferentes servicios de internet.
- Español
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popular
- A - Z
- dificultad
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Entra en tu cuenta, ve a parámetros, haz clic en 'Delete my account'. Confirma haciendo clic en 'I want to delete my account'. I de nuevo en 'Delete my 9GAG account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Tienes que poner en contacto con ellos. Mediante teléfono o e-mail.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Para cerrar tu cuenta, contacta con Amazon via e-mail (rellenando este formulario de contacto) y pidiendo que se cierre tu cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- You must login before visiting the link.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Nosotros no 'borramos' o 'finalizamos' cuentas de ACC. En el supuesto que no quieras utilizar más el sitio, puede borrar toda tu información personal de tu perfil y evitar entrar más a tu cuenta.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- mostrar información
- imposible
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Pide la eliminación de tu cuenta al servicio de atención al cliente.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- mostrar información
- imposible
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Ve a la página 'Settings', desplázate hasta encontrar 'Deactivate account'. Haz clic en el botón 'Close Account', y confirma.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- La asistencia al cliente te pedirá que envíes una carta firmada confirmando tus deseos, los detalles de la cuenta y una copia de una identificación legal (Pasaporte, DNI...).
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Enviar e-mail »
- mostrar información
- fácil
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- En el menú lateral, haz clic en 'Delete Account', y en la página de confirmación pulsa 'Delete Account', todas tus cuentas y repositorios serán cancelados.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No puedes borrar tu cuenta de Blogger sin borrar toda la cuenta de Google, pero puedes borrar tu blog.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Solo puedes desactivar la cuenta contactando con Assistència al client. No podrás eliminar nunca la cuenta, solo desactivarla, les cuentas desactivadas son visibles al público.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Solo tienes que clicar en 'Abschicken'
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- We don't delete old accounts.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No podrá eliminar la cuenta. Solo puedes cambiar tu número de teléfono a un falso.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Empieza una discusión privada con ellos y 'procurarán hacerlo'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Simplemente haz clic en el botón "Entiendo, borrar mi cuenta".
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Identifícate en el sitio web y entra en https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- mostrar información
- media
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No puedes eliminarla completamente, la reactivación siempre será posible. Rellena el formulario y selecciona 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Contacta con asistencia al cliente y pide que te borren la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- mostrar información
- imposible
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Edita tu cuenta y seleccione 'Remove my account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Usted puede parar de usar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, mantendremos y continuaremos utilizando cualquier contenido que haya enviado a nuestro servicio.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- media
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- media
- Todos tus datos son borrados inmediatamente. Todas las cuentas pueden ser reactivadas antes de 30 días, después de ese plazo no podrá ser recuperada.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No hay información en el FAQ sobre la cancelación de cuentas, el operador telefónico dice que no se pueden borrar las cuentas.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Haz clic en 'close my account' y confirmelo con tu contraseña.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Contacta con asistencia al cliente de Digg y pide que se clausure tu cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- media
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Todas las cuentas permanecerán en el sistema durante 3 años. Borra toda información bancaria antes de eliminar tu cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Contacta con asistencia al cliente y pide que se cierre tu cuenta. Si vives fuera de EEUU deberás hacerlo por teléfono.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Se le hará un pequeño cuestionario antes de borrar la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- popular
- media
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- mostrar información
- imposible
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «No hay necesidad de borrar la cuenta. Una cuenta antigua no usada y sin cursos completos será eliminado.»
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- No puedes tener pagos pendientes con Etsy o una entrega pendiente. Tu e-mail permanencerá en las bases de datos.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No puedes eliminar una cuenta de Evernote, solo puedes desactivarla temporalmente. La desactivación no borra tus datos, lo deberás hacer a mano, y después sincronizalo y desactivalo.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- mostrar información
- media
- Aunque puedes borrar la cuenta facilmente, algunos de los datos como el chat o mensajes en grupo son guardados para siempre, como se explica en los Terminos de privacidad del sitio.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Envía un e-mail a la asistencia al cliente para pedir la eliminación de tu cuenta.
- mostrar información
- media
- Haz clic en tu usuario (arriba a la izquierda) → haz clic en 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. Todos tus datos serán eliminados.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Ve a 'Account Management' dentro de la aplicación
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- mostrar información
- media
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- media
- Para borrar tu cuenta no debes subir nada por lo menos 3 días.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- difícil
- Asegurarte de que el saldo de tu cuenta es positivo, y después los envía un tiquet a la asistencia pidiendo que cierren tu cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- /msg NickServ DROP nombre_usuario contraseña
- mostrar información
- media
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Para borrar tu cuenta contacta con asistencia al cliente
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Contacta con asistencia al cliente y pide que te borren la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- media
- Elimina cualquier información que no quieras que aparezca en el sitio web. Luego selecciona 'Account Settings' y 'Close Account'
- mostrar información
- media
- Debes enviar un e-mail a la asistencia al cliente. Si se disponía de cuenta Premium no se devolverá el dinero.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Contacta con asistencia al cliente y pide que borren tu cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No puedes borrar tu cuenta, pero puedes desactivarla. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Las cuentas de GoDaddy son aparentemente retenidos «para cumplir con las [sus] obligaciones legales». Sin embargo, puedes borrar mucha información en editando tu perfil.
- mostrar información
- popular
- difícil
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- En la barra superior, haz clic en 'tu nombre', después haz clic en 'Delete Account', al final del cuadro de diálogo.
- mostrar información
- media
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- fácil
- Selecciona un motivo para cerrar la cuenta, solo serán 2 clics
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Seleccione un motivo para cerrar la cuenta, sólo serán 2 clics
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- No puedes borrar tu cuenta de Gravatar sin borrar toda tu cuenta de WordPress.
- mostrar información
- media
- Puedes borrar tu perfil e historial de chat desde la misma aplicación. O, puedes enviar un e-mail con su UDID.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- mostrar información
- popular
- difícil
- No hay una explicación en como eliminar las cuentas. Deberás contactar directamente con el servicio de asistencia (enlance al final de la página) y ellos borrarán la cuenta.
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Tus contribuciones se permanecerán, pero puedes borrar los datos en tu perfil (incluso tu e-mail).
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Haz clic en el enlace "Close your account..." al final de la página.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Puedes borrar tu información y manualmente salir de HOL, pero tu cuenta es permanente.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- difícil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- En la barra superior: 'Tu nombre', 'My Account' y haz clic en 'Delete Account' al final.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Contacta con el servicio de asistencia. Perderás el acceso a cualquier contenido que no hayas descargado en tu ordenador.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Entra en la cuenta. Pon tu contraseña. Pulsa 'delete'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- Sólo podrás desactivar la cuenta, no hay manera de hacerlo permanentemente.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- mostrar información
- media
- Tardarán aproximadamente 180 días para eliminar tus datos del sistema.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- difícil
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- La desactivación puede tardar 7 días en eliminar tus datos
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Haz clic en 'Profile', después 'Edit', 'Show advanced settings', y finalmente marca 'Delete my account'.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- media
- Hay informes que dicen que LinkedIn sigue enviando correo electrónico a las personas con cuentas cerradas. Podría ser necesario ponerte en contacto con el servicio al cliente para eliminar la cuenta en lugar de cerrarla.
- mostrar información
- popular
- imposible
- One cannot even change the password
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- mostrar información
- media
- Cuando has eliminado tu Journal, tendrás 30 días para cancelar la decisión. Después de 30 días tu contenido será borrado permanentemente y no será posible de recuperarlo.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- mostrar información
- media
- Debes devolver todos los discos físicos, tu cuenta estará en “cancelación pendiente” hasta que se reciban los discos.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- media
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Marca DELETE y presiona el botón 'Delete Account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- mostrar información
- media
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Haz clic en 'Accounts' arriba a la derecha, después selecciona 'Settings'. Ve al final de la página y pulsa 'Delete Your Mint Account' y finalmente 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Si te habías registrado en Mojang y ahora quieres borrar tu cuenta, visita la página de configuración de la cuenta. Te comunicas que si lo eliminaras, no podrás usar los servicios de Mojang y no podrás comprar juegos de Mojang en el futuro.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- “Cancel your account” al final de la página.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Tienes que contactar a Multiplay a través de su página contactanos.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Contacta con el servicio de asistencia al cliente. No se eliminará completamente, bajo la suposición de que quizás querrás reabrir la cuenta y mantener el historial y las notificaciones.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- Selecciona 'settings', a continuación 'account' y 'delete'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Usa el formulario para escribir a asistencia al cliente y pideles el cierre de la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Entra en tu cuenta, desplázate hasta 'License Agreement', pulsa 'Delete profile', marca las casillas que desees, entra tu contraseña y haz clic en 'Remove'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Visita la página de parámetros, y selecciona 'Delete Account'
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Puedes desactivar tu cuenta con el enlace. Pero los datos no pueden ser borrados, aunque contacta con atención al cliente no borrarán sus datos.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Tienes que enviar un e-mail a asistencia al cliente con la cuenta de email asociada a la cuenta de Pandora. Si no tienes acceso al e-mail, deberás informar del email con el que te has registrado, tu año de nacimiento y el código postal asociado a la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- mostrar información
- imposible
- Puedes borrar sus 'pastes', pero no hay ningún enlace para borrar la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- media
- No podrás borrar tu cuenta de la web. Abre la aplicación de iOS/Android, ve a settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Debes entrar a la cuenta, ve a parámetros (el pequeño engranaje al lado de tu nombre de usuario), haz clic en 'Delete my account'. Recibirás un e-mail para confirmarlo.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No puedes borrar tu cuenta de Picasa sin borrar toda la cuenta de Google.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- Las cuentas pueden ser desactivadas, pero tus pins y perfil serán ocultados, no borrados.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Completa el formulario de eliminación de la cuenta
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Entra en tu cuenta -> Haz clic en el enlace (los datos se eliminan permanentmente, no es posible de deshacerlo).
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Entra en tu cuenta, ve a la página de configuración y pulsa 'I want to delete my account'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- No podrás borrar tu cuenta, pero se podrá desactivar.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Aumente tu productividad hasta 5 veces con este truco del que nadie quiere oír hablar!
- mostrar información
- popular
- difícil
- Si decide desactivar tu cuenta tendrás que ponerte en contacto con support@redditgifts.com. Deberás enviar el e-mail y nombre de usuario de Reddit asociado a la cuenta de la web.
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- mostrar información
- fácil
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Deberás contactar con Flixter para cancelar el perfil nativo de RT, mientras que las cuentas asociadas con Facebook o Flixster.com son más fáciles de borrar.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Enlace al final: 'Delete Account'
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- mostrar información
- media
- Después de pulsar el botón, deberás entrar la contraseña y completar el 'captcha', pulsar otro botón y confirmar en la ventana de diálogo.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Entra en tu cuenta y sigue las instrucciones en 'Account Suspension'.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Haz clic en el enlace 'Delete your account' al final de la página. Nota: En tu Dropbox, el contenido de este servicio en Dropbox no será borrado. Si lo necessita, puede borrar la carpeta 'Apps/scriptogram' de forma manual.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Selecciona 'Please cancel my account'. Selecciona un motivo y pulsa 'close my shopify store'.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Contacta con la asistencia al cliente por e-mail o chat y pide la supresión de la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Contacta con la asistencia al cliente. Deberás conocer 5 contactos de su lista, el mes que la cuenta fue creada y el e-mail asociado.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay un enlace directo ya que éste está basado en tu nombre de usuario.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Entra tu nombre de usuario y contraseña y haz clic en 'Delete'.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- mostrar información
- media
- Los datos creados por el usuario, como los posts y tiquets se mantendrán atribuidos a la cuenta, incluso si es eliminada. El nombre de usuario no estará disponible.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Dicen: «Si quieres eliminar tu cuenta de Speaker Deck, simplemente deja de usar Speaker Deck.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- media
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Si nunca has publicado en el sitio sólo es un clic. Si no, edita tu biografía en 'About Me' y escribe 'please delete me', luego contacta con atención al cliente.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- No pueden borrar la cuenta, pero si lo pides pueden «borrar toda su información para no recibir e-mails y ninguna de tus informaciones estén disponibles para [ellos] potenciales acciones fraudulentas»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- mostrar información
- fácil
- La eliminación no puede ser anulada. Todos los datos de tu perfil, contactos, mensajes e imágenes serán eliminadas permanentemente. Nadie podrá ponerse en contacto contigo.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Si contactas con la asistencia al cliente de Steam, te responderán que deja de utilizar su cuenta. Si no has comprado juegos la cuenta será deshabilitado al cabo de un tiempo.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- mostrar información
- media
- Mediante la desactivación, todas las actividades se eliminarán y será eliminado de todas las leaderboards. Strava mantendrá un archivo con los datos GPS que se envían a Strava, pero el archivo no se podrá utilizar para restaurar la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Puedes reactivarla en un plazo de 14 días. Después de este fecha la cuenta será borrada.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- mostrar información
- media
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- mostrar información
- media
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Edit profile (menú situado en la esquina superior izquierda) → Delete account
- mostrar información
- imposible
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- mostrar información
- difícil
- Deberás solicitar que borren tu cuenta vía formulario.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- No podrás borrar la cuenta, pero podrás contactarlos vía e-mail para desactivarla.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Selecciona la opción 'Delete your account?' para borrar tu cuenta
- mostrar información
- difícil
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Sí y no, depende del tipo(s) de cuenta(s), y la(s) deberás eliminar en el orden correcto. Todas las cuentas están relacionados con el inicio de sesión único (login.ubuntu.com) Ubuntu One, entonces esta es la última cuenta que tienes que cerrar. Además, el almacenamiento de archivos en la nube Launchpad.net, AskUbuntu y otras cuentas se deberán cerrarán antes si es posible. Esto es muy importante si tienes algún servicio de pago, para asegurarte de que no te le cobrarás nada después de cerrar tus cuentas. el último paso es cerrar la cuenta de Single Sign-On (SSO). Las cuentas de SSO deben ser eliminadas a mano por el personal de Ubuntu One
- mostrar información
- imposible
- Un empleado de Udacity recomienda que pares de utilizar la cuenta, es decir que no hay ninguna manera de borrar la cuenta de momento.
- mostrar información
- media
- Para borrar tu cuenta, primera deberás cancelar las suscripciones a todos los cursos.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Desplázate hasta el pie de la página en 'Account Settings' y pulsa 'Delete Account
- mostrar información
- imposible
- «Puedes dejar de utilizar el servicio en cualquier momento. Nosotros, sin embargo continuaremos usando el contenido que has enviado.»
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Hay un botón a la derecha, abajo del menú.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- La única manera de borrar tu cuenta de Vine sin borrar la cuenta de Twitter es contactar con Twitter vía su formulario de contacto.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- imposible
- El sitio no tiene opciones de configuración o para borrar la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- Logeados en el sitio web, seleccione "Mi whatpulse" de la barra de navegación, haga clic en "Unregister from WhatPulse" hacia la parte inferior de la página. Esto eliminará permanentemente la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- media
- Desde la aplicación: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (no se puede deshacerlo)
- mostrar información
- imposible
- 'No se pueden borrar los usuarios.' Pero hacen algunas sugerencias.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- mostrar información
- difícil
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
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- mostrar información
- imposible
- ”Las cuentas de WordPress.com no pueden ser borradas.” La mejor mejor opción es borrar todos los datos personales de la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- Haz clic en 'Delete Account' al final del panel de opciones de la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- imposible
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Selecciona 'delete my profile' al final de la página.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- Haz clic en “Delete account” al final de la página.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- fácil
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- mostrar información
- media
- Deberás pedir la eliminación de los datos de Yatado antes de borrar la cuenta.
- mostrar información
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- popular
- imposible
- No puedes borrar tu cuenta de YouTube sin borrar toda la cuenta de Google, pero puedes borrar tu canal.
- mostrar información
- popular
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- fácil
- No hay información disponible
- difícil
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
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- mostrar información
about anchor
¿Que es esto?
Numerosas empresas usan una tecnica llamada dark pattern para dificultar la eliminación de cuentas de usuario en sus servicios web. JustDelete.me busca ser un directorio donde centralizar los enlaces para eliminar facilmente sus cuentas online.
Crees que se podría poner algun otro servicio web más en la lista? Haz un Fork del proyecto en GitHub.
Los enlaces de la parte superior se han clasificado con un codigo de colores para indicar la dificultad para suprimir la cuenta:
- Fácil - Proceso simple
- Media - Se tendrán que hacer algunos pasos extra
- Difícil - No se puede suprimir permanentmente sin contactar con atención al cliente
- Imposible - No puede ser eliminada
El servicio de alojamiento de esta web de ayuda cuesta dinero, si te gusta JustDelete.me, considera hacer una donación, porfavor.
Extensión para Google Chrome
Nuestro buen amigo Mike Rogers nos ha ayudado a lanzar esta increible Extensión de Google Chrome para JustDelete.me.
Si entras a una web identificada por JustDelete.me, la extensión te mostrarà un punto a la omnibar. Clicando a ese punto, te llevará directamente a la página para borrar el ctu cuenta.
Para instalarla, entre en la Chrome Web Store .
Guia del Punto de la extensión
- - Proceso simple
- - Se tendrán que hacer algunos pasos extra
- - No se puede suprimir permanentmente sin contactar con atención al cliente
- - No puede ser eliminada
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Just Delete Me | فهرست لینکهای مستقیم حذف حسابهای کاربریتان از سرویسهای تحت وب.
- فارسی
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- محبوبترینها
- A - Z
- دشواری
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- You must login before visiting the link.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Request deletion from customer services.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Just click 'Abschicken'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Must remove uploaded files first
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- We don't delete old accounts.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- متوسط
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- متوسط
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- متوسط
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- متوسط
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Go to account management within the app
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- متوسط
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- سخت
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- سخت
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- آسان
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- سخت
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- سخت
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- با بستن حساب کاربریتان تمامی مجلات و اطلاعات شما حذف میشود. این اطلاعات غیز قابل بازگشت خواهند بود.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- غیر ممکن
- One cannot even change the password
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Click “Close account”.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- متوسط
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Fill out the deletion form
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- سخت
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- Email request required.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- متوسط
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- غیر ممکن
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- فقط روی 'Deactivate' کلیک کنید.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- نمایش توضیحات...
- سخت
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- غیر ممکن
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- آسان
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- متوسط
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- popular
- غیر ممکن
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- نمایش توضیحات...
- popular
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- آسان
- اطلاعاتی در دسترس نیست
- سخت
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
ارسال ایمیل »
- نمایش توضیحات...
about anchor
جریان چیه؟
بسیاری از شرکتها از تکنیکهایی با نام dark pattern استفاده میکنند تا حذف حسابهای کاربری از آنها سخت باشد. هدف JustDelete.me گردآوری فهرستی برای ساده کردن حذف حسابهایتان از سرویسهای تحت وب است.
سایتی سراغ دارید که فکر میکنید جاش تو این فهرست خالیه؟ در گیتهاب کمک کنید .
پیوندهای بالا برپایهی دشواری حذف حساب، رنگبندی شدهاند:
- آسان - فرآیند آسان
- متوسط - شامل مراحل اضافی
- سخت - لازم به تماس با خدمات مشتری سایت برای حذف کامل
- غیر ممکن - غیر قابل حذف
خدمات میزبانی، هزینهبر است. اگر از JustDelete.me خوشتان میآید، کمک مالی را فراموش نکنید.
افزونهی گوگل کروم
مایک راجرز عزیز با عرضهی یک افزونهی فوقالعاده برای JustDelete.me کمک شایانی به ما کرده است.
هنگامی که در یکی از سایتهای فهرست شده در justdelete.me افزونهی کروم یک نقطهی کوچک به نوار آدرس اضافه میکند. کلیک روی این نقطه، شما را به صفحهی حذف حساب خواهد برد.
برای نصب به Chrome Web Store بروید.
راهنمای افزونه
- - فرآیند آسان
- - شامل مراحل اضافی
- - لازم به تماس با خدمات مشتری سایت برای حذف کامل
- - غیر قابل حذف
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/fake-identity-generator/index.html b/docs/fake-identity-generator/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce36b03..00000000
--- a/docs/fake-identity-generator/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
- English
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
Fake Identity Generator
Generate a fake name, address, date of birth, username, password and biography.
Generate fake identity
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/fr.html b/docs/fr.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f1e7c68e..00000000
--- a/docs/fr.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Un annuaire de liens pour supprimer vos comptes de sites webs.
- Français
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popular
- A - Z
- difficulté
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Connectez vous, allez dans les parametres, cilquez sur supprimer mon compte. Confirmez en cliquant sur je supprimer mon compte. Et confirmez encore avec supprimer mon compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Vous devez les appeler pour supprimer votre compte. Vous pouvez aussi envoyer un email.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Malgré la suggestion du FAQ, il n'y a pas au fait de façon automatique de supprimer votre compte. Cela dit, ils me semblent contents de le faire si vous le demandez - vous pouvez les contactez via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - j'ai supprimé mon compte en utilisant leur système tchat.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Pour fermer votre compte, contactez Amazon par mail (par le formulaire de contact) et demandez la fermeture de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Il faut que vous vous connectez avant d'utiliser le lien.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- ACC ne supprime pas les comptes. Cependant vous pouvez supprimer les informations qui sont dessus et arreter de vous connecter.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Enlevez toutes les applications et tous les services de votre compte, puis demandez la suppression de votre compte en envoyant un e-mail au service clients.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Demandez la suppresion du compte par le support du site.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Allez dans vos Parametres et allez jusqu'à Désactiver mon compte. Cliquez Fermer mon compte, et confirmez.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Les données seront supprimés définitivement dans 30 jours.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Le support vous demandera une lettre écrite demandant la suppresion du compte, dans cette lettre donnez vos details de compte ainsi qu'un justificatif d'identité.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Pour supprimer votre compte, veuillez ouvrir le menu étiqueté « Me ». Ensuite, cliquez « Account Settings », et puis « Privacy ». Là, il y aura le choix de supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Dans les parametres du compte cliquez sur supprimer le compte puis sur supprimer le compte. Tous les dépot ainsi que le compte seront immediatement supprimés.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte Blogger sans supprimer votre compte Google, mais vous pouvez supprimer votre blog.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez seulement désactiver votre compte en contactant le support.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Les comptes ne peuvent pas être supprimés en ce moment.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Il faut demander la suppression de votre compte par le support du site, après vous vous connectez.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Le personnel refuse de supprimer les comptes.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Cliquez juste 'Abschicken'.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Il n'y a pas de façon de supprimer les comptes.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Il faut supprimer les fichiers téléchargés avant de supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Selon l'appli, vous pouvez envoyer un e-mail à feedback@cinemagr.am pour poser des questions. Malheureusement, les demandes des suppressions des comptes ne reçoivent pas de réponse.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- We don't delete old accounts.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous et cliquez sur « delete account ».
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte. Vous pouvez seulement donner un faux numéro.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Allez dans votre Profil, en bas vous trouverez un bouton 'Delete Account'.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Il faut simplement confirmer que vous voulez supprimmer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Identifiez-vous puis visitez https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Vos messages seront guardés.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Ne sera pas completement supprimé, reactivation toujours possible. Remplissez le formulaire et selectionnez 'I understand. Please delete my profile.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Contactez le support et demandez la suppression de vore compte.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Démarrez une session Live Chat et un représentant supprimera votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Modifiez vos infos et selectionnez Remove my account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- moyen
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte sur le site. Vous devez utiliser le formulaire lié. Ensuite, sélectionnez SkyMiles → Mise à jour compte SkyMiles et de leur demander de fermer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- moyen
- Toutes vos données seront effacées immédiatement. Les comptes peuvent être réactivés pour 30 jours. Après ce periode, ils ne peuvent pas être réactivés.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Il n'y a pas d'informations sur la suppresion des comptes dans le FAQ. La ligne directe dit aussi qu'il n'est pas possible de le faire.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Cliquez sur fermez mon compte et confirmer avec votre mot de passe.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Contactez le support Digg et demandez la suppresion du compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- moyen
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Tous les comptes restent dans le système pour 3 ans au moins. Enlevez toutes les informations bancaires avant la suppression.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Contactez le support pour demander la suppression du compte. Si vous n'êtes pas americain cela se fait par téléphone.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Quelques questions d'opinion sera demandées avant la suppression du compte.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- moyen
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Il ne faut pas supprimer votre compte. Un compte edX qui n'est pas utilisé et qui n'a pas d'achèvement de cours disparaîtra.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Il faut que vous demandez la suppression de votre compte dans un e-mail que vous envoyez à hello@elevateapp.com. Vous recevrez une réponse qui demande à la fois vos impressions de l'appli et une confirmation de la suppression. L'e-mail prochain que vous recevrez vous notifiera la suppression de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Selectionnez une raison pour la suppression de votre compte. Puis, vouz pourrez terminer le processus en cliquant sur un lien que vous recevrez par e-mail.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Vous ne pouvez pas avoir d'ardoise Etsy ou de rapport ouvert de défaut de livraison. Votre adresse e-mail restera enregistré.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte Evernote, seulement le désactiver temporairement. La désactivation ne supprime pas vos données donc vous devrez les supprimer manuellement avant de syncroniser, puis vous pourrez réaliser la désactivation du compte.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Bien que vous puissiez supprimer votre compte facilement, quelques données y compris les messages restent pour jamais, comme déclaré dans le politique de confidentialité.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Contactez le support pour supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Allez dans les parametres du compte.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- moyen
- Pour supprimer votre compte, ne postez rien pendant 3 jours.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- difficile
- Vous assurez que votre solde est positif, puis créez un ticket de support pour demander la suppression de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- /msg NickServ DROP pseudo mot-de-passe
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Pour supprimer votre compte contactez le support.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Contactez le support et demandez la suppression de vore compte.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Supprimez toutes les informations que vous voulez enlever du site. Puis, cliquer sur « Account Settings » et puis « Close Account ».
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Il faut que vous contactez par e-mail le support du site avec l'adresse e-mail enregistré pour supprimer votre compte. Les adhésions sont perdus.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Utilisez l'adresse e-mail du support du site pour les contacter en demandant la suppresion de votre compte.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Contactez le support pour supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Les comptes GoDaddy sont guardés « pour satisfaire [leurs] obligations legales ». Cela dit, vous pouvez vider le compte de vos informations en éditant votre profil.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- difficile
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Dans le menu en haut, cliquez sur votre nom, puis cliquez sur « Delete Account » au bas du dialogue.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Dans le menu en haut, cliquez sur votre photo, allez dans vos parametres, allez dans le menu « Miscellaneous » et puis cliquez sur « Cancel Account ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- facile
- Choisissez la raison de la suppression et cela se fait en 2 cliques.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Choisissez la raison de la suppression et cela se fait en 2 cliques.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Gravatar appartient à WordPress, ce qui veut dire que vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Vous pouvez enlever votre profil et votre histoire de tchat dans l'appli ou vous pouvez envoyer un e-mail au support du site avec votre UDID.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Selon le politique de confidentialité de Groupon, vous devez contacter le support du site directement pour demander la suppresion de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- difficile
- Aucune page n'explique comment supprimer votre compte. Vous devez contacter le support et ils le feront pour vous.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Il n'est pas possible de supprimer votre compte de Hack This Site. Le meilleur que vous pouvez faire est d'enlever toutes les informations que vous avez enregistré dans le site.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vos contributions resteront sur le site, mais vous pouvez 'vider' votre profil, même votre email.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Lien 'Fermez mon compte...' en bas de la page.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez enlever vos infos perso. mais votre compte restera à vie.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous, allez dans les paramatres du compte et supprimez votre profil. Voyez aussi l'article « Can I deactivate or delete my Profile? » de http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- difficile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Sur la barre du haut 'Votre nom', 'Mon compte' et cliquez 'Supprimer mon compte.'
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Connectez-vous, allez dans vos parametres puis cliquez sur « Delete Account » en bas à gauche.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Vous devez envoyer un e-mail à service@instructables.com pour demander la suppresion de votre compte.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Le site n'offre pas d'option de suppresion des comptes. Un e-mail envoyé à internets@technoized.com n'a jamais réçu une réponse.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Contatcez le support. Vous perdrez l'accès à tout le contenu non téléchargé.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Cliquez 'Supprimer mon compte' en bas de la page.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Loggez vous, tapez votre mot de passe, cliquez sur Delete.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Veuillez envoyer votre demande au support à support@jsfiddle.net si vous voulez qu'on supprime votre compte.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez que désactiver votre compte. Il ne paraît pas qu'il y ait de façon de supprimer votre compte définitivement.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- La suppression totale de votre compte peut prendre 180 jours.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Vous pouvez supprimer votre compte si vous contactez le support du site au téléphone ou par Live Chat.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- La suppression de votre compte peut prendre 7 jours.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Cliquez sur « Profile », puis « Edit », puis « Show advanced settings », et enfin cochez la case « Delete my account ».
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Il y a des rapports que LinkedIn continue d'envoyer des e-mails aux gens qui ferment leur compte. Il est bien possible qu'il faudra contactez le support du site pour demander la suppresion de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- impossible
- One cannot even change the password
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Quand vous supprimez votre Journal vous avez 30 jours pour le restaurer, au cas où vous changez votre avis. Après les 30 jours, le Journal est supprimé définitivement.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Il faut rendre tous les disques que vous avez emprunté. Votre compte est classifié « suppresion en attente » avant que vous l'avez fait.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- moyen
- « Account Settings » → menu déroulant « Account Settings » → « Close my account » → Tapez « DELETE » et appuyez sur « Delete Account ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Cliquez sur « Accounts » en haut à droit, puis selectionnez l'onglet « Settings ». Faites défiler jusqu'au bas de la page et cliquez sur « Delete Your Mint Account ». Enfin, cliquez sur « YES, delete my Mint account. »
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Si vous avez créé un compte Mojang et vous voulez le supprimer, veuillez visitez vos parametres. Sachez que si vous supprimez votre compte, vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter aux services Mojang, et vous ne pourrez plus acheter les jeux de Mojang à l'avenir.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Il faut envoyer un e-mail au support du site. Il peut prendre jusqu'à 24 heures pour gérer votre demande.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Completez le formulaire d'opinion en les demandant de supprimer votre compte. Soyez sûr que vous supprime votre compte totalement.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Cliquez le lien « Cancel your account » au bas de la page.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Vous devez contactez Multiplay par le formulaire de contact.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Envoyez un e-mail à unsubscribe@neopets.com, en déclarant que vous voulez supprimer votre compte.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Contactez le service clients.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Selectionnez « Settings », puis « Account », puis « Delete ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Vous pouvez utilisez le formulaire pour écrire au service clients et pour leur demander de supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Au bas du formulaire du compte, il y a un lien « Deactivate Account ». En le cliquant, il y aura une liste des informations qui expliquent le processus de la désactivation du compte. Toutes les informations seront supprimées.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Vous verrez un choix de supprimer votre compte juste en dessus des options du mot de passe.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Cochez la case pour confirmer, puis cliquez « Change ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous, faites défiler le contrat, cliquez sur « Delete profile », cochez les cases que vous voulez, entrez votre mot de passe et cliquez sur « Remove ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Visitez vos paramatres et selectionnez « Delete Account ».
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez désactiver votre compte avec le lien. Cependant, les données ne sont pas supprimées. Même si vous contactez le support du site, il ne supprime pas vos données.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Vous devez contactez le support directement pour leur demander d'invalider votre compte. Cependant, vos donnéés des transcations ne peuvent pas être supprimées.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Vous devez envoyer un e-mail au support de l'adresse associé au compte. Si vous n'avez pas accès à l'adresse, il faut que vous donnez l'adresse, votre année de naissance et votre code postale.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez supprimer vos pastes, mais il n'y aucun lien permettant de supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte su site web. Ouvrez l'appli iOS/Androis, allez dans les parametres → about → disable account → delete account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Connectez-vous, allez dans les parametres (petit rouage à coté de votre nom), cliquez sur « Delete my account ». Vous recevrez une confirmation par e-mail.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Il faut que vous demandez la suppression de votre compte dans un e-mail que vous envoyez à support@peak.net. Vous recevrez une réponse qui demande à la fois vos impressions de l'appli et une confirmation de la suppression. L'e-mail prochain que vous recevrez vous notifiera la suppression de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte Picassa sans supprimer votre compte Google.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Il n'est pas possible de supprimer votre compte PSN. Le meilleur que vous pouvez faire est de supprimer toutes vos informations enregistrées dans le site.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Completez le formulaire de suppression
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Connectez-vous, appuyez le bouton « delete », et tapez la phrase demandée.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Il faut contacter le support via le formulaire de contact ou le tchat en ligne.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous -> Appuyez le lien (toutes les données sont supprimées définitivement).
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Connectez-vous -> Cliquez sur « Need to close your account? » au bas de la page -> Confirmez la suppression de votre compte
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous -> Cliquez sur le lien -> Entrez votre mot de passe et cliquez sur « Delete Account ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous, allez à la page du profil, c'est dans l'onglet 'mes données' et cliquez sur 'supprimer mon compte.'
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez-vous, allez dans les parametres et cliquez sur « I want to delete my account ».
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte, mais vous pouvez le désactiver.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- voir les infos...
- popular
- difficile
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- voir les infos...
- facile
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Connectez vous et suivez les instructions de suspension du compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Selectionnez supprimer mon compte. Choisissez la raison et cliquez 'close my spotify store'
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Contactez le service clients par e-mail our par le tchat en ligne et demandez la suppression de votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Contactez le service clients. Il vous faudra les noms de 5 de vos contacts, le mois de la création de votre compte, et l'adresse e-mail du compte.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Un lien direct n'est pas disponible comme le système est basé sur votre pseudo.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Email request required.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Entrez votre pseudo et votre mot de passe et cliquez sur supprimer.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Insère 'delete me' à la place pour la description à ton profil et envoie un e-mail à team@soup.io avec ton soup URL et une demande de suppression.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Les données crées par l'utilisateur resteront, même après la suppression du compte. Le pseudo ne devient pas disponbile.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Si vous ne voulez plus votre compte Speaker Desk, vous pouvez simplement arrêter votre usage du service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- moyen
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Si vous n'avez pas posté, il ne faut qu'un clic. Sinon, remplacez votre bio par « please delete me » puis contactez le support du site.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- voir les infos...
- facile
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Si vous contactez le support, il vous dit qu'il ne faut qu'arrêter votre usage du compte. Si le compte n'a pas de jeux, il va être supprimé automatiquement après un certain temps.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Vous pouvez réactiver pour 14 jours. Après le compte est supprimé.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Vous devez demander au staff pour supprimer votre compte
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Selectionnez 'Supprimer mon compte?' pour le supprimer.
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Votre compte est désactivé avant qu'il est supprimé. Il est seulement après 30 jours d'être désactivé qu'un compte est supprimé définitivement.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Udacity recommande à arrêter votre usage du compte, qui veut dire qu'il n'y a pas de façon de supprimer le compte en ce moment.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Tout en bas de la page il y a 'Parametre du compte' cliquez 'Supprimer mon compte'.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous pouvez arrêter votre usage du service à tout moment sans nous informer. Nous pouvons, cependant, guarder et continuer d'utiliser tous le contenu que vous avez téléchargé par le service.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- La bouton de suppression se trouve sur la droite sous le menu.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- La seule façon de supprimer votre compte Vine sans supprimer votre compte Twitter, est de contacter Twitter directement.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- impossible
- Le site ne propose pas la suppression de compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- Depuis l'app: Réglages -> Compte -> Supprimer mon compte.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- voir les infos...
- difficile
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- Les comptes WordPress ne peuvent pas être supprimé. La meilleure chose à faire est de supprimer vos données perso.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Cliquez 'Supprimer mon compte' en bas de la page.
- voir les infos...
- impossible
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Selectionnez 'Supprimer mon compte' en bas de la page.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- 'Supprimer mon compte' lien en bas de la page.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- facile
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- voir les infos...
- moyen
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- voir les infos...
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- popular
- impossible
- Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte YouTube sans supprimer votre compte Google. Mais vous pouvez supprimer votre chaîne.
- voir les infos...
- popular
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- facile
- Informations non disponibles
- difficile
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Envoyez un mail »
- voir les infos...
about anchor
Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
De nombreuses companies utilisent des techniques appelées dark patterns (lien en anglais) pour qu'il soit difficile de trouver comment supprimer votre compte. JustDelete.me veut devenir un annuaire de liens qui vous permette de supprimer facilement vos comptes de différents sites webs.
Vous pensez qu'un site devrait-être ajouté ? Forkez le projet sur GitHub .
Les liens ci-dessus utilisent un code-couleur pour indiquer le niveau de difficulté de la suppression de compte :
- Facile - Processus simple
- Moyen - Étapes supplémentaires requises
- Difficile - Ne peut être totalement supprimé sans contacter le support
- Impossible - Ne peut être supprimé
L'hébergement n'est pas gratuit ; si vous aimez JustDelete.me, faites éventuellement un don.
Extension Google Chrome
Notre ami Mike Rogers nous a aidé à créer une superbe extension Google Chrome pour JustDelete.me
Quand vous êtes sur un site web listé sur justdelete.me, l'extension ajoutera un petit point dans l'omnibar. Cliquer dessus vous dirigera vers la page qui contient la manoeuvre de suppression de compte.
Pour l'installer, rendez-vous simplement sur le Chrome Web Store .
Extension Dot Guide
- - Processus simple
- - Étapes supplémentaires requises
- - Ne peut être totalement supprimé sans contacter le support
- - Ne peut être supprimé
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/id.html b/docs/id.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f205245..00000000
--- a/docs/id.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Direktori yang berisi tautan untuk menghapus akun dari layanan web.
- Indonesia
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popular
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- kesulitan
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- You must login before visiting the link.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Request deletion from customer services.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Just click 'Abschicken'
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Must remove uploaded files first
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- We don't delete old accounts.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- lihat info...
- sedang
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Send an email to abuse@craigslist.org and request deletion.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sedang
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sedang
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sedang
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
- lihat info...
- popular
- sedang
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- sedang
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- lihat info...
- sedang
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Go to account management within the app
- lihat info...
- sulit
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- lihat info...
- sedang
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sedang
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- mudah
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- popular
- sulit
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- mudah
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
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- sedang
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
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- sulit
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
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- sulit
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- sedang
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
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- sedang
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
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- sulit
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- sulit
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Kirim email »
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- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your account without contacting support.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- sulit
- Use the support email address to ask them to close your account.
Kirim email »
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- sulit
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
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- mudah
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- tidak mungkin
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- sulit
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- mudah
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- sedang
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- popular
- mudah
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- mudah
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
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- sedang
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- sulit
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- sulit
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- tidak mungkin
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- mudah
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- mudah
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- mudah
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- tidak mungkin
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- tidak mungkin
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- tidak mungkin
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- mudah
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- popular
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- mudah
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- mudah
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- mudah
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- mudah
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- mudah
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- mudah
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- sulit
- Email customer support. Requests are handled within 48 hours.
Kirim email »
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- sulit
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- mudah
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- popular
- mudah
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- sulit
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
Kirim email »
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- tidak mungkin
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- mudah
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- mudah
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- sulit
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- mudah
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- mudah
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- mudah
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- sedang
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- sulit
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
Kirim email »
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- sulit
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
Kirim email »
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
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- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- sedang
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- tidak mungkin
- One cannot even change the password
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- mudah
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- sedang
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Click “Close account”.
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- mudah
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- sedang
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sedang
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- mudah
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- sedang
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- mudah
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- mudah
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- mudah
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- sulit
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- sulit
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- mudah
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- sulit
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- sulit
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- sulit
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- mudah
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- mudah
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- mudah
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- sulit
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- sulit
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
Kirim email »
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- tidak mungkin
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- mudah
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- sulit
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- mudah
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- mudah
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- mudah
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- mudah
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- tidak mungkin
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- tidak mungkin
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- sulit
- You must open a ticket to completely get your account deleted.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- sulit
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- mudah
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- sulit
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
Kirim email »
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- tidak mungkin
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- sedang
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- sulit
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- sulit
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- sulit
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- mudah
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- sulit
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- tidak mungkin
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
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- sulit
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- mudah
- Fill out the deletion form
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- mudah
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- sulit
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- mudah
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
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- mudah
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
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- mudah
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- sulit
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
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- mudah
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- mudah
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
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- popular
- mudah
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- sulit
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
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- mudah
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- mudah
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- tidak mungkin
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- mudah
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- tidak mungkin
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
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- mudah
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- sulit
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
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- mudah
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
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- sulit
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- sedang
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
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- mudah
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
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- mudah
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- mudah
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
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- tidak mungkin
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
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- sulit
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
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- sulit
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- mudah
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- tidak mungkin
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- sulit
- Email request required.
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- sulit
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
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- sulit
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Send a request to legal@sonico.com and request deletion.
Kirim email »
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- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- sedang
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sedang
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- lihat info...
- mudah
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- lihat info...
- sedang
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- sedang
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- lihat info...
- sedang
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- lihat info...
- sulit
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- lihat info...
- sedang
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- tidak mungkin
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- lihat info...
- sedang
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- lihat info...
- sulit
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- lihat info...
- tidak mungkin
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- popular
- mudah
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- lihat info...
- sedang
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- lihat info...
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- popular
- tidak mungkin
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- lihat info...
- popular
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- mudah
- Info Tidak Tersedia
- sulit
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Kirim email »
- lihat info...
about anchor
Apa ini?
Beberapa perusahaan menggunakan teknik dark pattern untuk mempersulit cara penghapusan akun. JustDelete.me bertujuan menyediakan tautan untuk mempermudah anda menemukan cara menghapus akun dari layanan web.
Punya situs yang Anda pikir harus ditambahkan? Fork proyek di Github .
Warna tautan di atas menunjukkan level kesulitan akun yang akan dihapus:
- Mudah - Proses simpel
- Sedang - Butuh langkah ekstra untuk dilakukan
- Sulit - Tidak bisa dihapus sepenuhnya tanpa menghubungi customer service
- Tidak Mungkin - Tidak bisa dihapus
Hosting butuh biaya. Jika Anda menyukai JustDelete.me, tolong pikirkan untuk berdonasi.
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Ketika Anda berada di website yang terdaftar di justdelete.me, Ekstensi Chrome akan menambahkan titik kecil di omnibar. Klik titik ini akan membawa Anda ke halaman penghapusan yang relevan.
Untuk menginstall, masuk ke Chrome Web Store .
Ekstensi Dot Petunjuk
- - Proses simpel
- - Butuh langkah ekstra untuk dilakukan
- - Tidak bisa dihapus sepenuhnya tanpa menghubungi customer service
- - Tidak bisa dihapus
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Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
- English
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popular
- A - Z
- difficulty
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- show info...
- easy
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- show info...
- easy
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- show info...
- easy
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- show info...
- hard
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- show info...
- easy
- You must login before visiting the link.
- show info...
- impossible
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Request deletion from customer services.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- show info...
- hard
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- show info...
- easy
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- show info...
- easy
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- show info...
- easy
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- show info...
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- easy
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
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- hard
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- show info...
- easy
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- show info...
- easy
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- show info...
- easy
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- show info...
- easy
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- show info...
- impossible
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- impossible
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- easy
- Just click 'Abschicken'
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- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- show info...
- easy
- Must remove uploaded files first
- show info...
- hard
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- show info...
- impossible
- We don't delete old accounts.
- show info...
- easy
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- show info...
- hard
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- show info...
- impossible
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- show info...
- easy
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- show info...
- easy
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- show info...
- easy
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- show info...
- medium
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- show info...
- impossible
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- show info...
- hard
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- show info...
- hard
- Send an email to abuse@craigslist.org and request deletion.
Send email »
- show info...
- hard
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- show info...
- hard
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- show info...
- impossible
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
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- easy
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- show info...
- easy
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- show info...
- easy
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- medium
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- medium
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- show info...
- impossible
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- show info...
- easy
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- show info...
- hard
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- show info...
- easy
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- medium
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- show info...
- hard
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
- show info...
- popular
- medium
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- show info...
- impossible
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- show info...
- impossible
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
- show info...
- hard
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- show info...
- easy
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- show info...
- hard
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- show info...
- hard
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- show info...
- hard
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- show info...
- impossible
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- show info...
- hard
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
Send email »
- show info...
- medium
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- show info...
- medium
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- show info...
- hard
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Go to account management within the app
- show info...
- hard
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- show info...
- medium
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- medium
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- hard
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
- show info...
- easy
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
- show info...
- medium
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- show info...
- hard
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- show info...
- hard
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- medium
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- show info...
- medium
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- show info...
- hard
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- show info...
- hard
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Send email »
- show info...
- hard
- Send them an email with Delete my account as title.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- You can't delete your account without contacting support.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- hard
- Use the support email address to ask them to close your account.
Send email »
- show info...
- hard
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- show info...
- easy
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- show info...
- impossible
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- show info...
- impossible
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
- show info...
- popular
- hard
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
- show info...
- medium
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- easy
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- show info...
- easy
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- show info...
- hard
- Send an email to arun@grailed.com and request deletion.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- show info...
- medium
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
- show info...
- hard
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- hard
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- show info...
- impossible
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
- show info...
- easy
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- show info...
- easy
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- show info...
- easy
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
- show info...
- impossible
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- show info...
- easy
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- hard
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- show info...
- easy
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- show info...
- easy
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- show info...
- easy
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- show info...
- easy
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- show info...
- hard
- Email customer support. Requests are handled within 48 hours.
Send email »
- show info...
- hard
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- easy
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- show info...
- easy
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- show info...
- hard
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- easy
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- easy
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- easy
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- show info...
- medium
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
- show info...
- hard
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- hard
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- medium
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- impossible
- One cannot even change the password
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- easy
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- show info...
- medium
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Click “Close account”.
- show info...
- easy
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- show info...
- medium
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- medium
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
- show info...
- easy
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- show info...
- medium
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- show info...
- hard
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- show info...
- hard
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- show info...
- easy
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- show info...
- hard
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- show info...
- hard
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
- show info...
- hard
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- show info...
- easy
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- show info...
- easy
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- show info...
- easy
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- show info...
- hard
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- show info...
- hard
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- show info...
- hard
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- show info...
- easy
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- show info...
- easy
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- show info...
- easy
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- show info...
- impossible
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
- show info...
- impossible
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- show info...
- hard
- You must open a ticket to completely get your account deleted.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- show info...
- hard
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
- show info...
- easy
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- show info...
- hard
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
- show info...
- medium
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- show info...
- hard
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- show info...
- hard
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- show info...
- hard
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- show info...
- hard
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- show info...
- impossible
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- show info...
- hard
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- show info...
- easy
- Fill out the deletion form
- show info...
- easy
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- show info...
- hard
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- show info...
- easy
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- show info...
- easy
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- show info...
- easy
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- show info...
- hard
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- show info...
- easy
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- show info...
- easy
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- hard
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- show info...
- easy
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- show info...
- easy
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- show info...
- impossible
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- show info...
- easy
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- show info...
- impossible
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- show info...
- easy
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- show info...
- hard
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- show info...
- easy
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
- show info...
- hard
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- show info...
- medium
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- show info...
- easy
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- show info...
- easy
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- show info...
- easy
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- show info...
- easy
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- show info...
- impossible
- No Info Available
- hard
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- show info...
- hard
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- show info...
- hard
- Contact customer service by email and request deletion.
Send email »
- show info...
- hard
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- easy
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- show info...
- impossible
- No Info Available
- easy
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- show info...
- hard
- Email request required.
- show info...
- hard
- No Info Available
- easy
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- show info...
- hard
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Send a request to legal@sonico.com and request deletion.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
Send email »
- show info...
- medium
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- show info...
- impossible
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- medium
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- show info...
- impossible
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- show info...
- hard
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- show info...
- easy
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- show info...
- impossible
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- show info...
- hard
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- show info...
- medium
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- show info...
- easy
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- show info...
- impossible
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
Send email »
- show info...
- medium
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- show info...
- easy
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- show info...
- easy
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- show info...
- medium
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- show info...
- easy
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- show info...
- impossible
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- show info...
- hard
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- show info...
- easy
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- show info...
- easy
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- show info...
- hard
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- show info...
- impossible
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- show info...
- easy
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- show info...
- hard
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- show info...
- easy
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- show info...
- hard
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- show info...
- impossible
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- show info...
- medium
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- show info...
- easy
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Send an email with the subject ‘Delete my account’
Send email »
- show info...
- easy
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- show info...
- impossible
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- No Info Available
- easy
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- impossible
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- show info...
- easy
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- No Info Available
- easy
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- show info...
- medium
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- show info...
- easy
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- show info...
- easy
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- show info...
- impossible
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- show info...
- hard
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Send email »
- show info...
- impossible
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- show info...
- impossible
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- show info...
- easy
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- show info...
- easy
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- easy
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- show info...
- medium
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- show info...
- easy
- No Info Available
- popular
- impossible
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- show info...
- popular
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- easy
- No Info Available
- hard
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Send email »
- show info...
about anchor
What is this?
Many companies use dark pattern techniques to make it difficult to find how to delete your account. JustDelete.me aims to be a directory of urls to enable you to easily delete your account from web services.
Got a site you think should be added? Fork the project GitHub .
The links above are colour-coded to indicate the difficulty level of account deletion:
- Easy - Simple process
- Medium - Some extra steps involved
- Hard - Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer services
- Impossible - Cannot be deleted
Hosting costs money. If you like JustDelete.me, please consider making a donation.
Google Chrome Extension
Our good friend Mike Rogers has helped us to release an awesome Google Chrome Extension for JustDelete.me.
When you are on a website that is listed on justdelete.me, the Chrome Extension will add a small dot to the omnibar. Clicking on this dot will take you to the relevant delete page.
To install it, simply proceed to the Chrome Web Store .
Extension Dot Guide
- - Simple process
- - Some extra steps involved
- - Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer-services
- - Cannot be deleted
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/it.html b/docs/it.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef22520..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Una directory di link diretti per eliminare il tuo account dai siti web.
- Italiano
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popolari
- A - Z
- difficoltà
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Logga il tuo account, vai su parameters, clicca Delete my account. Conferma cliccando I want to delete my account. E ancora cliccando Delete my 9GAG account.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Per eliminare il tuo account dovrai contattarli via telefono. Alternativamente puoi spedire una mail
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
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- facile
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Per chiudere il tuo account, contatta amazon via mail (utilizzando il form contattaci) richiedendo di chiudere il tuo account
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Non è possibile chiudere o terminare un account su ACC. Se non desideri più utilizzare il sito, puoi comunque eliminare tutti i dati personali dal tuo profilo e non loggarci più
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Richiedi la cancellazione al servizio clienti
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Vai sulla pagina delle impostazioni e scorri giù fino a trovare 'Deactivate account'. Clicca su il pulsante 'Close Account', e conferma la cancellazione dell'account
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
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- impossibile
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Il servizio clienti richiede di spedire una lettera firmata al quartier generale della tua nazione confermando le tue intenzioni, allegando i dettagli del tuo account e una copia di un documento (passaporto, patente)
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nel menu al lato, clicca su 'Delete Account' e fai lo stesso sulla pagina di conferma, l'account e i repositories saranno cancellati
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
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- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi solo disattivare l'account contattando il supporto. Non esiste modo di eliminare permanentemente il tuo account o i dati, e un account inattivo resterà comunque visibile al pubblico
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- impossibile
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Non puoi eliminarti. Puoi solamente cambiare il tuo numero di telefono con uno inventato
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Inizia una discussione privata con loro e se ne occuperanno loro
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Per ragioni di sicurezza, dobbiamo verificare che queste richieste ci arrivino dall'email che è registrata sul tuo account Codacademy
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Non può essere eliminato completamente, una riattivazione è sempre effettuabile. Riempi il modulo e scegli 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Contatta il supporto e richiedi la cancellazione del tuo account.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Edita il tuo account e clicca il pulsante 'Remove my account'
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- Tutti i dati saranno immediatamente cancellati. L'account potrà essere riattivato entro 30 giorni, dopodichè non sarà piu recuperabile.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Nessuna informazione nelle FAQ riguardo la cancellazione dell'account, l'operatore al telefono ha confermato che la cancellazione non è possibile.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Clicca chiudi il mio account e conferma inserendo la tua password.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Contatta il servizio clienti e richiedi che il tuo account sia chiuso.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Tutti gli account rimangono nei loro sistemi per almeno 3 anni. Rimuovi qualsiasi credenziale bancaria prima di cancellarti.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Contatta il sistema clienti per cancellarti. Se sei fuori dagli Stati Uniti questa azione va effettuata via telefono.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Ti sarà chiesto di compilare qualche questionario prima che l'account sia eliminato
- mostra informazioni...
- popular
- media
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
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- impossibile
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Non è necessario cancellare il tuo account. Un vecchio, inusato edX account scomparirà da solo
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Non puoi avere nessuna bolletta Etsy non pagata o un aperta segnalazione. La tua email rimarrà nei file
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Non puoi eliminare il tuo account Evernote, solo disattivarlo temporaneamente. La disattivazione non cancella nessuno dei tuoi dati quindi dovrai cancellarli manualmente prima di effettuare la disattivazione.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Mentre puoi eliminare il tuo account facilmente, qualche dato come le chat o i messaggi di gruppo rimarranno nei loro database, come scritto sul loro sito nella pagina Privacy
- mostra informazioni...
- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Contatta il servizio clienti via email per richiedere la cancellazione.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Clicca sul tuo username (in alto a sinistra) → clicca su 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. Tutti i dati saranno cancellati.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- Per eliminare il tuo account, non devi pubblicare niente per almeno tre giorni.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- difficile
- Assicurati che il saldo sia positivo, quindi apri un ticket di supporto per chiudere il tuo account.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- La cancellazione account richiede di contattare il servizio clienti.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Contatta il supporto e richiedi la cancellazione del tuo account.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Elimina qualsiasi informazione che desideri sia rimossa. Quindi seleziona 'Account Settings' e 'Close Account'
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Devi spedire una email al servizio clienti dall'email con cui ti sei registrato. Non prevedono nessun rimborso per i membri Premium
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- Contatta il servizio clienti e richiedi la cancellazione.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Non puoi cancellare il tuo account, ma puoi disattivarlo. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Gli account GoDaddy sono apparentemente mantenuti per “per rispettare i [loro] obblighi di legge.” ma puoi comunque eliminare la maggior parte delle tue informazioni editando il tuo profilo.
- mostra informazioni...
- popular
- difficile
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Sul menu in alto, clicca sul tuo nome, quindi clicca sul pulsante 'Delete Account' che è posizionato in fondo.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- facile
- Seleziona un motivo perchè stai chiudendo il tuo account e fatto
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Logga il tuo account, quindi clicca su 'My Profile'. Vedrai un link 'Close my account'. Cliccaci e segui le istruzioni.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Puoi cancellare il tuo profilo e la cronologia chat dall'app o puoi inviare un email al supporto col tuo UDID.
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- mostra informazioni...
- popular
- difficile
- Nessuna pagina spiega come eliminare l'account. Devi contattare il supporto direttamente (il link si trova in fondo alla pagina) e lo faranno al posto tuo.
Invia e-mail »
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Le tue donazioni resteranno, ma puoi almeno pulire il tuo profilo -- anche il tuo indirizzo email
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- facile
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- “Close your account...” link in fondo alla pagina
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi rimuovere le tue informazioni e effettuare il logout, ma il tuo account resterà li.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- difficile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- facile
- Nel menu in alto: 'Tuo nome', 'My Account', e clicca sul link 'Delete Account' in fondo.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- facile
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- difficile
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
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- facile
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- facile
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- difficile
- Contatta il servizio clienti. Perderai l'accesso a qualsiasi file di cui non hai una copia sul computer.
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- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
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- facile
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
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- facile
- Clicca 'Delete Account' in fondo alla pagina delle preferenze.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Puoi solo disattivare il tuo account. Non c'è modo di eliminare il tuo account o le informazioni.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
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- facile
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- media
- La cancellazione dei dati dal sistema può richiedere fino a 180 giorni.
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- difficile
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
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- difficile
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- La cancellazione dei dati dal sistema può richiedere fino a 7 giorni.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Clicca 'Profile', quindi 'Edit', quindi 'Show advanced settings', e per ultimo fai un tick su 'Delete my account'
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- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
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- media
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- media
- Una volta eliminato il tuo Journal hai 30 giorni per recuperarlo, nel caso cambiassi idea. Dopo 30 giorni, il tuo Journal sarà permanentemente cancellato e non ci sarà modo di recuperarlo.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- Richiede che ogni disco fisico sia restituito-L'account verrà classificato come “In attesa di cancellazione” fino all'arrivo dei dischi.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Digita DELETE e premi il pulsante Delete Account.
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- facile
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- media
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Clicca 'Accounts' nell'angolo in alto a destra, quindi seleziona 'Settings'. Scorri in basso e clicca 'Delete Your Mint Account' e infine 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- difficile
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- difficile
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- facile
- Se desideri cancellare il tuo account, visita la pagina impostazioni. Se elimini il tuo account, non potrai piu loggare nei servizi Mojang, e non potrai piu acquistare dei giochi Mojang in futuro.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- difficile
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- difficile
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- facile
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- facile
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- facile
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- difficile
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- impossibile
- Contatta il servizio clienti.
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- popular
- facile
- Seleziona 'settings', quindi 'account' e infine 'delete'.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- difficile
- Usa il modulo per scrivere all'assistenza clienti e chiedere la chiusura del tuo account.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- facile
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- facile
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- facile
- Fai il login, scorri il contratto, premi Delete profile, fai il tick sulle caselle che vuoi, inserisci la password e premi il pulsante Remove.
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- facile
- Visita la pagina impostazioni, quindi seleziona 'Delete Account'
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- impossibile
- Puoi disattivare il tuo account. Ma i dati non saranno cancellati neanche se contatti il supporto.
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- impossibile
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- impossibile
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- difficile
- Devi spedire un email al supporto usando l'email associata al tuo account. Se non hai accesso all'email, puoi fornire l'email, l'anno di nascita e il codice postale dell'account.
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- facile
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- difficile
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- impossibile
- Puoi cancellare completamente i tuoi paste, ma non esiste il modo di cancellare l'account.
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- media
- Non puoi cancellare il tuou account. Apri l'app iOS/Android, vai su go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Entra nel tuo account, vai in impostazioni (piccolo ingranaggio affianco al tuo username9, clicca Elimina il mio account. Riceverai un link di conferma via e-mail.
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- difficile
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- difficile
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- difficile
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- facile
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- difficile
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- impossibile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- impossibile
- Non puoi eliminare il tuo account Picasa Web Albums senza eliminare l'intero Account Google.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Gli account possono essere disattivati, il che significa che i tuoi pin ed il tuoi profilo saranno nascosti ma non eliminati.
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- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- facile
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- difficile
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- facile
- Entra nel tuo account -> Clicca il link (informazioni completamente eliminate, operazione non reversibile).
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
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- facile
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
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- facile
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- difficile
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
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- facile
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- facile
- Entra, recati nella pagina impostazioni e clicca 'Voglio eliminare il mio account'.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Non puoi eliminare il tuo account ma puoi disattivarlo.
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- popular
- facile
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Incrementa la tua produttività di oltre 5 volte con questi consigli che loro non vogliono farti sapere!
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- popular
- difficile
- Per eliminare il tuo account invia un'e-mail a support@redditgifts.com. Invia l'e-mail dall'indirizzo associato al tuo account ed inserisci il tuo username reddit.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
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- facile
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- facile
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- impossibile
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- facile
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- impossibile
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
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- facile
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- difficile
- Devi contattare flixster per eliminare il tuo profilo RT nativo, mentre il collegamento a Facebook o Flixter.com sono più facili da eliminare.
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- difficile
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- media
- Dopo aver cliccato il bottone dovrai: inserire la tua password, completare un capcha, clicare un altro bottone E un dialogo di conferma.
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- facile
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
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- facile
- Entra nel tuo account e segui le istruzioni 'Account Suspension'.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Clicca il link 'Delete your account' sul fondo. Nota: Su dropbox il contenuto di questo sito non verrà eliminato. Se necessario, devi eliminare la cartella 'Apps/scriptogram' manualmente
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- facile
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- facile
- Seleziona 'Please cancel my account'. Seleziona un motivo e seleziona 'close my shopify store'.
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- impossibile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Contatta il servizio clienti via email o via chat e richiedi la cancellazione.
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- difficile
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
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- difficile
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Contatta il servizio clienti. Devi conoscere 5 contatti dalla tua lista contatti, il mese di creazione dell'account e la email con cui ti sei registrato.
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- popular
- facile
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- impossibile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- difficile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Inserisci username e password e clicca 'Delete'.
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- difficile
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- media
- I dati creati dall'utente come post e ticket rimarranno attribuiti all'account, anche se cancellato. L'username non sarà più disponibile.
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- impossibile
- Se desideri terminare il tuo Speaker Deck account, devi semplicemente non usarlo più.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- media
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
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- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Se non hai effettuato alcuna azione sul sito, basta un click. Altrimenti, edita il tuo 'About me' biografia in 'please delete me' quindi contatta il servizio clienti.
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- impossibile
- Non elimineranno il tuo account ma su richiesta potranno cancellare tutte le tue informazioni.
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- facile
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
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- facile
- La cancellazione non può essere annullata. Tutti i tuoi dati, contatti messaggi e foto verrano eliminati permanentemente.
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- impossibile
- Se contatti il supporto Steam, risponderanno semplicemente di non usare l'account. Se l'account non ha nessun gioco abbinato, sarà disabilitato automaticamente dopo un certo periodo di tempo
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- difficile
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
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- media
- Disattivando l'account, tutte le attività verrano cancellate e verrai rimosso da tutte le leaderboars. Strava manterrà un'archivio dei tuoi dati GPS, ma non può essere usato per recuperare il tuo account.
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- facile
- Puoi riattivare il tuo account entro 14 giorni. Dopodichè sarà cancellato.
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- impossibile
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- media
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
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- facile
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
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- facile
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
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- media
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
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- facile
- Modifica profilo (menu nell'angolo superiore destro della pagina) → Delete account
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- impossibile
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
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- difficile
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
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- facile
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
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- facile
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
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- difficile
- Devi inviare una richiesta attraverso il form per chiudere il tuo account.
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- impossibile
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
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- facile
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
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- difficile
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Non puoi eliminare il tuo account, ma puoi contattarli tramite email per disattivarlo.
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- facile
- Seleziona 'Eliminare il tuo account?' per eliminare il tuo account.
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- difficile
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
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- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Il tuo account verrà 'disabilitato' prima di venir rimosso. Se dopo 30 giorni è ancora disattivato esso verrà eliminato.
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- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Si e no, dipende dal tipo/i di account, e dovrai eliminare gli account nel giusto order. Tutti gli account sono collegati a Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), quindi questo sarà l'ultimo account da chiudere. Tutto il resto, come Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu e gli altri account devono essere chiusi prima, se possibile. Questo è importante soprattutto se hai qualche servizio a pagamento collegato, per essere sicuro di non ricevere richieste di pagamento dopo la chiusura degli account. L'ultimo passo è eliminare il tuo Single Sign-On (SSO) account. Questo deve essere eliminato manualmente dallo staff di Ubuntu One.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Un impiegato di Udacity consiglia di smettere di usare l'account, il che significa che non ci sono modi differenti per eliminare l'account.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Per eliminare il tuo account devi prima dis-iscriverti da tutti i tuoi corsi.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Scrolla fino al fondo della pagina 'Impostazioni Accountì e clicca 'Elimina Account'
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- Puoi in qualsiasi momento smettere di usare il servizio. Tuttavia noi possiamo comunque accedere a qualsiasi contenuto che hai inviato attraverso il servizio.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- C'è un bottone sulla destra, proprio sotto il menu.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- L'unico modo per eliminare il tuo account Vine senza eliminare il tuo account Twitter è contattare Twitter attraverso il loro form contatti.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- impossibile
- Il sito non possiede nessuna interfaccia di gestione utente o possibilità di eliminare l'account
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Dall'applicazione: Impostazioni → Account → Elimina il tuo account.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Menu → Modifica vCard → Gestione Account → Elimina tutto (non può essere annullato)
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- 'Un username non può essere eliminato.'. In ogni caso, ci sono alcuni consigli.
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- popular
- facile
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- mostra informazioni...
- difficile
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
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- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- 'Gli account WordPress.com non possono essere eliminati.'. Il massimo che puoi fare è eliminare qualsiasi informazione dall'account.
- mostra informazioni...
- popular
- facile
- Clicca 'Elimina Account' sul fondo della pagina delle impostazioni account.
- mostra informazioni...
- impossibile
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Seleziona 'elimina il mio profilo' sul fondo della pagina.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Il link 'Elimina Account' si trova sul fondo della pagina.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- facile
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- mostra informazioni...
- media
- Devi richiedere l'eliminazione dei tuoi dati Yatado prima di eliminare il relativo account social.
- mostra informazioni...
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- popular
- impossibile
- Non puoi eliminare il tuoi account di YouTube senza eliminare anche il tuo account Google. Ma puoi eliminare il tuo canale.
- mostra informazioni...
- popular
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- facile
- Nessuna Informazione Disponibile
- difficile
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
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about anchor
Molte compagnie usano strategie di dark pattern per rendere difficile la possibilità di eliminare il tuo account. JustDelete.me punta a essere una directory di urls per permetterti di eliminare facilmente il tuo account dai siti web.
Hai trovato un sito che credi dovrebbe essere aggiunto? Fork the project GitHub .
I link qui sotto sono colorati in base al livello di difficoltà per eliminare l'account
- Facile - Processo semplice
- Media - Richiede qualche azione aggiuntiva
- Difficile - Non può essere completamente cancellato senza contattare l'assistenza clienti
- Impossibile - Non può essere cancellato
Possedere un sito costa soldi. Se JustDelete.me ti ha aiutato, per favore considera una donazione.
Estensione Google Chrome
Il nostro amico Mike Rogers ci ha aiutato a rilasciare l'estensione di JustDelete.me per Google Chrome.
Quando sei su un sito che è elencato su justdelete.me, l'estensione aggiungerà un puntino colorato sulla barra degli indirizzi. Cliccandoci verrai reindirizzato alla pagina per eliminare il tuo account.
Per installare l'estensione, procedi su Chrome Web Store .
Extension Dot Guide
- - Processo semplice
- - Richiede qualche azione aggiuntiva
- - Non può essere completamente cancellato senza contattare l'assistenza clienti
- - Non può essere cancellato
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/nl.html b/docs/nl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ea41b79b..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Een verzameling directe links om jouw gebruikersgegevens bij een webdienst te verwijderen.
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- About
- Fake Identity Generator
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
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- gemakkelijk
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
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- gemakkelijk
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
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- gemakkelijk
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
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- gemakkelijk
- You must login before visiting the link.
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- onmogelijk
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Request deletion from customer services.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Stuur een e-mail »
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Verwijder je account door in te loggen en op de 'Me' tab te klikken. Selecteer vervolgens de 'privacy tab' die je bij 'account settings' kunt vinden. Hier vind je de delete mogelijkheid
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- gemakkelijk
- Just click 'Abschicken'
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
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- gemakkelijk
- Must remove uploaded files first
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- moeilijk
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- Volgens de app kun je emailen naar feedback@cinemagr.am voor vragen. Helaas wordt er niet gereageerd op dit account.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- We don't delete old accounts.
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- gemakkelijk
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
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- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
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- gemakkelijk
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
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- gemiddeld
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
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- gemakkelijk
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
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- gemakkelijk
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemiddeld
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemiddeld
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
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- moeilijk
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemiddeld
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- moeilijk
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- gemiddeld
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- moeilijk
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
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- moeilijk
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Email customer support to request deletion.
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- gemiddeld
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
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- moeilijk
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Go to account management within the app
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- moeilijk
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- gemiddeld
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemiddeld
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- gemakkelijk
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- popular
- moeilijk
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
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- gemiddeld
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- moeilijk
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- gemakkelijk
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- gemiddeld
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- gemakkelijk
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- moeilijk
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- toon informatie...
- popular
- moeilijk
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
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- gemakkelijk
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- gemakkelijk
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- onmogelijk
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- onmogelijk
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- gemakkelijk
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- onmogelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- moeilijk
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- onmogelijk
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- onmogelijk
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- gemakkelijk
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- popular
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- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- gemakkelijk
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- gemakkelijk
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- gemakkelijk
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- gemakkelijk
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- moeilijk
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemakkelijk
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- gemakkelijk
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- moeilijk
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
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- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemakkelijk
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- gemakkelijk
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- gemiddeld
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- moeilijk
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- moeilijk
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemiddeld
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- onmogelijk
- One cannot even change the password
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- gemakkelijk
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- gemiddeld
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- gemakkelijk
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- gemiddeld
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemiddeld
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- gemakkelijk
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- gemiddeld
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- moeilijk
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- gemakkelijk
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- moeilijk
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- moeilijk
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- moeilijk
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- moeilijk
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- gemakkelijk
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- gemakkelijk
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- moeilijk
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- onmogelijk
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- moeilijk
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- gemakkelijk
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- gemakkelijk
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- gemakkelijk
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- onmogelijk
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- onmogelijk
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- moeilijk
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- gemakkelijk
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- moeilijk
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- gemiddeld
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- moeilijk
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- moeilijk
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- moeilijk
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- moeilijk
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- onmogelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
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- gemakkelijk
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- onmogelijk
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- gemakkelijk
- Fill out the deletion form
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- gemakkelijk
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- moeilijk
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- gemakkelijk
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
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- gemakkelijk
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- moeilijk
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- moeilijk
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
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- gemakkelijk
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- gemakkelijk
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- onmogelijk
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- gemakkelijk
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- onmogelijk
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- moeilijk
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
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- gemakkelijk
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
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- moeilijk
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- gemiddeld
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
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- gemakkelijk
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
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- gemakkelijk
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
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- gemakkelijk
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
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- onmogelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
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- moeilijk
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
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- moeilijk
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- gemakkelijk
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- moeilijk
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- onmogelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- moeilijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
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- moeilijk
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
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- onmogelijk
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemiddeld
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
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- gemakkelijk
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
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- onmogelijk
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
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- moeilijk
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
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- gemiddeld
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
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- gemakkelijk
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
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- gemakkelijk
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
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- gemiddeld
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
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- moeilijk
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
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- gemakkelijk
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
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- gemiddeld
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- onmogelijk
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
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- gemakkelijk
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
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- gemakkelijk
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- toon informatie...
- popular
- gemakkelijk
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- toon informatie...
- moeilijk
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Stuur een e-mail »
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- toon informatie...
- popular
- gemakkelijk
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- toon informatie...
- onmogelijk
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- popular
- gemakkelijk
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- toon informatie...
- gemiddeld
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- toon informatie...
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- popular
- onmogelijk
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
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- popular
- gemakkelijk
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- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- gemakkelijk
- Geen informatie beschikbaar
- moeilijk
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Stuur een e-mail »
- toon informatie...
about anchor
Wat is dit?
Veel bedrijven gebruiken dark pattern technieken om het moeilijk te maken te achterhalen hoe jej jouw account kunt verwijderen. JustDelete.me poogt een verzameling urls te maken om het makkelijk te maken om jouw account te verwijderen van een web dienst.
Heb je een site die je toe wilt voegen? Fork het project op GitHub .
De links hierboven zijn kleur-gecodeerd om de moeilijkheidsgraad voor account verwijdering aan te geven:
- Easy - Eenvoudig proces
- Medium - Extra stappen nodig
- Hard - Kan niet volledig worden verwijderd zonder contact met de klantenservice
- Impossible - Kan niet worden verwijderd
Hosting kost geld. Om JustDelete.me te ondersteunen kunt u een donatie maken.
Google Chrome Extensie
Onze vriend Mike Rogers heeft ons geholpen om een Google Chrome extensie voor JustDelete.me te maken.
Wanneer u op een website bent welke op justdelete.me is vermeld toont de Chrome extensie een kleine stip in de omnibar. Het klikken op de stip brengt u naar de verwijder pagina.
Ga naar de Chrome Web Store om te installeren.
Extension Dot Guide
- - Eenvoudig proces
- - Extra stappen nodig
- - Kan niet volledig worden verwijderd zonder contact met de klanten service
- - Kan niet verwijderd worden
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deleted file mode 100644
index 866205d7..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Katalog bezpośrednich linków do usunięcia twojego konta z serwisów internetowych.
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- About
- Fake Identity Generator
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
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- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Zaloguj się na swoje konto, przejdź do ustawień, kliknij Delete my account. Potwierdź klikając I want to delete my account. Następnie wprowadź swoje hasło i kliknij Delete my 9GAG account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Możesz zadzwonić lub wysłać email z prośbą o usunięcie konta.
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- łatwe
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
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- łatwe
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
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- łatwe
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
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- trudne
- Skontakuj się z Amazonem za pomocą formularza kontaktowego i poproś o usunięcie swojego konta.
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- łatwe
- Musisz się zalogować przed wejściem w link.
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- niemożliwe
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Request deletion from customer services.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
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- trudne
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
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- łatwe
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
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- łatwe
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
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- łatwe
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
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- niemożliwe
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- łatwe
- Twoje dane zostaną całkowicie usunięte po upływie 30 dni.
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- trudne
- Dział wsparcia wymaga wysłania pisemnego potwierdzenia chęci usunięcia konta, wraz ze szczegółami konta użytkownika oraz kopii jednego z dokumentów potwierdzających tożsamość (paszport, prawo jazdy).
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
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- łatwe
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
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- łatwe
- W menu bocznym kliknij 'Delete Account' i potwierdź klikając przycisk 'Delete Account', wszystkie repozytoria i konto zostaną natychmiast usunięte.
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- łatwe
- Wybierz, dlaczego chcesz usunąć konto. Twoje konto zostanie usunięte, ale wszystkie twoje skrócone linki zostaną na serwerze.
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- niemożliwe
- Nie ma możliwości usunięcia konta w usłudze Blogger bez usuwania całego konta Google. Możesz jedynie usunąć swój blog.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Zaloguj się i użyj podanego odnośnika, aby usunąc swoje konto.
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- łatwe
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
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- niemożliwe
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
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- niemożliwe
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Poproś o usunięcie swoich danych za pomocą formularza kontaktowego.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- TL;DR: nie możesz tego zrobić. Dyskusja na http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- niemożliwe
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- łatwe
- Wystarczy, że klikniesz 'Abschicken'
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Nie ma możliwości zamknięcia konta.
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- łatwe
- Must remove uploaded files first
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- trudne
- Nie ma możliwości usunięcia konta bez kontaktu z obsługą. W temacie wpisz wiadomości 'Delete Account'
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
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- niemożliwe
- We don't delete old accounts.
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- łatwe
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
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- trudne
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
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- niemożliwe
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
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- łatwe
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
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- łatwe
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Zaloguj się i przejdź do https://coderwall.com/delete_account
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- łatwe
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
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- średnie
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
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- niemożliwe
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
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- trudne
- Skontaktuj się z obsługą i poproś o usunięcie swojego konta.
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- trudne
- Send an email to abuse@craigslist.org and request deletion.
Wyślij email »
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- trudne
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
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- trudne
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
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- niemożliwe
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
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- łatwe
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
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- łatwe
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
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- łatwe
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
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- łatwe
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- średnie
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- średnie
- Wszystkie Twoje dane zostana natychmiast usunięte. Jeśli zmienisz zdanie, możesz reaktywować swoje konto w ciągu 30 dni.
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- niemożliwe
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
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- łatwe
- Kliknij 'close my account' i potwierdź podając swoje hasło.
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- trudne
- Skontaktuj się z obsługą techniczną i poproś o usunięcie swojego konta
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- łatwe
- Zaznacz pole "Deactivate Account" w ustawieniach.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- średnie
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Wyślij email »
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- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- trudne
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Skontaktuj się z obsługą techniczną i poproś o usunięcie konta.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- średnie
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
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- niemożliwe
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- niemożliwe
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- trudne
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- łatwe
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- łatwe
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
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- trudne
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
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- trudne
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
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- trudne
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Contact support and they will delete your account
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- niemożliwe
- Nie możesz usunąć konta tylko je tymczasowo zdeaktywować. Deaktywacja nie usuwa żadnych danych - należy to zrobić samemu.
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- trudne
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
Wyślij email »
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- średnie
- Możesz usunąć swoje konto, ale zgodnie z polityką prywatności wszystkie dane razem z wiadomościami zostaną w bazie danych na zawsze.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Email customer support to request deletion.
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- średnie
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
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- trudne
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Go to account management within the app
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- trudne
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- średnie
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- średnie
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- trudne
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- łatwe
- /msg NickServ DROP nick hasło
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- średnie
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Po zalogowaniu się do konta w zakładce Moje konto - Profil znajduje się opcja usuń konto. Usunięty numer GG wraca do puli numerów dostępnych dla nowych użytkowników.
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- trudne
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
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- trudne
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- średnie
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
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- średnie
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
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- trudne
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- trudne
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- You can't delete your account without contacting support.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- trudne
- Use the support email address to ask them to close your account.
Wyślij email »
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- trudne
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
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- łatwe
- Zaloguj się na swoje konto → Zarządzanie danymi → Usuń usługi → Usuń usługę Gmail na stałe
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- niemożliwe
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- niemożliwe
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- trudne
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- łatwe
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- średnie
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- łatwe
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- łatwe
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Nie ma możliwości usunięcia konta Gravatar bez usunięcia całego konta WordPress.
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- średnie
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- trudne
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- trudne
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- niemożliwe
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- łatwe
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- łatwe
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- łatwe
- Na dole strony kliknij 'Close your account', podaj hasło i zatwierdź przyciskiem.
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- niemożliwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- niemożliwe
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- niemożliwe
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- łatwe
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- trudne
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- łatwe
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- łatwe
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- łatwe
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- łatwe
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- trudne
- Napisz mail do działu obsługi. Zgłoszenia są obsługiwane w ciągu 48 godzin.
Wyślij email »
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- trudne
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- łatwe
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- łatwe
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- trudne
- Skontaktuj się z obsługą techniczną. Stracisz dostęp do wszystkich plików, których nie pobrałeś na swoje urządzenie.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- łatwe
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- łatwe
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Zaloguj się, podaj swoje hasło i kliknij 'delete'.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- łatwe
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- średnie
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- trudne
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- trudne
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Twoje dane zostaną usunięte po upływie 7 dni.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- średnie
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- niemożliwe
- One cannot even change the password
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- łatwe
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- średnie
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Click “Close account”.
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- łatwe
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- średnie
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- średnie
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Wpisz DELETE i kliknij Delete Account.
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- łatwe
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- średnie
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- trudne
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- trudne
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- łatwe
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- trudne
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- trudne
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Kliknij “Cancel your account” na dole strony.
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- trudne
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- łatwe
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- łatwe
- W podanym odnośniku zastąp <code>USERNAME</code> swoją nazwą użytkownika w usłudze My Opera
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- łatwe
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- trudne
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- trudne
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- trudne
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- łatwe
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- łatwe
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- łatwe
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- łatwe
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- niemożliwe
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- niemożliwe
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- niemożliwe
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- trudne
- You must open a ticket to completely get your account deleted.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- trudne
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- łatwe
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- trudne
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
Wyślij email »
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- niemożliwe
- Nie ma możliwości usunięcia konta, możesz tylko usunąć dodane przez siebie treści.
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- średnie
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- trudne
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- trudne
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- trudne
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- łatwe
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- trudne
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- niemożliwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- niemożliwe
- Nie ma możliwosći usunięcia konta w usłudze Picasa Web Albums bez usuwania całego konta Google.
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- trudne
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- łatwe
- Fill out the deletion form
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- łatwe
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- trudne
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- łatwe
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
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- łatwe
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
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- łatwe
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- trudne
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
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- łatwe
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- łatwe
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Nie możesz usunąć swojego konta, ale możesz je deaktywować.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- trudne
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
Wyślij email »
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
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- łatwe
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- łatwe
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- niemożliwe
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- łatwe
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- niemożliwe
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
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- łatwe
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- trudne
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
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- łatwe
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
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- trudne
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- średnie
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
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- łatwe
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
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- łatwe
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
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- łatwe
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- łatwe
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
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- niemożliwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
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- trudne
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
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- trudne
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- łatwe
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- niemożliwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- trudne
- Email request required.
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- trudne
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
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- trudne
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- średnie
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
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- niemożliwe
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- średnie
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
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- niemożliwe
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
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- trudne
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
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- łatwe
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
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- łatwe
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
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- niemożliwe
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
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- trudne
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
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- średnie
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
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- łatwe
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
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- niemożliwe
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- średnie
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
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- łatwe
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
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- łatwe
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
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- średnie
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
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- łatwe
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
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- niemożliwe
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
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- trudne
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
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- łatwe
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
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- łatwe
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
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- trudne
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
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- niemożliwe
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
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- łatwe
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
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- trudne
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- łatwe
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
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- trudne
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
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- niemożliwe
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
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- średnie
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
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- łatwe
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
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- niemożliwe
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- niemożliwe
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
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- łatwe
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
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- średnie
- Z aplikacji: Ustawienia → Konto → Usuń konto.
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- łatwe
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
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- łatwe
- Po prostu kliknij 'Deactivate'.
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- niemożliwe
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
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- popular
- łatwe
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
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- trudne
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
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- niemożliwe
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
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- niemożliwe
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
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- łatwe
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
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- łatwe
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- łatwe
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
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- średnie
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
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- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- popular
- niemożliwe
- Nie ma możliwosći usunięcia konta w usłudze YouTube bez usuwania całego konta Google. Możesz jedynie usunąć swój kanał.
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- popular
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- łatwe
- Info Niedostępne
- trudne
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
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Co to jest?
Wiele firm używa technik dark pattern aby utrudnić znalezienie informacji jak usunąć konto. Celem JustDelete.me jest bycie katalogiem linków do łatwego usunięcia twojego konta z serwisów internetowych.
Masz stronę która powinna być dodana? Forkuj projekt na GitHubie .
Linki powyżej zawierają kolorowy kod aby pokazać poziom trudności usunięcia konta:
- Łatwe - Prosty proces
- Średnie - Potrzeba kilka dodatkowych kroków
- Trudne - Nie może być całkowicie usunięte bez skontaktowania z obsługą
- Niemożliwe - Nie może być usunięte
Hosting kosztuje pieniądze. Jeśli lubisz JustDelete.me, proszę zastanów się nad złożeniem dotacji.
Rozszerzenie Google Chrome
Nasz dobry przyjaciel Mike Rogers pomógł nam wydać świetny Dodatek Google Chrome dla JustDelete.me.
Kiedy jesteś na stronie która znajduje się na justdelete.me, Dodatek Chrome doda małą kropkę do omnibara. Kliknięcie na tej kropce zabierze cię do odpowiedniej strony usuwania.
Aby go zainstalować, po prostu przejdź do Chrome Web Store .
Przewodnik Kropki rozszerzenia
- - Prosty proces
- - Potrzeba kilka dodatkowych kroków
- - Nie może być całkowicie usunięte bez skontaktowania z obsługą
- - Nie może być usunięte
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Just Delete Me | Um diretório de links diretos para deletar sua conta em serviços da web.
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- Fake Identity Generator
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Faça login em sua conta, vá em parâmetros, clique em Delete my account. Confirme clicando em I want to delete my account. E novamente em Delete my 9GAG account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Você deve ligar para eles para deletar sua conta. De maneira alternativa, você pode enviá-los um e-mail.
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- fácil
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
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- fácil
- Use o link de editar o perfil e clique em cancelar conta no fim da página
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- fácil
- Apenas vá para a página de sua conta e clique no botão 'Delete your account' no canto inferior esquerdo da página.
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- difícil
- Para fechar sua conta, contate Amazon por e-mail (usando este modelo de contato) e requira que sua conta seja fechada.
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- impossível
- Nós não 'deletamos' ou 'terminamos' contas na ACC. Caso você não queira mais utilizar o site, você pode deletar todas as suas informações pessoas em seu perfil e então parar de logar-se.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- impossível
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Peça para que seja deletada pela assistência ao cliente.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
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- fácil
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
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- fácil
- Vá para a página Settings e desça até o final da página e ache 'Deactivate account'. Clique no botão 'Close Account', e confirme.
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- fácil
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
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- impossível
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- fácil
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
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- difícil
- A Assistência ao Cliente irá pedir que você envie uma carta assinada confirmando os seus desejos, os detalhes de sua conta e uma cópia autenticada de identificação (passaporte, carteira de motorista) para o escritório da região de sua conta.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- fácil
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
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- fácil
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- No menu lateral, clique em 'Delete Account' e na página de confirmação clique em 'Delete Account', todos os repositórios e contas serão imediatamente excluídos.
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- fácil
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
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- impossível
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
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- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Faça login e use o link fornecido para requerir que a conta seja excluída.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode apenas desativar sua conta contatando a assistência ao cliente como explicitado na página de ajuda. Não há como remover permanentemente sua conta ou seus dados, e um perfil publico inativo sempre estará visível ao público.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- impossível
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
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- difícil
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
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- impossível
- Você não pode deletar sua conta. Você pode mudar o número de telefone para um número qualquer.
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- fácil
- Inicie uma discussão privada com eles e eles irão 'cuidar disso'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Por razões de segurança, nós precisaremos verificar se estes pedidos vêm do endereço de e-mail que está na sua conta no Codecademy.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
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- fácil
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Não pode ser totalmente deletada, reativação é sempre possível. Preencha o formulário e selecione 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Contate o suporte e peça que eles deletem sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
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- fácil
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Edite sua conta e seleciona 'Remove my account'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
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- fácil
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- média
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- média
- Todos os dados são apagados imediatamente. Contas podem ser reativadas em até 30 dias, após este prazo não poderão mais ser recuperadas.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Nenhuma informação no FAQ sobre remoção de contas, o operador no telefone disse que deletar não é possível.
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- fácil
- Clique em 'close my account' e confirme com sua senha.
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- difícil
- Contate a assistência ao cliente da Digg e peça que sua conta seja fechada.
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- fácil
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- média
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- difícil
- Todas as contas permanecem no sistema por pelo menos 3 anos. Remova qualquer informação de bancos antes de deletar.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Contate a assistência ao cliente e peça que sua conta seja deletada. Se você estiver fora dos EUA você deve fazer isso pelo telefone.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Algumas perguntas serão feitas antes de deletar sua conta.
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- popular
- média
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- FAQ diz que a conta pode ser deletada mediante requisição, mas e-mails que requerem isso são sumariamente ignorados.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Não há porque deletar sua conta. Uma conta antiga, e não usada sem cursos completos irá desaparecer.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- fácil
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Você não pode ter dívidas com a Etsy ou uma denúncia de entrega aberta. Seu endereço de e-mail permanecerá armazenado.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você não pode deletar sua conta Evernote, apenas desativá-la temporariamente. Desativação não remove seus dados então você terá que remover manualmente todas suas informações, realizar uma sincronização e então desativar sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- exibir informações...
- média
- Você pode deletar sua conta facilmente, porém dados de conversas ficarão armazenados para sempre, como explicitado na Privacidade do site.
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- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Envie um e-mail para a assistência ao cliente para pedir a remoção.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Clique em seu usuário (topo esquerdo) → clique em 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. Todos os seus dados serão completamente apagados.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- média
- Para deletar sua conta, você deve postar nada por pelo menos três dias.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- difícil
- Certifique-se de que seu balanço é positivo, então crie um ticket no suporte pedindo que sua conta seja fechada
- exibir informações...
- média
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Para deletar a sua conta contate a assistência ao cliente
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Contate o suporte e peça que eles deletem sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Delete qualquer informação que você deseja ser removida do site. Então selecione 'Account Settings' e 'Close Account'
- exibir informações...
- média
- Você deve enviar um e-mail ao suporte do seu e-mail registrado para remover a conta. Qualquer tipo de Premium Membership não será ressarcida
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Contate a assistência ao cliente e peça a remoção.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você não pode deletar sua conta, mas você pode desativá-la. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Contas do GoDaddy são aparentemente retidas “para comparecer com as obrigações legais [deles]” porém você pode remover grande parte de suas informações editando seu perfil.
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- popular
- difícil
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Na barra superior, clique em 'seu nome', então clique no botão 'Delete Account' no final do diálogo.
- exibir informações...
- média
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- fácil
- Selecione um motivo para fechar a conta e irá levar dois cliques.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Selecione um motivo para fechar a conta e irá levar dois cliques.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Você pode remover seu perfil e o histórico de conversa através do aplicativo ou você pode enviar um e-mail ao suporte com seu UDID.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- difícil
- Não há uma página explicando como deletar sua conta. Você terá de contatar o suporte diretamente (link no final da página) e eles irão deletá-la para você.
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- exibir informações...
- fácil
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Suas contribuições serão mantidas, mas você pode limpar o seu perfil -- inclusive seu endereço de e-mail.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Link “Close your account...” no final da página.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode remover as informações e manualmente sair do HOL, mas sua conta é permanente.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- difícil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Na barra superior: 'Seu nome', 'My Account' e clique no link 'Delete Account' no final.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Clique em 'Delete Accout' no final da página de preferências da conta
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Logue-se. Digite sua senha. Pressione 'delete'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Você apenas pode desativar sua conta. Aparentemente não há como deletar sua conta ou dados.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Pode levar até 180 dias para que todos os seus dados sejam removidos do sistema.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Pode levar até 7 dias para deletar seus dados.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Clique em 'Profile', então 'Edit', então 'Show advanced settings', e finalmente marque a caixa 'Delete my account'.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- média
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- fácil
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- exibir informações...
- média
- Uma vez que você tenha deletado seu jornal você tem 30 dias para desfazer a remoção, caso você mude de ideia. Após 30 dias, o seu jornal permanecerá deletado e não haverá como recuperá-lo.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- média
- Você precisa devolver todos os discos físico, sua conta estará em “cancelamento pendente” até que eles recebam os discos.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- média
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Digite DELETE e pressione o botão Delete Account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- exibir informações...
- média
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Clique em 'Accounts' no topo à direita, então selecione a aba 'Settings'. Va até o final da página e clique em 'Delete Your Mint Account' e finalmente 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Se você registrou uma conta Mojango e gostaria de deletá-la, visite a página de configurações da conta. Lembre-se de que se sua conta for deletada, você não poderá mais fazer login nos serviços Mojang, e não poderá adquirir futuros jogos da Mojang.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Link “Cancel your account” no final da página.
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- difícil
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- fácil
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- fácil
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- difícil
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- impossível
- Contate a assistência ao cliente. Mesmo assim eles não deletarão sua conta sobre a premissa que talvez você queira retornar em manter seu histórico e recomendações.
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- popular
- fácil
- Selecione 'settings', então 'account', e 'delete'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Use o formulário para escrever à assistência ao cliente e peça-os para fechar sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Faça login em sua conta, vá até o License Agreement, clique em Delete profile, marque as caixas que você quiser, digite sua senha e pressione o botão Remove.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Visite a sua página de configurações, e selecione 'Delete Account'
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode desativar sua conta neste link. Mas os dados não são deletados. Mesmo se você contatar o suporte eles não irão apagar seus dados.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Você terá de enviar um e-mail para o suporte com o e-mail associado a sua conta. Se você não tiver acesso a isto, você precisa especificar seu e-mail, ano de nascimento e código postal da conta.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode remover seus pastes, mas não há um link para remover sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Você não pode deletar sua conta do site. Abra o aplicativo iOS/Android, vá em settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Faça login em sua conta, vá em configurações (pequena engrenagem próximo ao seu usuário), clique Delete my acccount. Você receberá um link de confirmação por e-mail.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você não pode deletar sua conta Picasa sem deletar toda sua Conta Google.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Contas podem ser desativadas, o que significa que seus pins e perfil são ocultados mas não deletados.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- difícil
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- fácil
- Faça login em sua conta -> Clique no link (dados totalmente apagados, não é possível reverter).
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- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- difícil
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Faça login, vá na página de configurações e clique 'I want to delete my account'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Você não pode deletar sua conta, mas você pode desativá-la.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Aumente sua produtividade em 5 vezes com este truque que eles não querem que você saiba!
- exibir informações...
- popular
- difícil
- Caso você decida apagar sua conta você deve enviar um e-mail para support@redditgifts.com. O e-mail deve ser enviado pelo e-mail associado a sua conta e você deve especificar seu usuário reddit.
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- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Você precisará contatar flixster para cancelar o perfile nativo RT, enquanto contas ligadas ao Facebook ou Flixter.com são mais facilmente canceladas.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- exibir informações...
- média
- Após clicar no botão, você terá que digitar sua senha, completar o captcha, clicar em outro botão, E a confirmar.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Faça login e siga as instruções de 'Account Suspension'.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Clique no link 'Delete your account' no final da página. Nota: No seu dropbox, o conteúdo deste site não será removido. Caso necessário, você pode remover a pastas 'Apps/scriptogram' manualmente.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Selecione 'Please cancel my account'. Escolha um motivo e selecione 'close my shopify store'.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Contate a assistência ao cliente por e-mail ou chat ao vivo e peça a remoção.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Contate a assistência ao cliente. Você precisará saber 5 contatos da sua lista de contatos, o mês em que sua conta foi criada, e seu e-mail de cadastro.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Um link direto não está disponível e é baseado no seu usuário.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Digite seu usuário e senha e clique em 'Delete'.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- exibir informações...
- média
- Dados criads pelo usuário como posts e tickets se manterão atribuídos à conta, mesmo que deletada. O usuário não se tornará disponível.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Se você deseja terminar sua conta Speaker Deck, você pode apenas parar de usar Speaker Deck.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- média
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Se você não postou no site, apenas um clique é necessário. Caso contrário, edite a sua 'About Me' biografia e escreva 'please delete me' e então contate o suporte.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Eles não irão deletar sua conta mas mediante pedido eles podem “bagunçar todas suas informações para que você não receba e-mails e nenhuma informação sua esteja disponível a [eles] potenciais fraudes”.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Se você contatar o suporte Steam, eles irão te dizer para apenas não usar a conta. Se você não tiver jogos na sua conta, ela será desabilitada após um tempo.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- exibir informações...
- média
- Mediante desativação, todas suas atividades serão deletadas e você será removido de todas as leaderboards. Strava manterá um arquivo de seus dados GPS como enviados a Strava, mas o arquivo não poderá ser usado para restaurar sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Você pode reativar em até 14 dias. Após este prazo sua conta é deletada.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- exibir informações...
- média
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- exibir informações...
- média
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Edit profile (menu no canto do topo à direita da página) → Delete account
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Não é possível remover sua conta, mas você pode remover seus blogs.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- O TED tem de ser contactado por e-mail para pedidos de remoção de conta
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- Você deve enviar um pedido para fechar sua conta pelo formulário.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Você não pode deletar sua conta, mas você pode contatá-los via e-mail para desativá-la.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Selecione a opção 'Delete your account?' para deletar sua conta
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Sim e não, depende do(s) tipo(s) de conta(s), e você precisará deletar a(s) conta(s) na ordem correta. Todas as contas estão ligadas ao Single Sign-on (login.ubuntu.com) do Ubuntu One, então esta é a conta que você deve fechar por último. De resto, como Launchpad.net, armazenamento de arquivos na nuvem, AskUbuntu, e outras contas devem ser fechadas primeiro se possível. Isto é muito importante se você tem algum serviço pago ligado, para ter certeza que você não será cobrado por qualquer coisa após fechar suas contas. O último passo é fechar sua conta Single Sign-On (SSO). Contas SSO devem ser deletadas manualmente pela equipe do Ubuntu One.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Um empregado Udacity recomenda que você pare de usar a conta, o que significa que não há como deletar sua conta atualmente.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Para deletar sua conta, você precisa se desinscrever de todos os seus cursos.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Vá até o final da página 'Account Settings' e clique em 'Delete Account'
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- Você pode parar de usar o serviço a qualquer momento. Nós, no entanto, iremos manter e usar qualquer conteúdo enviado por você através do serviço.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Existe um botão à direita, logo abaixo do menu.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- A única maneira de deletar sua conta Vine sem deletar sua conta no Twitter é contatar o Twitter por meio do formulário de contato.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- impossível
- O site não possui interface de gerenciamento da conta ou opções para remoção da conta.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- exibir informações...
- média
- No aplicativo: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- 'Um usuário não pode ser deletado.' Entretanto, eles possuem algumas sugestões.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- exibir informações...
- difícil
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
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- exibir informações...
- impossível
- “Contas no WordPress.com não podem ser deletadas.” O melhor que você pode fazer é remover qualquer dado pessoal de sua conta.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Clique em 'Delete Account' no final do painel de preferências da conta.
- exibir informações...
- impossível
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Selecione 'delete my profile' no final da página.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Link “Delete account” no final da página.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- fácil
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- exibir informações...
- média
- Você deve pedir a remoção de seus dados antes de deletar sua conta social.
- exibir informações...
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- popular
- impossível
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- exibir informações...
- popular
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- fácil
- Nenhuma Informação Disponível
- difícil
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
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about anchor
O que é isto?
Diversas companhias usam técnicas dark pattern para tornar difícil encontrar como deletar sua conta. JustDelete.me tem por objetivo ser um diretório de urls que tornem fácil a remoção de sua conta em serviços da web.
Sabe de um site que você acha que deve ser adicionado? Faça um Fork do projeto no GitHub .
Os links acima possuem cores baseados no nível de dificuldade para deletar a conta:
- Fácil - Processo simples
- Média - Alguns passos extras necessários
- Difícil - Não pode ser totalmente deletada sem contatar a assistência ao cliente
- Impossível - Não pode ser deletada
Hospedagem custa dinheiro. Se você gosta do JustDelete.me, por favor considere fazer uma doação.
Extensão do Google Chrome
Nosso bom amigo Mike Rogers nos ajudou a lançar uma incrível Extensão do Google Chrome para o JustDelete.me.
Quando você estiver em um site que está listado no justdelete.me, a Extensão do Chrome irá adicionar um pequeno ponto na omnibar. Clicando neste ponto irá levar você até a página para deletar sua conta.
Para instalá-la, acesse a Chrome Web Store .
Guia da Simbologia da Extensão
- - Processo simples
- - Alguns passos extras necessários
- - Não pode ser totalmente deletada sem contatar a assistência ao cliente
- - Não pode ser deletada
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/ro.html b/docs/ro.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fdd666b..00000000
--- a/docs/ro.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Un site cu linkuri directe către pagina unde îți poți șterge contul de pe diverse servicii online, inclusiv rețele sociale.
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- About
- Fake Identity Generator
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
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- imposibil
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
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- ușor
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
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- ușor
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
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- ușor
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
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- ușor
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
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- imposibil
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
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- ușor
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
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- greu
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
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- ușor
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Trimite email »
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- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- greu
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- mediu
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
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- imposibil
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- imposibil
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- greu
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- ușor
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- ușor
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
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- greu
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
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- greu
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
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- greu
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Contact support and they will delete your account
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- imposibil
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
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- mediu
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
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- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
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- greu
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- popular
- greu
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- mediu
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
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- greu
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
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- greu
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- mediu
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
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- mediu
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- greu
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
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- ușor
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- imposibil
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- imposibil
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- greu
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- ușor
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- mediu
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- popular
- ușor
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- ușor
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
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- mediu
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- greu
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- greu
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
Trimite email »
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- ușor
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- imposibil
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- ușor
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- ușor
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- ușor
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- imposibil
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- imposibil
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- imposibil
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- ușor
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- ușor
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- popular
- greu
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- ușor
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- ușor
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- ușor
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- ușor
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- greu
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ușor
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- ușor
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- greu
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
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- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ușor
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
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- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ușor
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- mediu
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- greu
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- greu
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- mediu
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- mediu
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- ușor
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- mediu
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- ușor
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- greu
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- ușor
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- greu
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- greu
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- greu
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- ușor
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- ușor
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- ușor
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- greu
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- imposibil
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- ușor
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- greu
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- ușor
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- ușor
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- ușor
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- ușor
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- imposibil
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- imposibil
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- imposibil
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- greu
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- ușor
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- greu
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
Trimite email »
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- imposibil
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- mediu
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- greu
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- greu
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- ușor
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- afișează informații...
- popular
- greu
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- mediu
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- afișează informații...
- greu
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
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- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- imposibil
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- afișează informații...
- greu
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- afișează informații...
- imposibil
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- popular
- ușor
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- afișează informații...
- mediu
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- afișează informații...
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- popular
- imposibil
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- afișează informații...
- popular
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- ușor
- Nu avem informații.
- greu
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Trimite email »
- afișează informații...
about anchor
Despre proiect
Multe companii folosesc tehnica dark pattern pentru a face cât mai greu procesul de ștergere al contului. JustDelete.me se dorește a fi un site care te va ajuta să pierzi cât mai puțin timp în cazul în care dorești să ștergi un cont online.
Vrei să apară și alte siteuri? Vezi informațiile necesare pe GitHub .
Linkurile sunt colorate pentru a arăta dificultatea cu care îți poți șterge contul pe respectivul site:
- Ușor - Simplu de șters
- Mediu - Unii pași, dar destul de simplu
- Greu - Poate fi șters doar dacă prin contactarea serviciului clienți (support)
- Imposibil - Nu poate fi șters
Găzduirea web costă bani. Dacă îți place proiectul, poți face o donație.
Extensie Google Chrome
Prietenul nostru Mike Rogers ne-a ajuta să lansăm și o extensie pentru Google Chrome.
Atunci când ești pe un site care este deja listat pe justdelete.me, extensia va adauga un punct mic în bara de adrese. Click pe acest link și vei ajunge direct pe pagina unde îți poți șterge contul pe acel site.
Pentru a instala extensia intră pe Chrome Web Store .
Ghid Instalare Extensie
- - Simplu de șters
- - Unii pași, dar destul de simplu
- - Poate fi șters doar dacă prin contactarea serviciului clienți (support)
- - Nu poate fi șters
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/ru.html b/docs/ru.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e25ae374..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Каталог прямых ссылок для удаления вашего аккаунта с различных веб-сайтов
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Зайдите в 'Настройки', затем слева нажмите 'Удалить', укажите причину удаления и подтвердите выбор нажав кнопку 'Подтвердить'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- невозможно
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
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- легко
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
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- трудно
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
E-mail отправлен »
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- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
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- невозможно
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
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- легко
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
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- легко
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
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- легко
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
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- невозможно
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- трудно
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
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- трудно
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
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- невозможно
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
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- легко
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
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- легко
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
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- легко
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
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- легко
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- средний
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- средний
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
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- невозможно
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
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- легко
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
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- трудно
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
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- легко
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- трудно
- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- трудно
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
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- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- средний
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
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- невозможно
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- невозможно
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- трудно
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- легко
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- легко
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
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- трудно
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
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- трудно
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
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- трудно
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Contact support and they will delete your account
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- невозможно
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
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- средний
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
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- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- средний
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
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- трудно
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- Информация недоступна
- средний
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- popular
- трудно
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- средний
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
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- трудно
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- средний
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
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- средний
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
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- легко
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- невозможно
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- невозможно
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- трудно
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- легко
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- средний
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- popular
- легко
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- легко
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
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- средний
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- трудно
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- трудно
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
E-mail отправлен »
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- легко
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- невозможно
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- легко
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- легко
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- легко
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- невозможно
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- невозможно
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- невозможно
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- легко
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- popular
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- легко
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- легко
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- легко
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- легко
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- трудно
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- легко
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- легко
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- трудно
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- легко
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- легко
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- показать информацию...
- средний
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- трудно
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
E-mail отправлен »
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- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- трудно
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
E-mail отправлен »
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- средний
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- средний
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- Информация недоступна
- средний
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- средний
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- легко
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- средний
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- Информация недоступна
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- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- трудно
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- легко
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- трудно
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- трудно
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- трудно
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- легко
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- легко
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- легко
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
E-mail отправлен »
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
- показать информацию...
- средний
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- показать информацию...
- popular
- трудно
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
E-mail отправлен »
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- показать информацию...
- легко
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- показать информацию...
- средний
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
E-mail отправлен »
- показать информацию...
- средний
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- средний
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- показать информацию...
- легко
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
E-mail отправлен »
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- показать информацию...
- средний
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- показать информацию...
- средний
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- показать информацию...
- средний
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- показать информацию...
- трудно
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- показать информацию...
- средний
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- невозможно
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- показать информацию...
- средний
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- показать информацию...
- невозможно
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- popular
- легко
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- показать информацию...
- средний
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- показать информацию...
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- popular
- невозможно
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- показать информацию...
- popular
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- легко
- Информация недоступна
- трудно
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
E-mail отправлен »
- показать информацию...
about anchor
Что это?
Многие компании используют технологию dark pattern для того, чтобы усложнить процесс удаления аккаунта. Каталог ссылок JustDelete.me призван помочь вам с легкостью удалить аккаунт с веб-сайта
Есть сайт, который неободимо добавить? Fork the project GitHub .
Сслыки выше выделены цветом, для обозначения уровня сложности удаления аккаунта:
- Легко - Простой процесс
- Средний - Необходимы дополнительные действия
- Трудно - Нельзя полностью удалить без обращения в службу поддержки
- Невозможно - Невозможно удалить
Хостинг стоит денег. Если вам понравился JustDelete.me, пожалуйста, сделайте пожертвование.
Расширение для Google Chrome
Наш хороший друг Mike Rogers помог нам выпустить прекрасное расширение JustDelete.me для Google Chrome.
Когда вы находитесь на сайте, который есть в списке justdelete.me, расширения для Chrome добавить маленькую точку в оминбар. Кликнув на эту точку, вы попадете на подходящую страницу для удаления.
Для того чтобы установить расширение, просто перейдите в Chrome Web Store .
Что означают точки
- - Простой процесс
- - Нужны дополнительные действия
- - Невозможно полностью удалить без обращения в службу поддержки
- - Невозможно удалить
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/sk.html b/docs/sk.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e75847..00000000
--- a/docs/sk.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10281 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | Zoznam linkov na okamžité zmazanie účtov z internetových služieb
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- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- ukázať informácie...
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- ukázať informácie...
- ľahké
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
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- ľahké
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
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- ľahké
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
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- ťažké
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
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- ľahké
- You must login before visiting the link.
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- neemožné
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- neemožné
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Request deletion from customer services.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
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- neemožné
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
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- ľahké
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
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- ľahké
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
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- ľahké
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
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- neemožné
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- ľahké
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
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- ťažké
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
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- ľahké
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
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- ľahké
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
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- ľahké
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
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- ľahké
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
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- neemožné
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
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- neemožné
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
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- neemožné
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- neemožné
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
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- ťažké
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- ľahké
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
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- ľahké
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
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- ťažké
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
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- neemožné
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
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- ľahké
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
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- ľahké
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
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- ľahké
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
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- stredné
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
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- neemožné
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
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- ťažké
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- ťažké
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
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- ťažké
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
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- neemožné
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
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- ľahké
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
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- ľahké
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
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- ľahké
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
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- ľahké
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- stredné
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- stredné
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
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- neemožné
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
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- ľahké
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
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- ťažké
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
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- ľahké
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
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- ľahké
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- stredné
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
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- ľahké
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- ľahké
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- ťažké
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- stredné
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
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- neemožné
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- neemožné
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- ťažké
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- ľahké
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- ľahké
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
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- ťažké
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
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- ťažké
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
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- ťažké
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Contact support and they will delete your account
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- neemožné
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
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- ťažké
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- stredné
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Email customer support to request deletion.
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- stredné
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
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- ťažké
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- ľahké
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Go to account management within the app
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- ťažké
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- stredné
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- stredné
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- ťažké
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- stredné
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
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- ťažké
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
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- ťažké
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- stredné
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
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- stredné
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
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- ťažké
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- ťažké
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ťažké
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
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- ľahké
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- neemožné
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- neemožné
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- ťažké
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- ľahké
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- stredné
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- ľahké
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- ľahké
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
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- stredné
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- ťažké
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- ťažké
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
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- ľahké
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- neemožné
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- ľahké
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- ľahké
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- ľahké
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- neemožné
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- neemožné
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- neemožné
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- ľahké
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- ťažké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- ľahké
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- ľahké
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- ľahké
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- ľahké
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- ťažké
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- ľahké
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ľahké
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- ľahké
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- ťažké
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ľahké
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ľahké
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
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- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- ukázať informácie...
- ľahké
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- stredné
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- ťažké
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- ukázať informácie...
- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- ukázať informácie...
- ťažké
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- stredné
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- neemožné
- One cannot even change the password
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- ľahké
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- stredné
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- stredné
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- stredné
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- ľahké
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- stredné
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- ťažké
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- ťažké
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- ľahké
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- ťažké
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- ťažké
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- ťažké
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- ľahké
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- ľahké
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- ľahké
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- ťažké
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- neemožné
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- ťažké
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- ľahké
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- ľahké
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- ľahké
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- ľahké
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- neemožné
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- neemožné
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- neemožné
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- ťažké
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- ľahké
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- ťažké
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- neemožné
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- stredné
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- ťažké
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- ťažké
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- ťažké
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- ľahké
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- ťažké
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- neemožné
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- neemožné
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- ľahké
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- ťažké
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- ľahké
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
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- ľahké
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
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- ľahké
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- ťažké
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
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- ľahké
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- ľahké
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- ťažké
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
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- ľahké
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- ľahké
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- neemožné
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- ľahké
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- neemožné
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
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- ľahké
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- ťažké
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
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- ťažké
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- stredné
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
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- ľahké
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
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- ľahké
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
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- ľahké
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
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- ľahké
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
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- neemožné
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
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- ťažké
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
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- ťažké
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- ľahké
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- neemožné
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- ťažké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
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- ťažké
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- stredné
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
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- neemožné
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- stredné
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
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- neemožné
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
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- ľahké
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
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- ľahké
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
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- neemožné
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
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- ťažké
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
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- stredné
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
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- ľahké
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
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- neemožné
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- stredné
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
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- ľahké
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
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- ľahké
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
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- stredné
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
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- ľahké
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
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- neemožné
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
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- ťažké
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
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- ľahké
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
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- ľahké
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
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- ťažké
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
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- neemožné
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
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- ľahké
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
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- ťažké
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- ľahké
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
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- ťažké
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
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- neemožné
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
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- stredné
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
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- ľahké
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
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- neemožné
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- neemožné
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
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- ľahké
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
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- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
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- stredné
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
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- ľahké
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
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- neemožné
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
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- popular
- ľahké
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
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- ťažké
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
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- neemožné
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
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- popular
- ľahké
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
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- neemožné
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
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- ľahké
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
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- ľahké
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- ukázať informácie...
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- ľahké
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- ukázať informácie...
- stredné
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- ukázať informácie...
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- popular
- neemožné
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- ukázať informácie...
- popular
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ľahké
- Žiadne informácie
- ťažké
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Poslať e-mail »
- ukázať informácie...
about anchor
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Máš strínku, ktorú by si mohol pridať? Fork the project GitHub .
Linky hore sú farebne rozlíšené podľa obtiažnosti vymazania:
- Ľahké - Jednoduchý proces
- Stredné - Pridané nejaké kroky naviac
- Ťažké - Nedajú sa úplne vymazať bez kontaktovania zakazníckych služieb spoločnosti
- Nemožné - Nedajú sa vymazať
Hosting stojí nejaké tie peniaze. Ak sa ti páči JustDelete.me, pomôž nejakými tými drobnými. :)
Google Chrome Rozšírenie
Náš dobrý priateľ Mike Rogers pomohol vydať úžasné Google Chrome Rozšírenie pre JustDelete.me.
Ak ste na stránke, ktorá sa nachádza na justdelete.me, rozšírenie pridá malú bodku do omnibaru. Kliknutie na bodku vás hneď presmeruje na stránku s vymazaním účtu.
Ak si chcete nainštalovať rozšírenie jednoducho chodte na stránku Chrome Web Obchodu .
Návod na bodkové rozšírenie
- - Jednoduchý proces
- - Pridané nejaké kroky naviac
- - Nedajú sa úplne vymazať bez kontaktovania zakazníckych služieb spoločnosti
- - Nedajú sa vymazať
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index b5543b95..00000000
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Само Ме Обриши | Директоријум директних веза за брисање ваших налога са разних веб сервиса.
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- тешкоћа
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- You must login before visiting the link.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Request deletion from customer services.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Must remove uploaded files first
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- We don't delete old accounts.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- средње
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- средње
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- средње
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- средње
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Go to account management within the app
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- средње
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- тешко
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- тешко
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- лако
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- тешко
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- тешко
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- немогуће
- One cannot even change the password
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- средње
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- тешко
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
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- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Нема података
- тешко
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- Нема података
- лако
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- Нема података
- лако
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- средње
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- прикажи податке...
- средње
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- Нема података
- лако
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- немогуће
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Нема података
- лако
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- прикажи податке...
- тешко
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- прикажи податке...
- немогуће
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- лако
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- прикажи податке...
- средње
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- прикажи податке...
- лако
- Нема података
- popular
- немогуће
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- прикажи податке...
- popular
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- лако
- Нема података
- тешко
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Пошаљите е-поруку »
- прикажи податке...
about anchor
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Многе компаније користе технике тамног шаблона да би вам отежале брисање ваших налога. JustDelete.me има за циљ да буде директоријум веза које ће вам олакшати брисање ваших налога са веб сервиса.
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- Лако - једноставан процес
- Средње - потребни су неки додатни кораци
- Тешко - не може да се обрише у потпуности без контактирања корисничке подршке
- Немогуће - не може да се обрише
Хостинг кошта. Ако волите JustDelete.me, размотрите да донирате новац.
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Када сте на сајту који је на списку на justdelete.me, Chrome додатак ће приказати тачкицу у омни-траци. Клик на тачкицу ће вас одвести на страницу за брисање.
Да бисте га инсталирали, идите на Chrome веб-продавницу .
Водич за тачкице додатка
- - једноставан процес
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- - не може да се обрише у потпуности без контактирања корисничке подршке
- - не може да се обрише
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Just Delete Me | Web hizmetlerinden hesabınızı silmek için bağlantılar.
- Türk
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- Popular
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- zorluk
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- You must login before visiting the link.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Request deletion from customer services.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Just click 'Abschicken'
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Must remove uploaded files first
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- We don't delete old accounts.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- orta
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- orta
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- orta
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- orta
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Go to account management within the app
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- orta
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- zor
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- zor
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- basit
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- zor
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- zor
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- imkansız
- One cannot even change the password
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Click “Close account”.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- log into your account, in the middle right.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- orta
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Fill out the deletion form
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- zor
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Email request required.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- orta
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- imkansız
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- bilgi göster...
- zor
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- bilgi göster...
- imkansız
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- basit
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- bilgi göster...
- orta
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- bilgi göster...
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- popular
- imkansız
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- bilgi göster...
- popular
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- basit
- Bilgi Yok
- zor
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Email gönder »
- bilgi göster...
about anchor
Bu nedir?
Çoğu şirket dark pattern tekniklerini kullanarak hesabınızı silmenizi zorlaştırıyor. JustDelete.me kolayca web hizmetlerinizden hesabınızı silmek için bir bağlantı dizini olmayı hedeflemektedir.
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Yukardaki bağlantılar bağlantı silme zorluğunu göstermek için renk-kodludur:
- Basit - Basit işlem
- Orta - Bazı ekstra işlemler
- Zor - Müşteri hizmetleri ile irtibat kurmak'sız silinemez
- Imkansız - Silinemez
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Google Chrome uzantısı
Güzel arkadaşımız Mike Rogers Google Chrome için bir JustDelete.me uzantısı yapmamıza yardım etti.
Justdelete.me'de listelenen bir siteye girerseniz, Google Chrome uzantısı omnibar'a küçük bir nokta koyar. Bu noktaya tıklamak sizi direk o site'nin silme sayfasına gönderir.
Yüklemek için, sadece Chrome Web Mağzası 'na girin.
Uzatma Noktası Kılavuzu
- - Basit işlem
- - Ilgili bazı ek adımlar
- - Müşteri hizmetleri ile irtibat kurmak'sız silinemez
- - Silinemez
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Just Delete Me | Danh mục những đường dẫn giúp bạn xóa tài khoản khỏi các dịch vụ web.
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- About
- Fake Identity Generator
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- You must login before visiting the link.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Request deletion from customer services.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- dễ
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
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- không thể
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
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- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- không thể
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
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- dễ
- Must remove uploaded files first
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Gửi email »
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
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- không thể
- We don't delete old accounts.
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- dễ
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
Gửi email »
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
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- trung bình
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
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- không thể
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- trung bình
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- trung bình
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
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- dễ
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
Gửi email »
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- trung bình
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
Gửi email »
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
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- khó
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- trung bình
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
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- không thể
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- không thể
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- khó
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- dễ
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- dễ
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
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- khó
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
Gửi email »
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- trung bình
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
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- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
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- khó
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Go to account management within the app
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- trung bình
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- trung bình
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- khó
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- dễ
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
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- trung bình
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You can't delete your account without contacting support.
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Use the support email address to ask them to close your account.
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- không thể
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- không thể
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- khó
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- dễ
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- trung bình
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- dễ
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- dễ
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- khó
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
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- dễ
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- không thể
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- dễ
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- dễ
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- không thể
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- không thể
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- không thể
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- khó
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- dễ
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- dễ
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- dễ
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- khó
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
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- không thể
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- dễ
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- dễ
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- khó
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
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- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- dễ
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
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- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- dễ
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- dễ
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- trung bình
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- khó
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- khó
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
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- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- trung bình
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- không thể
- One cannot even change the password
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- dễ
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- trung bình
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- trung bình
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- trung bình
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- dễ
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- trung bình
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- khó
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- khó
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- dễ
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- khó
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- khó
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- khó
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- dễ
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- dễ
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- dễ
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- khó
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- khó
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
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- không thể
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- dễ
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- khó
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- dễ
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- dễ
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- dễ
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- dễ
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- không thể
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- không thể
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- không thể
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- khó
- You must open a ticket to completely get your account deleted.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- khó
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- dễ
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- khó
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- không thể
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- trung bình
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- khó
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- khó
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- khó
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- dễ
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- khó
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- không thể
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- không thể
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
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- khó
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- dễ
- Fill out the deletion form
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- dễ
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- khó
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- dễ
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
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- dễ
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
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- dễ
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- khó
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
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- dễ
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- dễ
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
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- popular
- dễ
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- khó
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
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- dễ
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- dễ
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- không thể
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- dễ
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- không thể
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
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- dễ
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- khó
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
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- dễ
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
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- khó
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- trung bình
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
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- dễ
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
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- dễ
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
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- không thể
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
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- khó
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- dễ
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- không thể
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- khó
- Email request required.
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- khó
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- trung bình
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
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- không thể
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- trung bình
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
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- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
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- không thể
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
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- khó
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
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- dễ
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
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- dễ
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
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- không thể
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
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- khó
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
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- trung bình
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
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- dễ
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
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- không thể
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
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- trung bình
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
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- dễ
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
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- dễ
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
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- trung bình
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
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- dễ
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
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- không thể
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
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- khó
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
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- dễ
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
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- dễ
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
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- khó
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
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- không thể
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
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- dễ
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
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- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- xem thông tin...
- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- không thể
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- xem thông tin...
- popular
- dễ
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- xem thông tin...
- khó
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
Gửi email »
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- xem thông tin...
- popular
- dễ
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- xem thông tin...
- không thể
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- dễ
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- xem thông tin...
- trung bình
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- xem thông tin...
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- popular
- không thể
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- xem thông tin...
- popular
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- dễ
- Không có thông tin
- khó
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
Gửi email »
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about anchor
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Hướng dẫn
Những đường dẫn trên được đánh dấu bằng màu theo độ khó của việc xóa tài khoản:
- Dễ - Chỉ cần một vài thao tác đơn giản
- Trung bình - Cần có thêm một số thao tác bổ sung
- Khó - Không thể xóa bỏ tài khoản hoàn toàn trừ khi có sự liên lạc với bộ phận chăm sóc khách hàng
- Impossible - Không thể xóa được
Chúng tôi phải chi trả chi phí để duy trì trang web. Nếu bạn thích JustDelete.me, hãy nhớ ủng hộ chúng tôi.
Tiện ích cho Google Chrome
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Khi bạn truy cập một trang web đã được liệt kê tại justdelete.me, tiện ích Chrome sẽ hiện một dấu chấm nhỏ trên thanh đường dẫn. Nhấn vào dấu chấm này sẽ đưa bạn tới trang xóa tài khoản.
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Hướng dẫn dùng Tiện ích
- - Đơn giản
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- - Không xóa được nếu không liên hệ bộ phận dịch vụ khách hàng
- - Không thể xóa được
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Just Delete Me | Web服务帐号注销链接的目录.
- 中国的
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
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- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- You must login before visiting the link.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Request deletion from customer services.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
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- 不可能
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
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- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Just click 'Abschicken'
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Must remove uploaded files first
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- We don't delete old accounts.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Email customer services to request deletion
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
发送 email »
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Send an email to abuse@craigslist.org and request deletion.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 一般
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 一般
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 一般
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
发送 email »
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- 一般
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- 不可能
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- 困难
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
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- 困难
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
- 查看信息...
- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Go to account management within the app
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- 困难
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 一般
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 困难
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Send them an email with Delete my account as title.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You can't delete your account without contacting support.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Use the support email address to ask them to close your account.
发送 email »
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- 困难
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- 不可能
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- 不可能
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- 困难
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- 简单
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
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- 一般
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 简单
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- 简单
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- 困难
- Send an email to arun@grailed.com and request deletion.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
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- 一般
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- 困难
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
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- popular
- 困难
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
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- 简单
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- 不可能
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- 困难
- We can do that for you - just send an email.
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- 简单
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
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- 简单
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
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- 简单
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
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- 不可能
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
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- 不可能
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
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- 不可能
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- 简单
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 困难
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- 简单
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- 简单
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
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- 简单
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
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- 困难
- Email customer support. Requests are handled within 48 hours.
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- 困难
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
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- 不可能
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 简单
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
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- 简单
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- 困难
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
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- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 简单
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
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- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 简单
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
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- 一般
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- 困难
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 困难
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
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- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 一般
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- 不可能
- One cannot even change the password
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- 简单
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- 一般
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Click “Close account”.
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- 简单
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- 一般
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 一般
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
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- 简单
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
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- 一般
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
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- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
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- 困难
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
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- 困难
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
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- 简单
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
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- 困难
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
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- 困难
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- 困难
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
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- 简单
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- 简单
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
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- 简单
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- 困难
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- 困难
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
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- 不可能
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- 简单
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
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- 困难
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
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- 简单
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- 简单
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
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- 简单
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
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- 简单
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
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- 不可能
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
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- 不可能
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- 不可能
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- 困难
- You must open a ticket to completely get your account deleted.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
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- 困难
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- 简单
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
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- 困难
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- 不可能
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- 一般
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
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- 困难
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
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- 困难
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- 困难
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
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- 困难
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
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- 不可能
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
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- 不可能
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
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- 困难
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- 简单
- Fill out the deletion form
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- 简单
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- 困难
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- 简单
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
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- 困难
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
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- 简单
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
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- popular
- 简单
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
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- popular
- 困难
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
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- 简单
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
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- 不可能
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
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- 简单
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
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- 不可能
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
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- 简单
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
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- 困难
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
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- 简单
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
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- 困难
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
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- 一般
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
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- 简单
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
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- 不可能
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Contact customer service by email and request deletion.
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- 查看信息...
- 困难
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
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- popular
- 简单
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
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- 不可能
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
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- 困难
- Email request required.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
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- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Send a request to legal@sonico.com and request deletion.
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- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
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- 一般
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
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- 不可能
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 一般
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- 查看信息...
- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
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- 不可能
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
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- 困难
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
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- 不可能
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- 查看信息...
- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Send an email with the subject ‘Delete my account’
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 不可能
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
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- popular
- 简单
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- 查看信息...
- 困难
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- 查看信息...
- popular
- 简单
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- 查看信息...
- 不可能
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 简单
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- 查看信息...
- 一般
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- 查看信息...
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- popular
- 不可能
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- 查看信息...
- popular
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 简单
- 无可用信息
- 困难
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
发送 email »
- 查看信息...
about anchor
- 容易 - 简单操作
- 一般 - 一些必需步骤
- 困难 - 联系客服, 才能注销
- 不可能 - 不能注销
主机托管需要资金. 如果你喜欢 JustDelete.me, 请考虑捐助.
Google Chrome 扩展程序
我们的好朋友 Mike Rogers 协助我们给JustDelete.me制作了一个好用的Google Chrome 扩展程序.
当你访问已被justdelete.me收录的网站时, 这个Chrome 扩展程序将会在全导航栏中添加一个小圆点. 点击小圆点就能跳转到注销页面.
安装, 点击前往 Chrome Web Store .
- - 简单操作
- - 一些必需步骤
- - 联系客服, 才能注销
- - 不能注销
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Just Delete Me | 一個網路服務帳號刪除連結的目錄。
- 正體中文
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
- 熱門
- A - Z
- 難度
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. Confirm by clicking I want to delete my account. And again by clicking Delete my 9GAG account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You have to call them in order to delete your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure both of the password fields are empty. Check the 'De-activate my account' box and and click the 'Update Preferences' button.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. But they do see to be happy to do it if you ask them - you can contact them via http://www.alibaba.com/help/contact-us.html - I cancelled my account via their online chat system.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom.
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- 簡單
- Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- You must login before visiting the link.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. If you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete all personal information from your profile and then stop logging in.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Response from support@argylesocial.com: We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. The account won't be usable by anyone else, so there won't be any security issues. One smart thing to do to make doubly sure that everything is secure is to go to any social media pages that Argyle was authorized to use, and remove Argyle's authorization. Hope that helps
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Request deletion from customer services.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Login, go to "Profile Details" tab, and simply click on the "Delete Account" button.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Remove all songs from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Accounts cannot be deleted, even when contacting customer service. User account credentials will be permanently retained by Backblaze.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- On the top right corner click 'Settings', then on the left hand side click 'Delete'. Type your information, to delete Badoo, enter your password and in the other box, explain why you want to leave. Click on the 'Confirm' button, you will receive a message page confirming your rquest was successfully completed.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find 'Deactivate' account. Click on 'Close Account' button, and confirm the account deletion.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- To terminate an artist account, you must click on the 'Artists' pane, click on the desired artist's profile, and click the termination link there.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- It is not possible to delete your Barnes and Noble account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- 簡單
- Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.
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- 困難
- Customer Support will require you to send a signed written letter confirming your wishes, your account details and a copy of legal identification (passport, drivers license) to your account region's office headquarters.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Remove all personal information from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- To delete your account, login and then next to your name select the drop down and go to 'Settings' once there scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'delete your account'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- To delete your account, please go into your 'Me' tab, visit account settings and hit the privacy tab. There, you'll have the option to delete.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- On the side menu, click on 'Delete Account' and on the confirmation page click 'Delete Account', all repositories and the account is immediately wiped.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Select why you are deleting your account. Your account will be deleted but all your shortlinks will remain.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can't delete your Blogger Account without deleting your entire Google Account. But you can delete your blog.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click the “Delete My Account” link.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Accounts cannot be removed at this time
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- TL;DR you can't do it. Discussion at http://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/66636671/0/0
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- 不可能
- Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to 'accounting purposes'
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- 簡單
- Just click 'Abschicken'
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- 'There is no way to close or shut down an account.'
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- 簡單
- Must remove uploaded files first
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- 困難
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
寄送 email »
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- According to the app you can email feedback@cinemagr.am for questions. Unfortunatly removal requests aren't replied to.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- We don't delete old accounts.
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- 困難
- Email customer services to request deletion
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Login to your account, then click 'delete account' on the page.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- The site claims that you must call their support line (888-988-5036, ext 1), but they deactivated my account over email.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can't delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Go to your Profile, at the bottom you will find a 'Delete Account' button.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Simply click the "I understand, delete my account." button.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Sign in then visit https://coderwall.com/delete_account
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- 簡單
- Sign in then visit https://www.coinbase.com/settings/cancel
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- 中等
- Your messages will remain on the forums.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the form and select 'I understand. Please delete my profile.'.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Send an email to abuse@craigslist.org and request deletion.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here: http://experian.metafaq.com/help/CreditExpertBRS/Cancel_and_duration/CancelBRS
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- They mock the very idea of wanting to delete your account in their faq: "Can I delete my account cause I totally h8 you guise??!!!111"
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Log into your User Profile and visit the Delete Account tab.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Edit your account and select 'Remove my account'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- You have to enter your mailadress and have to choose a 'why are you leaving' answer'. To verify this step you'll become a mail with a security code to fill into the form. After that your account is deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 中等
- You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles → Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 中等
- All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can't be reactivated.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- There's no information about account-deletion in their FAQ. The hotline also says that account-deletion isn't possible.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click close my account and confirm with your password.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Contact Digg’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Check the "Deactivate Account" box in the settings.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Contact Discord’s customer support and request for your account to be closed.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 中等
- You need to remove the App in your Facebook settings and mail feedback@downapp.com to delete your data.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- All accounts stay in their system for at least 3 years. Remove any banking information before you delete.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Contact customer services to request deletion. If you're outside the US this must be by phone.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- A few survey questions will be asked prior to account deletion.
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- popular
- 中等
- click on the contrat popup on the bottom of the screen and fill out the form, an admin will email asking for your username and will then delete it
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- FAQ states that account can be deleted upon request, but e-mails requesting it are completely ignored.
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- 不可能
- There's no need to delete your account. An old, unused edX account with no course completions associated with it will disappear.
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- 困難
- You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
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- 簡單
- Quoted from Ello: By deleting your account you remove your personal information from Ello. Your account cannot be restored.
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- 簡單
- Select 'Close Profile' at the bottom of the page, select any reason for closing your profile. After that you have to complete the process by clicking a link in an email sent to you.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You can't have any unpaid Etsy bills or an open non-delivery reports. Your email address will remain on file.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Contact support and they will delete your account
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You cannot delete your Evernote account, just deactivate it temporarily. Deactivation does not remove your data so you will have to manually delete all notes and personal info, perform a sync and then deactivate the account.
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- 困難
- You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.
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- 中等
- While you can delete your account easily, some of the data including messages, are there to stay forever, just as stated in the website's privacy policy.
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- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Email customer support to request deletion.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- Click on your username (top left) → click on 'Profileinstellungen' → 'Account löschen'. All data is fully erased.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- To delete or deactivate your account, contact Fitbit by email via the contact form.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Go to account management within the app
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- 困難
- Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- 中等
- Account can only be disabled, not deleted.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 中等
- To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 困難
- Make sure your account balance is positive, then issue a support ticket requesting to close your account.
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- 簡單
- /msg NickServ DROP nick password
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- 中等
- You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: "Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form [http://www.freesound.org/contact/]. They will help you with the deletion of your account....". Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.
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- 困難
- Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Contact support and request they delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select 'Account Settings' and 'Close Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- You must email support from the registered email to remove this account. Any outstanding Premium Memberships will not be refunded
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must submit a ticket and set the subject to 'Delete Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You can't delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to 'Delete Account'
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Send them an email with Delete my account as title.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can't delete your account without contacting support.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Use the support email address to ask them to close your account.
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- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Contact customer services and request deletion.
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- 簡單
- Login into your account → Data Tools → Delete Products → Remove Gmail permanently
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- 不可能
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it. (Start → Mein Account → Account stilllegen)
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- 不可能
- GoDaddy Accounts are apparently retained “to comply with [their] legal obligations” though you are able to clear out most of your information by editing your profile.
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- popular
- 困難
- Email customercare@gogoair.com and ask to have your account deleted.
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- 簡單
- On the top bar, click on 'Your name', then click on the 'Delete Account' button at the bottom of the dialog.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- On the top bar, click on your photo, go to 'Settings', go to 'Miscellaneous' and then hit 'Cancel Account'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 簡單
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
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- 簡單
- Select a reason for closing and it'll take 2 clicks.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Send an email to arun@grailed.com and request deletion.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- You can't delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.
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- 中等
- You can remove your profile and chat history from within the app or you can email support with your UDID.
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- 困難
- According to Groupon's privacy statement, you have to contact support directly and ask them to delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 困難
- Privacy Policy Letter D: Account e-mail addresses cannot be deleted. However, an Account may be closed and GrubHub will cause the corresponding e-mail address to be scrambled.
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- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- It is not possible to delete your Hack This Site account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- 不可能
- Your contributions are there to stay, but you can at least clear out your profile -- even your email address.
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- 困難
- We can do that for you - just send an email.
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- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click "Delete my account" and follow the instructions that appear.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click 'Cancel My Membership' on the above URL and confirm.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- “Close your account...” link at the bottom of the page.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- The website automatically deletes your account after a predetermined time
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You have to send an email to the support team asking for deletion of your account. Your account will be added to a list of accounts for deletion, and it may take some time before it has actually been deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.
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- 簡單
- Sign in to your account, go to the 'Account' options in your settings and delete your profile. See also 'Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?' on http://hotornot.com/privacy/
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 困難
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Deleting this account will also delete your Mac and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
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- 簡單
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Windows accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Deleting this account will also delete your iPhone and Mac accounts on 'i use this', if you have them set up.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- On top bar: 'Your name', 'My Account' and just click on 'Delete Account' link at bottom.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- You must login, go to your account settings and then click on the ‘Delete Account’ link on the bottom left.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Go to “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, and click the “Delete” button.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Email customer support. Requests are handled within 48 hours.
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- 困難
- You need to fill in the form linked in the support article by clicking "contact us". Fill in your email address, agent name, device you play on and submit the form.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You have to email them (service@instructables.com) to get your account deleted
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- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options. Email sent to internets@technoized.com was never replied to.
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- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 簡單
- Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click 'Settings', scroll down, enter your password in 'Delete your account', and confirm.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Closing your account will delete your profile and all of your publications. There is no going back, so don't say we didn't warn you.
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- 困難
- Contact customer services. You will lose access to any media you haven’t downloaded to your computer.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Under 'Membership Management' click 'Remove my Profile'. Fill out the survey and submit to delete your profile.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click 'Delete Account' at the botom of the account preference page
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Log in. Type in password. Press 'delete'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Please email a request if you’d like your account to be deleted.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- You can only deactivate your account. There appears to be no way to permanently delete your account or data.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click 'Account deletion page' at the bottom of the account settings page.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- It can take up to 180 days for all your data to be removed from the system.
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- 困難
- You can close your account if you contact customer service either by phone or live chat
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You are unable to remove an account, but they can permanently ban your account upon request. They will remove stored information upon request as well, such as e-mail address, developer payment information, and stored payment information.
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- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- To close your account, you need to submit a request to support, which may take up to 24 hours to process.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- May take up to 7 days to delete your data.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- Accounts may be disabled, but some data will be retained. E-mail support@riotgames.com with the subject "Account Deactivation" and include your username, summoner name, server and email used when registering the account in your ticket
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Click 'Profile', then 'Edit', then 'Show advanced settings', and finally check the 'Delete my account' checkbox.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
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- 中等
- There are reports that LinkedIn continues to email people with a closed account. You may need to contact customer services to delete account instead of just closing it.
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- popular
- 不可能
- One cannot even change the password
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- 簡單
- Login -> Profile -> Delete account -> Yes
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- 中等
- Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Click “Close account”.
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- 簡單
- log into your account, in the middle right.
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- 中等
- Requires any physical discs to be returned—account will be “cancellation pending” until received.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 中等
- Account Settings → Account Settings Drop-down → Close my account → Type DELETE and press Delete Account button.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Enter Password -> Scroll to bottom -> Click 'Delete Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- Login -> Suspend Account -> Enter email & password -> Save -> Delete Account
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- A 'Delete my account' button is available from your account settings page.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Click 'Accounts' in the upper right, then select the 'Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete Your Mint Account' and finally 'YES, delete my Mint account'.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You need to send an email to support and it may take up to 48 hours to process your request.
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- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Login to your account, go to account section of the settings page and choose the "delete account" option.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You have to send a message in order to remove your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- If you have registered a Mojang account and would like to delete your account, please visit your account settings page. Please be aware that if your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to log into Mojang services, and will not be able to purchase future Mojang games.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Contact customer services and they'll respond in 24-48 hours. Not to mention the ways they try to hide you removing your card details. If you want to remove your card details, do the following: The easiest way to do this would be to go to the My Account page then click on the ‘Add Moonpig Prepay Credit’ link, click on the Buy link and your saved card details will be shown onscreen. Click on the ‘Remove Card’ option.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You need send email to support and it may take up to 24 hours to process your request.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Fill out the feedback form, asking them to delete your account. Be sure to specify that you’re not just unsubscribing from e-mail but that you want your account deleted entirely.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- “Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.
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- 困難
- You have to contact Multiplay by their contact us page.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click on delete my account at the bottom of the page
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- 簡單
- Replace <code>USERNAME</code> with your My Opera username in the URL.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Go to your account settings (top right, click on your E-Mail-Adress) and select 'Delete Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- At the bottom of the Account Settings page is a "Delete My Account" button. Your account will be "disabled and scheduled for permanent deletion." After 30 days, "your past novels, author profile, and unique account info will be permanently deleted." It is unclear if forum posts will be deleted.
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- 困難
- Requires to fill out contact form. Will still get Promotional emails until you also unsubscribe from them
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- 困難
- Send an email to the unsubscribe@neopets.com stating you wish to delete your account.
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- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Contact customer services. Even then they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.
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- popular
- 簡單
- Select 'settings', then 'account', then 'delete'.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- From the New Relic menu bar, select (account) > Upgrade subscription > Cancel account. Select the confirmation prompt.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Use the form to write to customer services and ask them to close your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- At the bottom of the account form, there is a 'Deactivate Account' button. Upon clicking, there will be a set of information that explains the process of account deactivation. All account information will be deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- You will see an option to delete your account just below the password reset option.
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- 簡單
- Check the box to confirm and then click 'Change'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Login to your account, scroll License Agreement down, click Delete profile, check any boxes you want, enter password and press Remove button.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Visit your settings page, and select 'Delete Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can deactivate your account with the link. But the data isn't deleted. Even if you contact the support they don't delete your data.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- It's possible to close your account if you request it, but it's not possible to delete it.
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- 不可能
- You can't delete your account including all data, only a ‘soft delete’ is possible where you can always re-enable your account.
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- 困難
- You must open a ticket to completely get your account deleted.
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- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- You must contact support directly and ask them to invalidate your account. However, your transaction data may not be deleted from their records.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You have to email support from the email associated with your account. If you do not have access to that, you need to provide the email address, birth year, and zip code on the account.
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- 簡單
- In order to delete an account, you first have to delete all active Sites, or transfer the ownership.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- To cancel your account, send an e-mail message request to the Parkmobile Help Desk at helpdesk@parkmobileglobal.com and include your name, mobile number, license plate number, and/or the last 4 digits of the card we have on file for you. After the Help Desk cancels your account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail message.
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- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can remove your pastes, but there's no link to delete your account.
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- 中等
- You cannot delete your account from the website. Open the iOS/Android app, go to settings → about → disable account → delete account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Login to your account, go to settings (small gear next to your username), click Delete my account. You'll receive a confirmation link via e-mail.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Log in. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click 'My settings'. Click 'Close Account' in the 'Account type' section and follow the steps listed.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- I had to contact via email, but they then immediately deleted my account
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- 困難
- You must send an e-mail to support@peak.net requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- You only need to click on 'Delete Account' on your account site.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- It is necessary to contact the support, for example through 'Mein Konto' -> 'Meinung abgeben'.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- They refuse to delete accounts from the site.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can't delete your Google Account for Picasa Web Albums without deleting your entire Google Account.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Send us an e-mail from the address that you have registered - we take care of it.
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- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- Accounts can be deactivated, which means that your pins and profile are hidden but not deleted.
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- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- It is not possible to delete your PlayStation Network account. The best you can do is delete any personal information that you have stored on their website.
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- 簡單
- Fill out the deletion form
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- 簡單
- Under 'Danger Zone', click 'Delete your account'.
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Log in to your account, press the delete button and type the phrase asked.
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- 困難
- Must contact support through Contanct form or online chat.
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- 簡單
- Log into your account -> Click the link (data fully deleted, not possible to revert this).
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- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Log into your account -> Click 'Need to close your account?' near the bottom of the page -> Confirm deletion
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Enter your password and click on Delete Account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Log into your account -> Click the link -> Click on Close My Account Now.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Click Destroy my account completely, then click Delete everything.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- First deactivate your account. Log in, go to 'Settings', 'Privacy', and then 'Deactivate Account'. You can then e-mail privacy@quora.com if you want to completely delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Login, go to profile page, it's in tab 'my data' and click 'delete my account'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Login, go to the settings page and click 'I want to delete my account'.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- After deleteing the account, it will be deactivated for 30 days before being deleted permanently. Messages, forum posts, and contributions stay on the site even after your account is deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- You can't delete your account, but you can deactivate it.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- Go to your profile page, and use the 'Delete Your Account' button.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Increase your productivity by over 5 times with this one trick they don't want you to know about!
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 困難
- If you decide you would like to delete your account you must email us at support@redditgifts.com. You must email us from the email address associated with your account and provide your reddit username.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Please enter a reason for deactivating your account and then click 'Deactivate' after you're finished.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Use the 'Delete your account' link in the lower right-hand corner.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Use the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You can only cancel the auto-renewal feature. I called them and asked to cancel my account and be removed from their mailing list and they told me my account was already not renewing and there was nothing else they could do.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- On your profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and use the 'Cancel account' button.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- Not possible. 'We currently do not have a feature for players to delete their accounts. If you no longer wish to play on your account, it will remain inactive until you're ready to play again.'
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- On the account page, scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click on the "Delete My Account" button. After that, you will have to type "DELETE" in the pop-up box.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You need to contact flixster to cancel a native RT profile, while Facebook linked or Flixster.com accounts are easier to cancel.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Bottom link 'Delete Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Under 5. Account Settings > A. Account Management > V. Account Deletion. You must mail or fax an affidavit to the Runescape office along with a copy of your legal identification
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- After clicking the button, you will have to enter your password, complete a capcha, click another button, AND a confirmation modal dialog.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- To delete your account go to Runtastic.com & log in, click on the arrow on the right side of your user name, click on "Settings", click on "Login Data" on the left hand side, click on "Delete my account" at the bottom
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Login to your account and follow 'Account Suspension' instructions.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Click the link 'Delete your account' at the bottom. Note: On your dropbox, the content of this site will not be removed. If needed, you can delete the folder 'Apps/scriptogram' manually.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click the "Delete your account" at the bottom of the settings page and type "DELETE" in the popup box.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Select 'Please cancel my account'. Choose a reason then select 'close my shopify store'.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Contact customers services by email or live chat and request deletion.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at Support@Shutterstock.com.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Contact customer service by email and request deletion.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Enter your password to have your account marked for deletion by an administrator or moderator. You can do this for any other Simple Machines forums if the forum administrator allows.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Contact customer services on chat. You’ll need to know whether you bought services from Skype, you’ll need to verify your signup email address.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- If you are the Slack team's primary owner you will need to either delete the team or transfer its ownership before deleting your account
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- A direct link is not available as it is based on your username.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- Email request required.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Enter username and password and click 'Delete'.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You need to create a support ticket and set the subject to Delete Account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Send a request to legal@sonico.com and request deletion.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Put 'delete me' in the description box on your profile and mail team@soup.io with your soup URL and request a deletion
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- Data created by the user such as posts and tickets will remain and be attributed to the account, even if deleted. The username will not become available.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- If you wish to terminate your Speaker Deck account, you may simply discontinue using Speaker Deck.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 中等
- Your account can't be deleted. It can be disabled using the link, but your data will stay inactive on servers.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- If you haven’t posted on the site, it’s just one click. If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team: Visit the contact form and select ‘I need to delete my user profile’. After you contact us, the team will reach out with further instructions.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- They will not delete your account but upon request they can “scramble all of your information so that you don’t receive emails and none of your information is available to [them] for potential fraud”.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Under 'Account' scroll down and click the red button 'Remove Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- The deletion of your entry can not be undone. All your profile data, contacts, messages and pictures will be permanently removed. Your classmates and contacts can no longer StayFriends contact you.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- If you contact Steam support, they will most likely tell you just to not use the account. If your account has no games on it, it will be disabled after a while.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- To delete your StepMap account, let us know by sending an e-mail with info@stepmap.de and enter your username. The sender address must be your e-mail address that you have subscribed to at StepMap.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Just click the 'Delete account' button in red
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- Upon deactivation, all of your activities will be deleted and you will be removed from all leaderboards. Strava will keep an archive of your raw GPS data as uploaded to Strava, but the archive cannot be used to restore your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- You can reactivate within 14 days. After that the account is deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- If you have an account, you can delete any document by right clicking the file and selecting 'Delete'. If you do not have an account please email support@stypi.com.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- You have to contact them selecting the issue Login & account details and the issue details Deleting my account
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Use the 'Cancel My Account' link on your Account Settings page. Requires email confirmation.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- You can reactivate at any time by logging in to your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the form.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Edit profile (menu item at the top right corner of the page) → Delete account
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- It's not possible to remove your account, but you can remove your blogs.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- TED has to be contacted via e-mail for account deletion requests
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Open deactivation page. Enter your phone number and one time password sent to your Telegram account. Delete your account then.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click on 'Konto löschen' and then on 'Mein Konto jetzt unwiederruflich löschen'
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You must submit a request to close your account via the form.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You will most likely be told that it's impossible to delete your account when contacting customer service.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- At the bottom of the page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you will need to re-enter your password.
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- you have to ask the staff to delete your account
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- You can't delete your account, but you can contact them via email to deactivate it.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Select 'Delete your account?' option to delete your account
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- You must log in and contact the staff to delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- Your account is deactivated before being deleted. After 30 days of remaining deactivated it will then be deleted.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Yes and no, it depends on which type(s) of accounts, and you will need to delete the accounts in the correct order. All accounts are tied to Ubuntu One's Single Sign-On (login.ubuntu.com), so that is the account you should close last. Everything else, such as Launchpad.net, cloud file storage, AskUbuntu, and other accounts should be closed first if possible. This is especially important if you have any paid services attached, to make sure you won't be billed for anything after closing the accounts. The last step is to delete your Single Sign-On (SSO) account. SSO accounts must be deleted manually by the Ubuntu One staff.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- A Udacity employee recommends that you stop using the account, which means there's currently no way of deleting the account.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- In order to delete your account, you need to first unsubscribe from all of your courses.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Click 'Delete my account' at the bottom of the user settings page.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Send an email with the subject ‘Delete my account’
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Scroll down to the bottom of the 'Account Settings' page and click 'Delete Account'
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- You may discontinue your use of the Service at any time without informing us. We may, however, retain and continue to use any Content that you have submitted or uploaded through the Service.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- There's a button on the right, just under the menu.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- The only way to delete your Vine account without deleting your Twitter account is to contact Twitter through their contact form.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 不可能
- Site provides no user account management interface or account deletion options.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Site uses the term "unsubscribe" to describe completely deleting an account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- When logged into the website, select "My WhatPulse" from the navigation bar, then click "Unregister from WhatPulse" towards the bottom of the page. This will permanently delete the account.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- From the app: Settings → Account → Delete your account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Menu → Edit vCard → Account management → Delete everything (cannot be undone)
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Just click 'Deactivate'.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- 'A username cannot be deleted.' However, they do have some suggestions.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- 'Delete any built sites and subscribtions then follow the link to a deletion request form. Email is sent straght away with a link to confirm the deletion
- 查看訊息...
- 困難
- For the immediate future, send a message to WolframAlpha, and your Wolfram ID will be deleted manually.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- “WordPress.com accounts cannot be deleted.” The best you can do is remove any identifying data from your account.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- Click 'Delete Account' at the bottom of the account preferences panel.
- 查看訊息...
- 不可能
- There is no way to delete your account, you can only make some information private and/or delete it.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- Select 'delete my profile' at the bottom of the page.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- “Delete account” link at the bottom of the page.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 簡單
- On the above URL, click the 'Delete your Yammer account' link in the topright and confirm.
- 查看訊息...
- 中等
- You must request deletion of your Yatado data before deleting the related social account.
- 查看訊息...
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- popular
- 不可能
- You can’t delete your YouTube account without deleting your entire Google or Google+ account. But you can delete your YouTube channel.
- 查看訊息...
- popular
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 簡單
- 無可用訊息
- 困難
- Place Delete My Account in the subject line and include your first name, last name, e-mail address and user ID number for the SNS from which you access our games (if applicable) in the body of the e-mail.
寄送 email »
- 查看訊息...
about anchor
- 簡單 - 簡易操作
- 中等 - 需要額外步驟
- 困難 - 需要聯絡客服才可刪除
- 不可能 - 無法刪除
主機代管需要資金。如果你喜歡 JustDelete.me,請考慮捐贈
Google Chrome 應用程式
我們的好朋友 Mike Rogers 協助我們為 JustDelete.me 製作了一個很棒的 Google Chrome 應用程式。
當你進入收錄於 justdelete.me 的網站時,Chrome 應用程式將會在在網址列加入一個小圓點。點選該點將帶你到相關刪除頁面。
要安裝它,只需進入到 Chrome 線上應用程式商店 。
- - 簡易操作
- - 需要額外步驟
- - 需要聯絡客服才可刪除
- - 無法刪除
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/gulpfile.js
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- sites[i] = site;
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-gulp.task('default', ['jsonlint', 'translate']);
\ No newline at end of file
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-var surnames = ["Brock","Poole","Frank","Logan","Owen","Bass","Marsh","Drake","Wong","Jefferson","Park","Morton","Abbott","Sparks","Patrick","Norton","Huff","Clayton","Massey","Lloyd","Figueroa","Carson","Bowers","Roberson","Barton","Tran","Lamb","Harrington","Casey","Boone","Cortez","Clarke","Mathis","Singleton","Wilkins","Cain","Bryan","Underwood","Hogan","Mckenzie","Collier","Luna","Phelps","Mcguire","Allison","Bridges","Wilkerson","Nash","Summers","Atkins","Wilcox","Pitts","Conley","Marquez","Burnett","Richard","Cochran","Chase","Davenport","Hood","Gates","Clay","Ayala","Sawyer","Roman","Vazquez","Dickerson","Hodge","Acosta","Flynn","Espinoza","Nicholson","Monroe","Wolf","Morrow","Kirk","Randall","Anthony","Whitaker","Oconnor","Skinner","Ware","Molina","Kirby","Huffman","Bradford","Charles","Gilmore","Dominguez","Oneal","Bruce","Lang","Combs","Kramer","Heath","Hancock","Gallagher","Gaines","Shaffer","Short","Wiggins","Mathews","Mcclain","Fischer","Wall","Small","Melton","Hensley","Bond","Dyer","Cameron","Grimes","Contreras","Christian","Wyatt","Baxter","Snow","Mosley","Shepherd","Larsen","Hoover","Beasley","Glenn","Petersen","Whitehead","Meyers","Keith","Garrison","Vincent","Shields","Horn","Savage","Olsen","Schroeder","Hartman","Woodard","Mueller","Kemp","Deleon","Booth","Patel","Calhoun","Wiley","Eaton","Cline","Navarro","Harrell","Lester","Humphrey","Parrish","Duran","Hutchinson","Hess","Dorsey","Bullock","Robles","Beard","Dalton","Avila","Vance","Rich","Blackwell","York","Johns","Blankenship","Trevino","Salinas","Campos","Pruitt","Moses","Callahan","Golden","Montoya","Hardin","Guerra","Mcdowell","Carey","Stafford","Gallegos","Henson","Wilkinson","Booker","Merritt","Miranda","Atkinson","Orr","Decker","Hobbs","Preston","Tanner","Knox","Pacheco","Stephenson","Glass","Rojas","Serrano","Marks","Hickman","English","Sweeney","Strong","Prince","Mcclure","Conway","Walter","Roth","Maynard","Farrell","Lowery","Hurst","Nixon","Weiss","Trujillo","Ellison","Sloan","Juarez","Winters","Mclean","Randolph","Leon","Boyer","Villarreal","Mccall","Gentry","Carrillo","Kent","Ayers","Lara","Shannon","Sexton","Pace","Hull","Leblanc","Browning","Velasquez","Leach","Chang","House","Sellers","Herring","Noble","Foley","Bartlett","Mercado","Landry","Durham","Walls","Barr","Mckee","Bauer","Rivers","Everett","Bradshaw","Pugh","Velez","Rush","Estes","Dodson","Morse","Sheppard","Weeks","Camacho","Bean","Barron","Livingston","Middleton","Spears","Branch","Blevins","Chen","Kerr","Mcconnell","Hatfield","Harding","Ashley","Solis","Herman","Frost","Giles","Blackburn","William","Pennington","Woodward","Finley","Mcintosh","Koch","Best","Solomon","Mccullough","Dudley","Nolan","Blanchard","Rivas","Brennan","Mejia","Kane","Benton","Joyce","Buckley","Haley","Valentine","Maddox","Russo","Mcknight","Buck","Moon","Mcmillan","Crosby","Berg","Dotson","Mays","Roach","Church","Chan","Richmond","Meadows","Faulkner","Oneill","Knapp","Kline","Barry","Ochoa","Jacobson","Gay","Avery","Hendricks","Horne","Shepard","Hebert","Cherry","Cardenas","Mcintyre","Whitney","Waller","Holman","Donaldson","Cantu","Terrell","Morin","Gillespie","Fuentes","Tillman","Sanford","Bentley","Peck","Key","Salas","Rollins","Gamble","Dickson","Battle","Santana","Cabrera","Cervantes","Howe","Hinton","Hurley","Spence","Zamora","Yang","Mcneil","Suarez","Case","Petty","Gould","Mcfarland","Sampson","Carver","Bray","Rosario","Macdonald","Stout","Hester","Melendez","Dillon","Farley","Hopper","Galloway","Potts","Bernard","Joyner","Stein","Aguirre","Osborn","Mercer","Bender","Franco","Rowland","Sykes","Benjamin","Travis","Pickett","Crane","Sears","Mayo","Dunlap","Hayden","Wilder","Mckay","Coffey","Mccarty","Ewing","Cooley","Vaughan","Bonner","Cotton","Holder","Stark","Ferrell","Cantrell","Fulton","Lynn","Lott","Calderon","Rosa","Pollard","Hooper","Burch","Mullen","Fry","Riddle","Levy","David","Duke","Odonnell","Guy","Michael","Britt","Frederick","Daugherty","Berger","Dillard","Alston","Jarvis","Frye","Riggs","Chaney","Odom","Duffy","Fitzpatrick","Valenzuela","Merrill","Mayer","Alford","Mcpherson","Acevedo","Donovan","Barrera","Albert","Cote","Reilly","Compton","Raymond","Mooney","Mcgowan","Craft","Cleveland","Clemons","Wynn","Nielsen","Baird","Stanton","Snider","Rosales","Bright","Witt","Stuart","Hays","Holden","Rutledge","Kinney","Clements","Castaneda","Slater","Hahn","Emerson","Conrad","Burks","Delaney","Pate","Lancaster","Sweet","Justice","Tyson","Sharpe","Whitfield","Talley","Macias","Irwin","Burris","Ratliff","Mccray","Madden","Kaufman","Beach","Goff","Cash","Bolton","Mcfadden","Levine"];
-var streetNames = ["Adult","Aeroplane","Air","Carrier","Airforce","Airport","Album","Alphabet","Apple","Arm","Army","Baby","Baby","Backpack","Balloon","Banana","Bank","Barbecue","Bathroom","Bathtub","Bed","Bee","Bible","Bible","Bird","Bomb","Book","Boss","Bottle","Bowl","Box","Boy","Brain","Bridge","Butterfly","Button","Cappuccino","Car","Race","Carpet","Carrot","Cave","Chair","Chess","Chief","Child","Chisel","Chocolates","Church","Church","Circle","Circus","Circus","Clock","Clown","Coffee","Shop","Comet","Compact","Compass","Computer","Crystal","Cup","Cycle","Data Base","Desk","Diamond","Dress","Drill","Drink","Drum","Dung","Ears","Earth","Egg","Electricity","Elephant","Eraser","Explosive","Eyes","Family","Fan","Feather","Festival","Film","Finger","Fire","Floodlight","Flower","Foot","Fork","Freeway","Fruit","Fungus","Game","Garden","Gas","Gate","Gemstone","Girl","Gloves","God","Grapes","Guitar","Hammer","Hat","Hieroglyph","Highway","Horoscope","Horse","Hose","Ice","Ice-cream","Insect","Jet fighter","Junk","Kaleidoscope","Kitchen","Knife","Leather","Leg","Library","Liquid","Magnet","Man","Map","Maze","Meat","Meteor","Microscope","Milk","Milkshake","Mist","Money $$$$","Monster","Mosquito","Mouth","Nail","Navy","Necklace","Needle","Onion","PaintBrush","Pants","Parachute","Passport","Pebble","Pendulum","Pepper","Perfume","Pillow","Plane","Planet","Pocket","Post-office","Potato","Printer","Prison","Pyramid","Radar","Rainbow","Record","Restaurant","Rifle","Ring","Robot","Rock","Rocket","Roof","Room","Rope","Saddle","Salt","Sandpaper","Sandwich","Satellite","School","Ship","Shoes","Shopper","Shower","Signature","Skeleton","Slave","Snail","Software","Solid","Shuttle","Spectrum","Sphere","Spice","Spiral","Spoon","Sports","Spotlight","Square","Staircase","Star","Stomach","Sun","Sunglasses","Surveyor","Swimming","Sword","Table","Tapestry","Teeth","Telescope","Television","Tennis","Thermometer","Tiger","Toilet","Tongue","Torch","Torpedo","Train","Treadmill","Triangle","Tunnel","Typewriter","Umbrella","Vacuum","Vampire","Videotape","Vulture","Water","Weapon","Web","Wheelchair","Window","Woman","Worm"];
-var streetTypes = ["Street", "Road", "Avenue", "Parade", "Drive", "Terrace", "Alley", "Court", "Lane"];
-var locations = ["Nizhni Novgorod, Russia","Phnom Penh, Cambodia","Quito, Ecuador","Leeds/Bradford, UK","Goiania, Brazil","Donetsk, Ukraine","Stockholm, Sweden","Virginia Beach, USA","Sacramento, USA","Kansas City, USA","Marseille, France","Turin, Italy","Lyon, France","San Antonio, USA","Rotterdam, Netherlands","Las Vegas, USA","Milwaukee, USA","Stuttgart, Germany","Indianapolis, USA","Glasgow, UK","Lumumbashi, Congo","Perth, Australia","Providence, USA","Orlando, USA","Columbus, USA","Dublin, Ireland","Auckland, New Zealand","Lille, France","Porto, Portugal","New Orleans, USA","Adelaide, Australia","Helsinki, Finland","Buffalo, USA","Memphis, USA","Antwerp, Belgium","Austin, USA","Port Elizabeth, South Africa","Bridgeport//Stamford, USA","Nice, France","Salt Lake City, USA","Jacksonville, USA","Calgary, Canada","Louisville, USA","Hartford, USA","Ottawa/Hull, Canada","Richmond, USA","Edmonton, Canada","Toulouse, France","Charlotte, USA","Bordeaux, France","Nashville, USA","Oklahoma City, USA","Tucson, USA","Honolulu, USA","Dayton, USA","Rochester, USA","El Paso, USA","Birmingham, USA","Quebec, Canada","Omaha, USA","Winnipeg, Canada","Vereeniging, South Africa","Albuquerque, USA","Aachen, Germany","Allentown/Bethlehem, USA","Springfield, USA","Akron, USA","Albany, USA","Sarasota//Bradenton, USA","Tulsa, USA","Concord, USA","Abu Dhabi, UAE","Nantes, France","Raleigh, USA","Grand Rapids, USA","New Haven, USA","McAllen, USA","Toulon, France","Douai/Lens, France","Toledo, USA","Baton Rouge, USA","Colorado Springs, USA","Worcester, USA","Charleston, USA","Gold Coast, Australia","Wichita, USA","Columbia, USA","Knoxville, USA","Ogden, USA","Youngstown, USA","Syracuse, USA","Palm Bay, USA","Scranton, USA","Flint, USA","Harrisburg, USA","Little Rock, USA","Valenciennes, France","Poughkeepsie, USA","Chattanooga, USA","Augusta, USA","Spokane, USA","Cape Coral, USA","Lancaster, USA","Pensacola, USA","Mobile, USA","Greenville, USA","St Catharines, Canada","Aguadilla, Puerto Rico","Winston/Salem, USA","Tours, France","Jackson, USA","Durham, USA","Fayetteville, USA","South Bend, USA","Shreveport, USA","Port St Lucie, USA","Canton, USA","Bethune, France","Avignon, France","Barnstable Town, USA","Asheville, USA","Bonita Springs / Naples, USA","Huntsville, USA","Hickory, USA","Pau, France","Tokyo/Yokohama, Japan","New York Metro, USA","Sao Paulo, Brazil","Seoul/Incheon, South Korea","Mexico City, Mexico","Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto, Japan","Manila, Philippines","Mumbai, India","Delhi, India","Jakarta, Indonesia","Lagos, Nigeria","Kolkata, India","Cairo, Egypt","Los Angeles, USA","Buenos Aires, Argentina","Rio de Janeiro, Brazil","Moscow, Russia","Shanghai, China","Karachi, Pakistan","Paris, France","Istanbul, Turkey","Nagoya, Japan","Beijing, China","Chicago, USA","London, UK","Shenzhen, China","Essen/Düsseldorf, Germany","Tehran, Iran","Bogota, Colombia","Lima, Peru","Bangkok, Thailand","Johannesburg/East Rand, South Africa","Chennai, India","Taipei, Taiwan","Baghdad, Iraq","Santiago, Chile","Bangalore, India","Hyderabad, India","St Petersburg, Russia","Philadelphia, USA","Lahore, Pakistan","Kinshasa, Congo","Miami, USA","Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam","Madrid, Spain","Tianjin, China","Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia","Toronto, Canada","Milan, Italy","Shenyang, China","Dallas/Fort Worth, USA","Boston, USA","Belo Horizonte, Brazil","Khartoum, Sudan","Riyadh, Saudi Arabia","Singapore, Singapore","Washington, USA","Detroit, USA","Barcelona, Spain","Houston, USA","Athens, Greece","Berlin, Germany","Sydney, Australia","Atlanta, USA","Guadalajara, Mexico","San Francisco/Oakland , USA","Montreal., Canada","Monterey, Mexico","Melbourne, Australia","Ankara, Turkey","Recife, Brazil","Phoenix/Mesa, USA","Durban, South Africa","Porto Alegre, Brazil","Dalian, China","Jeddah, Saudi Arabia","Seattle, USA","Cape Town, South Africa","San Diego, USA","Fortaleza, Brazil","Curitiba, Brazil","Rome, Italy","Naples, Italy","Minneapolis/St. Paul, USA","Tel Aviv, Israel","Birmingham, UK","Frankfurt, Germany","Lisbon, Portugal","Manchester, UK","San Juan, Puerto Rico","Katowice, Poland","Tashkent, Uzbekistan","Fukuoka, Japan","Baku/Sumqayit, Azerbaijan","St. Louis, USA","Baltimore, USA","Sapporo, Japan","Tampa/St. Petersburg, USA","Taichung, Taiwan","Warsaw, Poland","Denver, USA","Cologne/Bonn, Germany","Hamburg, Germany","Dubai, UAE","Pretoria, South Africa","Vancouver, Canada","Beirut, Lebanon","Budapest, Hungary","Cleveland, USA","Pittsburgh, USA","Campinas, Brazil","Harare, Zimbabwe","Brasilia, Brazil","Kuwait, Kuwait","Munich, Germany","Portland, USA","Brussels, Belgium","Vienna, Austria","San Jose, USA","Saudi Arabia","Copenhagen, Denmark","Brisbane, Australia","Riverside/San Bernardino, USA","Cincinnati, USA","Accra, Ghana"];
-var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
-var names, name, location, day, month, year, dob, identity = [];
-function generateID() {
- firstNames = $("#male").prop("checked") === true ? mNames : fNames;
- firstName = randomNumber(firstNames.length) - 1;
- surname = randomNumber(surnames.length) -1;
- identity.name = firstNames[firstName] + " " + surnames[surname];
- // Get address
- houseNumber = randomNumber(1000);
- streetName = randomNumber(streetNames.length) - 1;
- streetType = randomNumber(streetTypes.length) - 1;
- address = randomNumber(locations.length) - 1;
- identity.address = houseNumber + " " + streetNames[streetName] + " " + streetTypes[streetType] + ", " + locations[address];
- // Get DOB
- day = randomNumber(31);
- month = randomNumber(12) - 1;
- year = randomNumber(2000 - 1913) + 1913;
- identity.dob = day + " " + months[month] + " " + year;
- // Username/password
- var userOne = randomNumber(firstNames.length) - 1;
- var userTwo = randomNumber(9999);
- identity.username = firstNames[userOne] + userTwo;
- identity.password = generatePassword();
- var markov = new Markov({ // Input text from http://chrisvalleskey.com/fillerama/
- inputText: "Now that the, uh, garbage ball is in space, Doctor, perhaps you can help me with my inhibitions? Oh sure! Blame the wizards! You guys realize you live in a sewer, right? I guess because my parents keep telling me to be more ladylike. As though! This is the worst kind of discrimination: the kind against me! And remember, don't do anything that affects anything, unless it turns out you were supposed to, in which case, for the love of God, don't not do it! Now Fry, it's been a few years since medical school, so remind me. Disemboweling in your species: fatal or non-fatal? I wish! It's a nickel. Whoa a real live robot; or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume? Ven ve voke up, ve had zese wodies. Then throw her in the laundry room, which will hereafter be referred to as 'the brig'. The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well made bed. You will practice until you can make your bed in your sleep.Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died. Good news, everyone! There's a report on TV with some very bad news! I videotape every customer that comes in here, so that I may blackmail them later. Ok, we'll go deliver this crate like professionals, and then we'll go ride the bumper cars.Professor, make a woman out of me. Look, everyone wants to be like Germany, but do we really have the pure strength of 'will'? I barely knew Philip, but as a clergyman I have no problem telling his most intimate friends all about him."
- });
- markov.options.endWithCompleteSentence = true;
- var complete_para = document.getElementById('identity');
- identity.bio = markov.generate(30);
- identityOutput = document.getElementById("identity");
- identityOutput.innerHTML = "Name : " + identity.name + "
Location : " + identity.address + "
Date of birth : " + identity.dob + "
Bio : " + identity.bio + "
Username : " + identity.username + "
Password : " + identity.password + "
-function randomNumber(length) {
- return Math.ceil( Math.random() * length);
-function generatePassword()
- var partOne = "";
- var possible = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#@£$%&";
- for( var i=0; i < 14; i++ ) {
- partOne += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
- }
- var partTwo = Math.ceil( Math.random() * (99999) );
- var password = partOne + partTwo;
- return password;
-$('button.generate').click(function(e) {
- generateID();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/assets/js/gen/markov.min.js b/site/assets/js/gen/markov.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 20759e34..00000000
--- a/site/assets/js/gen/markov.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/*! markov.js
-Munaf Assaf (http://github.com/munaf)
-Built 2013-10-15 */
-(function(){var a="<>",b=function(a){return this.options={inputText:a.inputText,numWords:a.numWords||100,endWithCompleteSentence:!1},this.dictionary={},this._setup(),this};b.prototype={_setup:function(){this.dictionary[a]=[],this.dictionary["."]=[a],this.options.inputText&&this.addCorpus(this.options.inputText)},_randomNextWord:function(a){var b=this.dictionary[a];return b[Math.floor(Math.random()*b.length)]},_endsSentence:function(a){var b=a.slice(-1);return"."===b||"?"===b||"!"===b},_cleanText:function(a){return a=a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""),a.replace(/[^a-zA-Z\s.,!?:;]/g,"").replace(/\s{2,}/g," ")},_endsWithPunctuation:function(a){var b=a.slice(-1);return".,?!;:".indexOf(b)>-1},_capitalizeWord:function(a){return a.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+a.slice(1)},_addWord:function(a,b){this.dictionary.hasOwnProperty(b)?a&&this.dictionary[b].push(a):this.dictionary[b]=a?[a]:[]},generate:function(b){for(var c,d="",e=a,f=0;b>f||this.options.endWithCompleteSentence===!0&&e!==a;)c=this._randomNextWord(e),this._endsWithPunctuation(c)?d+=c:e===a?(d+=" "+this._capitalizeWord(c),f++):c!==a&&(d+=" "+c,f++),e=c;return d},addCorpus:function(b){b=this._cleanText(b);for(var c,d=this,e=b.split(" "),f=[],g=a,h=0;h0?f[b-1]:g;d._addWord(a,c)}),g=f[f.length-1],f=[]}},window.Markov=b}).call(this);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/assets/js/libs/jquery.dropdown.js b/site/assets/js/libs/jquery.dropdown.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 20edbf1e..00000000
--- a/site/assets/js/libs/jquery.dropdown.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery dropdown: A simple dropdown plugin
- *
- * Inspired by Bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#dropdowns
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Cory LaViska for A Beautiful Site, LLC. (http://abeautifulsite.net/)
- *
- * Dual licensed under the MIT / GPL Version 2 licenses
- *
-if (jQuery) (function ($) {
- $.extend($.fn, {
- dropdown: function (method, data) {
- switch (method) {
- case 'show':
- show(null, $(this));
- return $(this);
- case 'hide':
- hide();
- return $(this);
- case 'attach':
- return $(this).attr('data-dropdown', data);
- case 'detach':
- hide();
- return $(this).removeAttr('data-dropdown');
- case 'disable':
- return $(this).addClass('dropdown-disabled');
- case 'enable':
- hide();
- return $(this).removeClass('dropdown-disabled');
- }
- }
- });
- function show(event, object) {
- var trigger = event ? $(this) : object,
- dropdown = $(trigger.attr('data-dropdown')),
- isOpen = trigger.hasClass('dropdown-open');
- // In some cases we don't want to show it
- if (event) {
- if ($(event.target).hasClass('dropdown-ignore')) return;
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- } else {
- if (trigger !== object.target && $(object.target).hasClass('dropdown-ignore')) return;
- }
- hide();
- if (isOpen || trigger.hasClass('dropdown-disabled')) return;
- // Show it
- trigger.addClass('dropdown-open');
- dropdown
- .data('dropdown-trigger', trigger)
- .show();
- // Position it
- position();
- // Trigger the show callback
- dropdown
- .trigger('show', {
- dropdown: dropdown,
- trigger: trigger
- });
- }
- function hide(event) {
- // In some cases we don't hide them
- var targetGroup = event ? $(event.target).parents().addBack() : null;
- // Are we clicking anywhere in a dropdown?
- if (targetGroup && targetGroup.is('.dropdown')) {
- // Is it a dropdown menu?
- if (targetGroup.is('.dropdown-menu')) {
- // Did we click on an option? If so close it.
- if (!targetGroup.is('A')) return;
- } else {
- // Nope, it's a panel. Leave it open.
- return;
- }
- }
- // Hide any dropdown that may be showing
- $(document).find('.dropdown:visible').each(function () {
- var dropdown = $(this);
- dropdown
- .hide()
- .removeData('dropdown-trigger')
- .trigger('hide', { dropdown: dropdown });
- });
- // Remove all dropdown-open classes
- $(document).find('.dropdown-open').removeClass('dropdown-open');
- }
- function position() {
- var dropdown = $('.dropdown:visible').eq(0),
- trigger = dropdown.data('dropdown-trigger'),
- hOffset = trigger ? parseInt(trigger.attr('data-horizontal-offset') || 0, 10) : null,
- vOffset = trigger ? parseInt(trigger.attr('data-vertical-offset') || 0, 10) : null;
- if (dropdown.length === 0 || !trigger) return;
- // Position the dropdown relative-to-parent...
- if (dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-relative')) {
- dropdown.css({
- left: dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-anchor-right') ?
- trigger.position().left - (dropdown.outerWidth(true) - trigger.outerWidth(true)) - parseInt(trigger.css('margin-right')) + hOffset :
- trigger.position().left + parseInt(trigger.css('margin-left')) + hOffset,
- top: trigger.position().top + trigger.outerHeight(true) - parseInt(trigger.css('margin-top')) + vOffset
- });
- } else {
- // ...or relative to document
- dropdown.css({
- left: dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-anchor-right') ?
- trigger.offset().left - (dropdown.outerWidth() - trigger.outerWidth()) + hOffset : trigger.offset().left + hOffset,
- top: trigger.offset().top + trigger.outerHeight() + vOffset
- });
- }
- }
- $(document).on('click.dropdown', '[data-dropdown]', show);
- $(document).on('click.dropdown', hide);
- $(window).on('resize', position);
diff --git a/site/assets/js/libs/jquery.js b/site/assets/js/libs/jquery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76d21a46..00000000
--- a/site/assets/js/libs/jquery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/*! jQuery v1.10.2 | (c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/license
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r&&!r[b]&&(r=wt(r)),i&&!i[b]&&(i=wt(i,o)),lt(function(o,a,s,l){var u,c,p,f=[],d=[],h=a.length,g=o||Nt(t||"*",s.nodeType?[s]:s,[]),m=!e||!o&&t?g:xt(g,f,e,s,l),y=n?i||(o?e:h||r)?[]:a:m;if(n&&n(m,y,s,l),r){u=xt(y,d),r(u,[],s,l),c=u.length;while(c--)(p=u[c])&&(y[d[c]]=!(m[d[c]]=p))}if(o){if(i||e){if(i){u=[],c=y.length;while(c--)(p=y[c])&&u.push(m[c]=p);i(null,y=[],u,l)}c=y.length;while(c--)(p=y[c])&&(u=i?F.call(o,p):f[c])>-1&&(o[u]=!(a[u]=p))}}else y=xt(y===a?y.splice(h,y.length):y),i?i(null,a,y,l):M.apply(a,y)})}function Tt(e){var t,n,r,i=e.length,a=o.relative[e[0].type],s=a||o.relative[" "],l=a?1:0,c=vt(function(e){return e===t},s,!0),p=vt(function(e){return F.call(t,e)>-1},s,!0),f=[function(e,n,r){return!a&&(r||n!==u)||((t=n).nodeType?c(e,n,r):p(e,n,r))}];for(;i>l;l++)if(n=o.relative[e[l].type])f=[vt(bt(f),n)];else{if(n=o.filter[e[l].type].apply(null,e[l].matches),n[b]){for(r=++l;i>r;r++)if(o.relative[e[r].type])break;return wt(l>1&&bt(f),l>1&&yt(e.slice(0,l-1).concat({value:" 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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/assets/js/scripts.js b/site/assets/js/scripts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cefca80a..00000000
--- a/site/assets/js/scripts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- $('body').addClass('js-on');
- // A - Z Sorting
- $('.alpha-sort a').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var term = $(this).text();
- var $sites = $('.sites section');
- $sites.show().filter(function() {
- var text = $(this).find('.site-header').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase().substr(1,1);
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
- if ( ! $('.site-block').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- });
- // Difficulty sorting
- $('.diff-sort a').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var term = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
- var $sites = $('.sites section');
- $sites.show().filter(function() {
- var text = $(this).find('.site-difficulty').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase();
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
- if ( ! $('.site-block').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- });
- // Popular sorting
- $('button.popular').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var term = "popular";
- var $sites = $('.sites section');
- $sites.show().filter(function() {
- var text = $(this).find('.meta').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase();
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
- if ( ! $('.site-block').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- });
- // Clear search and sorting
- $('button.reset').click(function(e){
- var $sites = $('.sites section');
- $sites.show();
- $('.no-results').hide();
- $('input').val('');
- });
- // When the search field changes, update the hash
- $('input').keyup(function(){
- window.location.hash = $(this).val();
- });
- // Call updateSearch when hash changes
- $(window).on('hashchange', function() {
- updateSearch();
- });
- // Search function
- function updateSearch() {
- if ($('.no-results').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').hide();
- }
- var hash = document.location.hash.toLowerCase();
- var term = hash.substr(1);
- var $sites = $('.sites section');
- $sites.show().filter(function() {
- var text = $(this).find('.site-header').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase();
- return !~text.indexOf(term);
- }).hide();
- if ( ! $('.site-block').is(':visible')) {
- $('.no-results').show();
- }
- // Insert the term into the field
- // (sometimes this is missed if the hash is changed directly)
- $('#search').val(window.location.hash.substr(1));
- }
- // Update search results on page load (if there is a hash)
- if (window.location.hash !== "" && window.location.hash !== "#") {
- // Insert the term into the field
- $('#search').val(window.location.hash.substr(1));
- // Update the results
- updateSearch();
- }
- $('.site a').prop('title', '');
- // jQuery ScrollTo plugin from http://lions-mark.com/jquery/scrollTo/
- $.fn.scrollTo = function( target, options, callback ){
- if(typeof options == 'function' && arguments.length == 2){ callback = options; options = target; }
- var settings = $.extend({
- scrollTarget : target,
- offsetTop : 50,
- duration : 500,
- easing : 'swing'
- }, options);
- return this.each(function(){
- var scrollPane = $(this);
- var scrollTarget = (typeof settings.scrollTarget == "number") ? settings.scrollTarget : $(settings.scrollTarget);
- var scrollY = (typeof scrollTarget == "number") ? scrollTarget : scrollTarget.offset().top + scrollPane.scrollTop() - parseInt(settings.offsetTop);
- scrollPane.animate({scrollTop : scrollY }, parseInt(settings.duration), settings.easing, function(){
- if (typeof callback == 'function') { callback.call(this); }
- });
- });
- }
- // Banner scroll to bottom
- $('.banner').click(function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $('body').scrollTo('.banner-block');
- });
- $('.info').click(function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $('body').scrollTo('.about');
- });
- // create the keys and konami variables
- var keys = [],
- konami = "38,38,40,40,37,39,37,39,66,65";
- $(document).keydown(function(e){
- keys.push(e.keyCode);
- // and check to see if the user has entered the Konami code
- if (keys.toString().indexOf(konami) >= 0) {
- // do something such as:
- (function(){
- $('.site-block:first').after('
Difficulty: impossible
No Info Available
- +'
Difficulty: impossible
No Info Available
- })();
- // and finally clean up the keys array
- keys = [];
- }
- });
-// Load Facebook after page load
-window.onload = function() {
- $('#search').focus();
- (function(d, s, id) {
- var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
- if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
- js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
- js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1";
- fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
- }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
- console.log('Welcome to justdelete.me. We currently have ' + $('.site-block').length + ' services listed.');
diff --git a/site/fake-identity-generator/index.html b/site/fake-identity-generator/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce36b03..00000000
--- a/site/fake-identity-generator/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
- English
- About
- Fake Identity Generator
Fake Identity Generator
Generate a fake name, address, date of birth, username, password and biography.
Generate fake identity
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App.test.tsx b/src/App.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a68616d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/App.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
+import App from './App';
+test('renders learn react link', () => {
+ render(
+ const linkElement = screen.getByText(/learn react/i);
+ expect(linkElement).toBeInTheDocument();
diff --git a/src/App.tsx b/src/App.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11c0a5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/App.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import { useState } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import sites from './sites.json';
+import Content from './content';
+import { StyledTileDifficultyTag } from './tile';
+const StyledAppHeader = styled.header`
+ background-color: white;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ font-size: calc(10px + 2vmin);
+ color: #404040;
+ position: fixed;
+ width: 100vw;
+ top: 0;
+ gap: 2em;
+ border: 1px solid silver;
+ padding: 0.25em;
+const StyledAppIntro = styled.div`
+ margin-top: 7em;
+ margin-left: 2em;
+ margin-right: 2em;
+ @media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
+ margin-top: 5em;
+ }
+const StyledAppName = styled.h1`
+ font-weight: 300;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+const StyledSearchContainer = styled.div`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ gap: 0.5em;
+const StyledSearchField = styled.input`
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ height: 32px;
+ padding-right: 8px;
+ padding-left: 8px;
+ border-color: #737373;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ width: 132px;
+const StyledButton = styled.button`
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ border-color: white;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ height: 32px;
+ padding-right: 8px;
+ padding-left: 8px;
+ font-size: 13px;
+ font-weiht: 400;
+ background-color: #0060df;
+ color: white;
+const StyledDescriptionList = styled.dl`
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: min-content auto;
+ row-gap: 1em;
+const StyledDescriptionTerm = styled.dt`
+ align-self: center;
+const App = () => {
+ const [filter, setFilter] = useState('');
+ return (
+ Just Delete Me
+ setFilter(e.target.value)}
+ />
+ Search
+ Use the filter and enter at least three characters {' '}
+ to check how hard it is to delete your account on a specific
+ service.{' '}
+ There are four levels how hard it is to delete your account:
+ easy
+ Easy to delete your account.
+ medium
+ Some extra steps are involved.
+ hard
+ Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer
+ services.
+ impossible
+ Cannot be deleted.
+ {
+ const sanitizedFilter = (filter || '')
+ .trim()
+ .toLocaleLowerCase();
+ return (
+ sanitizedFilter.length <= 2 ||
+ name
+ .toLocaleLowerCase()
+ .indexOf(sanitizedFilter) >= 0
+ );
+ })
+ .map(({ name, url, domains, difficulty, notes }) => ({
+ name,
+ difficulty,
+ domains,
+ notes,
+ url,
+ }))}
+ />
+ );
+export default App;
diff --git a/src/content/index.tsx b/src/content/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f412157f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import { Tile, TileData } from '../tile';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+export type ContentItems = {
+ readonly items: Partial
+const StyledContentContainer = styled.div``;
+const Content = ({ items }: ContentItems) => (
+ {items.map(
+ (
+ {
+ name = '',
+ notes = '',
+ url = '',
+ difficulty = '',
+ domains = [],
+ },
+ index
+ ) => (
+ )
+ )}
+export default Content;
diff --git a/src/footer/index.tsx b/src/footer/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c93b9aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/footer/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+const StyledFooter = styled.div`
+ color: white;
+ background-color: #737373;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ gap: 2em;
+const StyledFooterColumn = styled.div`
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ padding-right: 1em;
+ padding-left: 1em;
+ padding-bottom: 2.75em;
+export const Footer = () => (
+ JustDeleteMe
+ Many companies use{' '}
+ dark pattern
+ {' '}
+ techniques to make it difficult to find how to delete your
+ account. This list aims to be a directory of urls to enable you
+ to easily delete your account from web services.
+ Fork me on GitHub
+ Foo
diff --git a/src/index.css b/src/index.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b00c6ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/index.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+body {
+ margin: 0;
+ font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto,
+ Helvetica Neue, Arial, Noto Sans, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji,
+ Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji;
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
diff --git a/src/index.tsx b/src/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca1338a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import './index.css';
+import App from './App';
+import { Footer } from './footer';
+import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
+ ,
+ document.getElementById('root')
+// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function
+// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))
+// or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: https://bit.ly/CRA-vitals
diff --git a/src/react-app-env.d.ts b/src/react-app-env.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6431bc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/react-app-env.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/reportWebVitals.ts b/src/reportWebVitals.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49a2a16e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reportWebVitals.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { ReportHandler } from 'web-vitals';
+const reportWebVitals = (onPerfEntry?: ReportHandler) => {
+ if (onPerfEntry && onPerfEntry instanceof Function) {
+ import('web-vitals').then(({ getCLS, getFID, getFCP, getLCP, getTTFB }) => {
+ getCLS(onPerfEntry);
+ getFID(onPerfEntry);
+ getFCP(onPerfEntry);
+ getLCP(onPerfEntry);
+ getTTFB(onPerfEntry);
+ });
+ }
+export default reportWebVitals;
diff --git a/src/setupTests.ts b/src/setupTests.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f2609b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/setupTests.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// jest-dom adds custom jest matchers for asserting on DOM nodes.
+// allows you to do things like:
+// expect(element).toHaveTextContent(/react/i)
+// learn more: https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom
+import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
diff --git a/sites.json b/src/sites.json
similarity index 99%
rename from sites.json
rename to src/sites.json
index 76aa9d52..a1236f0f 100644
--- a/sites.json
+++ b/src/sites.json
@@ -4698,12 +4698,10 @@
"name": "Startnext",
- "url": "http://faq.startnext.de/Nutzerprofil/id/Wie+kann+ich+mein+Startnext-Profil+loeschen+-26/modul/Nutzerprofil+%26+Registrierung/aid/18",
- "difficulty": "hard",
- "notes": "You have to write an Email to the Support. Your activites will be anonymized.",
- "notes_fr": "Vous devez écrire un e-mail au support.",
- "notes_de": "Es ist erforderlich, eine Email an den Support zu schreiben. Alle Aktivitäten werden anonymisiert.",
- "email": "support@startnext.de",
+ "url": "https://www.startnext.com/help/FAQ/for-all~dbbd-ntbj9#q-51",
+ "difficulty": "easy",
+ "notes": "Follow the instructions at https://www.startnext.com/help/FAQ/for-all~dbbd-ntbj9#q-51. Your data and activites will be anonymized.",
+ "notes_de": "Folge den Schritten auf dieser Seite: https://www.startnext.com/hilfe/FAQ/fr-alle~db8-ntbj9#q-14. Alle Daten und Aktivitäten werden anonymisiert.",
"domains": [
diff --git a/src/tile/index.tsx b/src/tile/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..437cc5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tile/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+export type TileData = {
+ readonly name: string;
+ readonly url: string;
+ readonly difficulty: string;
+ readonly domains: string[] | string;
+ readonly notes: string;
+const findDifficultyColors = (
+ difficulty: string
+): { foreground: string; background: string } => {
+ switch (difficulty) {
+ case 'easy':
+ return { background: '#84cc16', foreground: 'black' };
+ case 'medium':
+ return { background: '#facc15', foreground: 'black' };
+ case 'hard':
+ return { background: '#dc2626', foreground: 'white' };
+ case 'impossible':
+ return { background: '#404040', foreground: 'white' };
+ default:
+ return { background: 'rgb(250,250,250)', foreground: 'gray' };
+ }
+const StyledTileContainer = styled.div`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ margin: 2em;
+ border-radius: 1em;
+ padding: 2em;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 24px rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+const StyledTileHeader = styled.div`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ align-items: center;
+const StyledTileTitle = styled.h2`
+ font-weight: 300;
+ margin-right: 1em;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 0.8em;
+const StyledTileCopy = styled.span`
+ font-weight: 400;
+const StyledTileDifficulty = styled.div<{ difficulty: string }>`
+ margin-left: -2em;
+ margin-top: -2em;
+ margin-bottom: -2em;
+ padding: 1em;
+ ${(props) =>
+ `background-color: ${
+ findDifficultyColors(props.difficulty).background
+ }`};
+export const StyledTileDifficultyTag = styled.span<{ difficulty: string }>`
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ padding: 0.5em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 0.8em;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 0.8em;
+ ${(props) => {
+ const { background, foreground } = findDifficultyColors(
+ props.difficulty
+ );
+ return `
+ background-color: ${background};
+ color: ${foreground};
+ `;
+ }}
+const StyledTileContent = styled.div`
+ margin-top: -1em;
+ padding-top: 0em;
+ padding-bottom: 1em;
+ padding-left: 2em;
+ padding-right: 1em;
+ flex-shrink: 1;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ text-align: left;
+ word-break: break-word;
+const StyledTileLink = styled.a`
+ padding-top: 0.5em;
+ display: block;
+export const Tile = ({ name, notes, url, difficulty }: TileData) => (
+ {name}
+ {difficulty.toLocaleUpperCase()}
+ {notes}
+ {url}
+export default Tile;
diff --git a/template.html b/template.html
deleted file mode 100644
index adc8b376..00000000
--- a/template.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-{% include "site/_partials/header.html" %}
- {{ i18n.popular }}
- A - Z
- {{ i18n.difficulty }}
- reset
- Can't find what you're looking for? Help make justdelete.me better .
- {% for site in sites %}
- {% if site.difficulty == 'easy' %}
- {{ i18n.difficulty_easy }}
- {% elseif site.difficulty == 'medium' %}
- {{ i18n.difficulty_medium }}
- {% elseif site.difficulty == 'hard' %}
- {{ i18n.difficulty_hard }}
- {% elseif site.difficulty == 'impossible' %}
- {{ i18n.difficulty_impossible }}
- {% endif %}
- {% if site.notes %}
- {{ i18n.showinfo }}
- {% else %}
- {{ i18n.noinfo }}
- {% endif %}
- {% if site.meta %}
- {{ site.meta }}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- about anchor
{{ i18n.whatisthis }}
{{ i18n.whatisthis1|safe}}
{{ i18n.whatisthis2|safe }}
{{ i18n.guide }}
{{ i18n.guideexplanations }}
- {{ i18n.guideeasy|safe }}
- {{ i18n.guidemedium|safe }}
- {{ i18n.guidehard|safe }}
- {{ i18n.guideimpossible|safe }}
{{ i18n.donate }}
{{ i18n.extension|safe }}
{{ i18n.extensionp1|safe }}
{{ i18n.extensionp2|safe }}
{{ i18n.extensionp3|safe }}
{{ i18n.extensionguide|safe }}
- {{ i18n.extensionl1|safe }}
- {{ i18n.extensionl2|safe }}
- {{ i18n.extensionl3|safe }}
- {{ i18n.extensionl4|safe }}
- {% include "site/_partials/footer.html" %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf722c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "target": "es5",
+ "lib": [
+ "dom",
+ "dom.iterable",
+ "esnext"
+ ],
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+ "strict": true,
+ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
+ "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
+ "module": "esnext",
+ "moduleResolution": "node",
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "isolatedModules": true,
+ "noEmit": true,
+ "jsx": "react-jsx",
+ },
+ "include": [
+ "src"
+ ]