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jxm262 edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 1 revision


The purpose of this project is to provide a convenience API that aggregates many of the existing exchanges api's. There already exists similar projects in other languages, but I wanted to make one in Node.js.

To get an idea of what we're trying to do , you can reference some very similar projects that already exist.

XChange is the best reference, because it's essentially the functional equivalent to this project. However, it's written in java and contains many extra features that we currently won't include in the initial part of this project's development. Nodecoinbase is a good reference on how to consume the Coinbase Api in Node.js.

For starters, it's suggested to look through how XChange works. You can do this by visiting their guide for noobs. Although not required, this gives some good guideline of how they're accomplishing the api aggregation (java). The initial goal for xchange.js is to do something similar, but make it completely unauthenticated, which means we can't use any of the authenticated api endpoints from the exchanges.

Example for Coin base - (api reference) (this is a valid endpoint because it's unauthenticated) (this is invalid because it requires authentication

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