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Building Journey from source

Benoît des Ligneris edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 5 revisions


  • Install Go if it's not on your system already and set the correct GOPATH.
  • Install Git if it's not on your system already.

Then run

go get

This will download the source into $GOPATH/src/

In your terminal, change into that journey folder and run

git submodule update --init --recursive

This will download the default theme into $GOPATH/src/

You now need to initialize journey as its main module

go mod init

And sync the vendor directory

go mod vendor

Still in that journey folder run

go build

This will build the Journey binary.

You may copy the "journey" binary file, the "content" folder, the "built-in" folder and the "config.json" file to a new location (e. g. /home/youruser/journey/). Then run the Journey binary from that new location to start the server.