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make sure invalid verifiers (predicated on blockheight) are not writt…
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giantimi committed May 16, 2024
1 parent 57fc96a commit ab98ccd
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Showing 3 changed files with 52 additions and 38 deletions.
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions haskell-src/exec/Chainweb/Listen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ processNewHeader logTxSummaries env ph@(PowHeader h _) = do
addendum = if S.null ts then "" else printf " with %d transactions" (S.length ts)
when logTxSummaries $ do
logg Debug $ fromString $ msg <> addendum
forM_ tos $ \txWithOutput ->
forM_ tos $ \txWithOutput ->
logg Debug $ fromString $ show txWithOutput
insertNewHeader (_nodeInfo_chainwebVer $ _env_nodeInfo env) (_env_dbConnPool env) ph pl

Expand All @@ -89,12 +89,15 @@ insertNewHeader version pool ph pl = do
!t = mkBlockTransactions b pl
!es = mkBlockEvents (fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height $ _hwp_header ph) (_blockHeader_chainId $ _hwp_header ph) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash $ _hwp_header ph) pl
!ss = concat $ map (mkTransactionSigners . fst) (_blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pl)
!vs = concat $ map (mkTransactionVerifiers . fst) (_blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pl)

!k = bpwoMinerKeys pl
err = printf "insertNewHeader failed because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version err $ \minHeight -> do
let !tf = mkTransferRows (fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height $ _hwp_header ph) (_blockHeader_chainId $ _hwp_header ph) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash $ _hwp_header ph) (posixSecondsToUTCTime $ _blockHeader_creationTime $ _hwp_header ph) pl minHeight
eventErr = printf "insertNewHeader failed to insert event row because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
verifierErr = printf "insertNewHeader failed to insert verifier row because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version eventErr $ \eventMinHeight ->
withVerifiersMinHeight version verifierErr $ \verifierMinHeight -> do
let currentHeight = fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height $ _hwp_header ph
let !tf = mkTransferRows currentHeight (_blockHeader_chainId $ _hwp_header ph) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash $ _hwp_header ph) (posixSecondsToUTCTime $ _blockHeader_creationTime $ _hwp_header ph) pl eventMinHeight
let !vs = concat $ map (mkTransactionVerifiers currentHeight verifierMinHeight . fst) (_blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pl)
writes pool b k t es ss tf vs

mkRequest :: UrlScheme -> ChainwebVersion -> Request
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions haskell-src/exec/Chainweb/Lookups.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,8 +282,10 @@ mkTransactionSigners t = zipWith3 mkSigner signers sigs [0..]
(PgJSONB $ map toJSON $ CW._signer_capList signer)
(Signature $ unSig sig)

mkTransactionVerifiers :: CW.Transaction -> [Verifier]
mkTransactionVerifiers t = maybe [] (zipWith mkVerifier [0..]) verifiers
mkTransactionVerifiers :: Int64 -> Int -> CW.Transaction -> [Verifier]
mkTransactionVerifiers height verifierMinHeight t
| height < fromIntegral verifierMinHeight = []
| otherwise = maybe [] (zipWith mkVerifier [0..]) verifiers
verifiers :: Maybe [CW.Verifier]
verifiers = _pactCommand_verifiers $ CW._transaction_cmd t
Expand Down
71 changes: 40 additions & 31 deletions haskell-src/exec/Chainweb/Worker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,10 +148,13 @@ writeBlock env pool count (bh, pwo) = do
!ss = concat $ map (mkTransactionSigners . fst) (_blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pwo)
version = _nodeInfo_chainwebVer $ _env_nodeInfo env
!k = bpwoMinerKeys pwo
err = printf "writeBlock failed because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version err $ \evMinHeight -> do
let !tf = mkTransferRows (fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height bh) (_blockHeader_chainId bh) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash bh) (posixSecondsToUTCTime $ _blockHeader_creationTime bh) pwo evMinHeight
let !vs = concat $ map (mkTransactionVerifiers . fst) (_blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pwo)
eventErr = printf "writeBlock failed to write event and transfer rows because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
verifierErr = printf "writeBlock failed to write verifier row because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version eventErr $ \evMinHeight ->
withVerifiersMinHeight version verifierErr $ \verifierMinHeight -> do
let currentHeight = fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height bh
!tf = mkTransferRows currentHeight (_blockHeader_chainId bh) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash bh) (posixSecondsToUTCTime $ _blockHeader_creationTime bh) pwo evMinHeight
let !vs = concat $ map (mkTransactionVerifiers currentHeight verifierMinHeight . fst) (_blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pwo)

atomicModifyIORef' count (\n -> (n+1, ()))
writes pool b k t es ss tf vs
Expand All @@ -171,10 +174,14 @@ writeBlocks env pool count blocks = do
(makeBlockMap bhs')
!sss = M.intersectionWith (\pl _ -> concat $ mkTransactionSigners . fst <$> _blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pl) pls (makeBlockMap bhs')
!kss = M.intersectionWith (\p _ -> bpwoMinerKeys p) pls (makeBlockMap bhs')
!vss = M.intersectionWith (\pl _ -> concat $ mkTransactionVerifiers . fst <$> _blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pl) pls (makeBlockMap bhs')
err = printf "writeBlocks failed because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version err $ \evMinHeight -> do
let !tfs = M.intersectionWith (\pl bh -> mkTransferRows (fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height bh) (_blockHeader_chainId bh) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash bh) (posixSecondsToUTCTime $ _blockHeader_creationTime bh) pl evMinHeight) pls (makeBlockMap bhs')
eventErr = printf "writeBlocks failed to write event and transfer rows because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
verifierErr = printf "writeBlocks failed to write verifier row because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version eventErr $ \evMinHeight ->
withVerifiersMinHeight version verifierErr $ \verifierMinHeight -> do
let currentHeight bh = fromIntegral $ _blockHeader_height bh
!tfs = M.intersectionWith (\pl bh -> mkTransferRows (currentHeight bh) (_blockHeader_chainId bh) (DbHash $ hashB64U $ _blockHeader_hash bh) (posixSecondsToUTCTime $ _blockHeader_creationTime bh) pl evMinHeight) pls (makeBlockMap bhs')
!vss = M.intersectionWith (\pl bh -> concat $ mkTransactionVerifiers (currentHeight bh) verifierMinHeight . fst <$> _blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs pl) pls (makeBlockMap bhs')

batchWrites pool (M.elems bs) (M.elems kss) (M.elems tss) (M.elems ess) (M.elems sss) (M.elems tfs) (M.elems vss)
atomicModifyIORef' count (\n -> (n + numWrites, ()))
Expand All @@ -198,26 +205,28 @@ writePayload
-> IO ()
writePayload pool chain blockHash blockHeight version creationTime bpwo = do
let (cbEvents, txEvents) = mkBlockEvents' blockHeight chain blockHash bpwo
err = printf "writePayload failed because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version err $ \evMinHeight -> do
let !tfs = mkTransferRows blockHeight chain blockHash creationTime bpwo evMinHeight
!vss = concat $ map (mkTransactionVerifiers . fst) $ _blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs bpwo
P.withResource pool $ \c ->
withTransaction c $ do
runBeamPostgres c $ do
$ insert (_cddb_events database) (insertValues $ cbEvents ++ concatMap snd txEvents)
$ onConflict (conflictingFields primaryKey) onConflictDoNothing
$ insert (_cddb_transfers database) (insertValues tfs)
$ onConflict (conflictingFields primaryKey) onConflictDoNothing
-- TODO: This might be necessary. Will need to think about this further
$ insert (_cddb_verifiers database) (insertValues vss)
$ onConflict (conflictingFields primaryKey) onConflictDoNothing
withSavepoint c $ runBeamPostgres c $
forM_ txEvents $ \(reqKey, events) ->
$ update (_cddb_transactions database)
(\tx -> _tx_numEvents tx <-. val_ (Just $ fromIntegral $ length events))
(\tx -> _tx_requestKey tx ==. val_ reqKey)
eventErr = printf "writePayload failed to insert event and transfer rows because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
verifierErr = printf "writePayload failed to insert verifier row because we don't know how to work this version %s" version
withEventsMinHeight version eventErr $ \evMinHeight ->
withVerifiersMinHeight version verifierErr $ \verifierMinHeight -> do
let !tfs = mkTransferRows blockHeight chain blockHash creationTime bpwo evMinHeight
let !vss = concat $ map (mkTransactionVerifiers blockHeight verifierMinHeight . fst) $ _blockPayloadWithOutputs_transactionsWithOutputs bpwo
P.withResource pool $ \c ->
withTransaction c $ do
runBeamPostgres c $ do
$ insert (_cddb_events database) (insertValues $ cbEvents ++ concatMap snd txEvents)
$ onConflict (conflictingFields primaryKey) onConflictDoNothing
$ insert (_cddb_transfers database) (insertValues tfs)
$ onConflict (conflictingFields primaryKey) onConflictDoNothing
-- TODO: This might be necessary. Will need to think about this further
$ insert (_cddb_verifiers database) (insertValues vss)
$ onConflict (conflictingFields primaryKey) onConflictDoNothing
withSavepoint c $ runBeamPostgres c $
forM_ txEvents $ \(reqKey, events) ->
$ update (_cddb_transactions database)
(\tx -> _tx_numEvents tx <-. val_ (Just $ fromIntegral $ length events))
(\tx -> _tx_requestKey tx ==. val_ reqKey)

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