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This repository is a collection of Kakoune highlighters for file formats that are not supported out of the box.


The following will deploy all the highlighters to /usr/local/share/kakoune-extra-filetypes/rc by default:

# make install

Tweak the values of the DESTDIR and PREFIX variables according to your needs, e.g.:

$ make DESTDIR=/tmp/test PREFIX=/usr


If you’ve installed the extra highlighters through your distribution’s package manager, they might be stored in a directory other than the default one (c.f. above).


The "autoload" method lets the editor load the entire collection.

If you don’t have an autoload directory already, you’ll need to create it, and make sure all the builtin scripts (provided by the Kakoune editor) are loaded:

$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}"/kak/autoload
$ ln -s /usr/share/kak/rc "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}"/kak/autoload

Note that your distribution might have installed the editor’s scripts in a directory that isn’t /usr/share/kak, you’ll have to modify this path according if that’s the case.

Now create an additional symbolic link in autoload that points at the extra highlighters:

$ ln -s /usr/local/share/kakoune-extra-filetypes/rc "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}"/kak/autoload

Individual loading

If you don’t want to create an autoload directory, you can load all the highlighters with the following code (to append to your kakrc file):

evaluate-commands %sh{
    find "${kak_runtime}"/../kakoune-extra-filetypes/rc -type f -name \*\\.kak -exec printf 'source %s\n' '{}' \;

You can also individually pick which highlighters to load in your kakrc file, with the source command:

source %val{runtime}/../kakoune-extra-filetypes/rc/…