A Python-based audio file player with quirky features that you may never need.
Despite its insignificance, it mainly serves as a minimal Python application template that my other Python projects could copy from.
The template includes the following
- Project file/folder layout
- PEP8 compliant source code
- Automated tests
- User documentation and doc-generation pipeline
- Dependency management setup
- Continuous integration pipeline, including cross-platform distribution
Application end-users should be able to take the binary installer and use as is. Developers should be able to build the app all the way to the binary installer.
Install PortAudio.
Through Homebrew,
brew install portaudio
You may need to remove code signature first with
codesign --remove-signature /usr/local/opt/portaudio/lib/libportaudio.2.dylib
Download the latest distribution from [PortAudio website](http://files. portaudio.com/archives/pa_stable_v190600_20161030.tgz) and build from source, or through Chocolatey
choco install portaudio