This is a customized actionsheet which appears on top of UIWindow. Don't worry about the detailed part like show/dismiss animation, It handles everything inside itself.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
To use display action sheet in your app, simply follow below steps.
#import "MKSActionSheetController.h"
if you want to display an actionsheet having Title
and Two Buttons
along with Cancel Button
your code should be like this.
MKSActionSheetController* actionsheetController = [[MKSActionSheetController alloc] init];
[actionsheetController showActionsheetInController:self
title:@"Actionsheet title" //Actionsheet header title text
backgroundColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor] //Actionsheet background color
cancelButtonTitle:@"CancelButton title" //Cancel button title text
button1Title:@"Button1 title" //Button1 title text
button2Title:@"Button1 title" //Button2 title text
cancelButtonColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]//Cancel button title text color
button1Color:[UIColor darkGrayColor] //Button1 title text color
button2Color:[UIColor darkGrayColor] //Button2 button title text color
completionBlock:^(kActionsheetTappedButtonIndex index) {
//Dissmiss Actionsheet controller
[actionsheetController dismissActionsheet];
//Do appropriate action
If you want to display, an actionsheet having Single Button
with Cancel Button
without any Title
and Bakcground color
MKSActionSheetController* actionsheetController = [[MKSActionSheetController alloc] init];
[actionsheetController showActionsheetInController:self
title:nil //Actionsheet header title text
backgroundColor:nil //Actionsheet background color
cancelButtonTitle:@"CancelButton title" //Cancel button title text
button1Title:@"Button1 title" //Button1 title text
button2Title:nil //Button2 title text
cancelButtonColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]//Cancel button title text color
button1Color:[UIColor darkGrayColor] //Button1 title text color
button2Color:nil //Button2 title text color
completionBlock:^(kActionsheetTappedButtonIndex index) {
//Dissmiss Actionsheet controller
[actionsheetController dismissActionsheet];
//Do appropriate action
It runs on iOS 7 and above OS version .
CustomActionsheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CustomActionsheet'
Mohd Kamar Shad, [email protected]
CustomActionsheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.