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docs/graph: script fixes (e.g. GHA). Update all data
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kanaka committed Aug 28, 2024
1 parent 37b956e commit 74410ca
Showing 8 changed files with 51,793 additions and 990 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ FAQ](docs/ where I attempt to answer some common questions.
| [Io](#io) | [Dov Murik]( |
| [Janet](#janet) | [sogaiu]( |
| [Java](#java-17) | [Joel Martin]( |
| [Java](#java-using-truffle-for-graalvm) (Truffle/GraalVM) | [Matt McGill](
| [Java Truffle](#java-using-truffle-for-graalvm) (Truffle/GraalVM) | [Matt McGill]( |
| [JavaScript](#javascriptnode) ([Demo]( | [Joel Martin]( |
| [jq](#jq) | [Ali MohammadPur]( |
| [Julia](#julia) | [Joel Martin]( |
58 changes: 42 additions & 16 deletions docs/graph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,42 +5,68 @@

* Install prerequisites:

For ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install ruby2.3-dev
sudo gem install travis --no-rdoc --no-ri
sudo apt-get install gh
sudo apt-get golang

* Download the latest successful travis build (BUILD is the travis
build number):
For macos:
brew install gh
brew install go

* Create logs dir and enter graph dir:
mkdir -p docs/graph/logs
cd docs/graph/logs
cd docs/graph

* Install npm deps
npm install

for x in $(seq 1 109); do echo ${BUILD}/${x}; mkdir -p logs/${BUILD}; while ! travis logs ${BUILD}.${x} > logs/${BUILD}/${x}; do true; done; done
* Clone and build loccount:
git clone
make -C loccount

* Run the [StackOverflow tags query]( and update the CSV link:
* Auth with github:
gh auth login

* Download artifacts from a recent full and successful workflow run:

# list workflow runs
$ gh run list --repo kanaka/mal
# Download recent full successful run:
$ gh run download 10598199016 --repo kanaka/mal

* Run the [StackOverflow tags
and then download the CSV link:

export SO_TAG_CSV_URL=... # from the query page
export SO_TAG_CSV_URL=
curl -o so-tags.csv

* Remove/clean all generated files:

make -C ../.. clean
( cd ../.. && git ls-files --others impls/ | xargs rm )

* Download GitHub and StackOverflow data and generate the final
combined data set:

npm install
time VERBOSE=1 node ./collect_data.js logs/${BUILD}/ all_data.json
time VERBOSE=1 node ./collect_data.js logs/ all_data.json
1,980 changes: 1,077 additions & 903 deletions docs/graph/all_data.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions docs/graph/base_data.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ headers:

- [ada , Ada , Algol , Static , []]
- [ada.2 , 'Ada #2' , Algol , Static , []]
- [ada.2 , "Ada #2" , Algol , Static , []]
- [awk , GNU Awk , C , Dynamic , []]
- [bash , Bash 4 , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [basic , BASIC , OTHER , Static , [cbm, qbasic]]
- [bbc-basic , BBC BASIC V , OTHER , Static , []]
- [c , C , C , Static , []]
- [c.2 , "C #2" , C , Static , []]
- [cpp , C++ , C , Static , []]
- [cs , C# , C , Static , []]
- [chuck , ChucK , C , Static , []]
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ languages:
- [erlang , Erlang , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [es6 , ES6 , C , Dynamic , []]
- [fsharp , F# , ML , Static , []]
- [fennel , "Fennel" , Lisp , Dynamic , []]
- [factor , Factor , Stack , Dynamic , []]
- [fantom , Fantom , C , Static , []]
- [forth , Forth , Stack , OTHER , []]
@@ -36,10 +38,13 @@ languages:
- [hy , Hy , Lisp , Dynamic , []]
- [io , Io , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [java , Java , C , Static , []]
- [java-truffle , "Java Truffle" , C , Static , []]
- [js , JavaScript , C , Dynamic , []]
- [jq , jq , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [janet , "Janet" , Lisp , Dynamic , []]
- [julia , Julia , Algol , Dynamic , []]
- [kotlin , Kotlin , C , Static , []]
- [latex3 , LaTeX3 , Other , Dynamic , []]
- [livescript , LiveScript , ML , Dynamic , []]
- [logo , Logo , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [lua , Lua , Algol , Dynamic , []]
@@ -60,29 +65,32 @@ languages:
- [plpgsql , PL/pgSQL , Algol , Static , []]
- [plsql , PL/SQL , Algol , Static , []]
- [powershell , PowerShell , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [prolog , Prolog , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [ps , PostScript , Stack , Dynamic , []]
- [python , Python , Python , Dynamic , [python2,python3]]
- [python.2 , 'Python #2' , Python , Dynamic , []]
- [purs , PureScript , ML , Static , []]
- [python2 , Python2 , Python , Dynamic , []]
- [python3 , Python3 , Python , Dynamic , []]
- [rpython , RPython , Python , Static , []]
- [r , R , C , Dynamic , []]
- [racket , Racket , Lisp , Dynamic , []]
- [rexx , Rexx , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [ruby , Ruby , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [ruby.2 , "Ruby #2" , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [rust , Rust , C , Static , []]
- [scala , Scala , C , Static , []]
- [scheme , Scheme (R7RS) , Lisp , Dynamic , [chibi,kawa,gauche,chicken,sagittarius,cyclone,foment]]
- [skew , Skew , OTHER , Static , []]
- [swift , Swift 2 , C , Static , []]
- [swift3 , Swift 3 , C , Static , []]
- [swift4 , Swift 4 , C , Static , []]
- [swift5 , Swift 5 , C , Static , []]
- [sml , "Standard ML" , ML , Static , []]
- [swift5 , "Swift 5" , C , Static , []]
- [tcl , Tcl , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [ts , TypeScript , C , Static , []]
- [vala , Vala , C , Static , []]
- [vhdl , VHDL , Algol , Static , []]
- [vimscript , Vimscript , Algol , Dynamic , []]
- [vb , Visual Basic.NET , Algol , Static , []]
- [vbs , Visual Basic Script , Algol , Dynamic , []]
- [wasm , WebAssembly , Lisp , Static , [wace_libc,node,warpy]]
- [wren , Wren , C , Dynamic , []]
- [xslt , XSLT , OTHER , Dynamic , []]
- [yorick , Yorick , C , Dynamic , []]
- [zig , Zig , C , Static , []]
150 changes: 88 additions & 62 deletions docs/graph/collect_data.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ const VERBOSE = process.env['VERBOSE'] || false
const BASE_PATH = process.env['BASE_PATH'] || 'base_data.yaml'
const README_PATH = process.env['README_PATH'] || '../../'
const MAL_PATH = process.env['MAL_PATH'] || '../../'
// Refresh this file using this Query page:
const SO_TAGS_PATH = process.env['SO_TAGS_PATH'] || 'so-tags.csv'

// GitHut 2.0 Pull Requests
const GITHUT_PULL_URL = process.env['GITHUT_PULL_URL'] || ''
@@ -22,15 +25,14 @@ const GITHUT_PUSH_URL = process.env['GITHUT_PUSH_URL'] || 'https://raw.githubuse
// GitHut 2.0 Stars
const GITHUT_STAR_URL = process.env['GITHUT_STAR_URL'] || ''

// Refresh this link using this Query page:
const SO_TAG_CSV_URL = process.env['SO_TAG_CSV_URL'] || ''

const ignoreLanguages = {"Swift 2":1, "Swift 3":1, "Swift 4":1}

const githutToNames = {
'Awk': ['GNU Awk'],
'Ada': ['Ada', 'Ada #2'],
'C': ['C', 'C #2'],
'Shell': ['Bash 4'],
'Java': ['Java', 'Java Truffle'],
'JavaScript': ['JavaScript', 'ES6'],
'Makefile': ['GNU Make'],
'Matlab': ['MATLAB'],
@@ -39,10 +41,11 @@ const githutToNames = {
'Objective-C': ['Objective C'],
'PLpgSQL': ['PL/pgSQL'],
'PLSQL': ['PL/SQL'],
'Python': ['Python', 'Python #2'],
'Python': ['Python2', 'Python3'],
'Ruby': ['Ruby', 'Ruby #2'],
'Scheme': ['Scheme (R7RS)'],
'Smalltalk': ['GNU Smalltalk'],
'Swift': ['Swift 2', 'Swift 3', 'Swift 4', 'Swift 5'],
'Swift': ['Swift 5'],
'Vim script': ['Vimscript'],
'Visual Basic': ['Visual Basic.NET'],
@@ -53,26 +56,42 @@ const dirToSOTags = {
'coffee': ['coffeescript'],
'crystal': ['crystal-lang'],
'cs': ['c#', 'c#-2.0', 'c#-3.0', 'c#-4.0'],
'c.2': ['c'],
'es6': ['ecmascript-6', 'es6-promise', 'es6-modules', 'es6-class', 'reactjs'],
'fsharp': ['f#', 'f#-interactive', 'f#-data', 'f#-3.0'],
'factor': ['factor-lang'],
'java-truffle': ['graalvm'],
'js': ['javascript', 'node.js', 'jquery', 'angular'],
'latex3': ['latex'],
'logo': ['logo-lang'],
'make': ['makefile'],
'nim': ['nim-lang'],
'objpascal': ['delphi', 'freepascal', 'delphi-7', 'delphi-2007', 'delphi-2009', 'delphi-2010', 'delphi-xe', 'delphi-xe2', 'delphi-xe3', 'delphi-xe4', 'delphi-xe5', 'delphi-xe7'],
'objc': ['objective-c'],
'python': ['python', 'python-3.x', 'python-2.7'],
'python.2': ['python', 'python-3.x', 'python-2.7'],
'swift': ['swift2'],
'swift3': ['swift3'],
'swift4': ['swift4'],
'perl6': ['raku'],
'purs': ['purescript'],
'python2': ['python', 'python-2.7'],
'python3': ['python', 'python-3.x'],
'ruby.2': ['ruby'],
'swift5': ['swift', 'swift4', 'swift5'],
'ts': ['typescript', 'typescript-generics', 'typescript2.0'],
'vimscript': ['viml'],
'vb': [''],
'vbs': ['vbscript'],
'wasm': ['webassembly'],

const soMapOverrides = {
'mal': 0, // StackOverflow mal is something else
'miniMAL': 0,
'bbc-micro': 9, // outside 50,000 query limit
'fennel': 3, // outside 50,000 query limit
'janet': 3, // outside 50,000 query limit
'picolisp': 8, // outside 50,000 query limit
'wren': 4, // outside 50,000 query limit
'yorick': 1, // outside 50,000 query limit

function vlog(...args) {
if (VERBOSE) {
@@ -98,17 +117,19 @@ async function main() {
const githutPushText = (await request(GITHUT_PUSH_URL))
vlog(`Downloading GitHut Stars HTML from '${GITHUT_STAR_URL}`)
const githutStarText = (await request(GITHUT_STAR_URL))
vlog(`Downloading StackOverflow Tag CSV from '${SO_TAG_CSV_URL}`)
const soTagList = await csv().fromStream(request.get(SO_TAG_CSV_URL))
vlog(`Loading StackOverflow Tags CSV from '${SO_TAGS_PATH}`)
const soTagList = await csv().fromFile(SO_TAGS_PATH)
vlog(`Loading log data from '${logsPath}'`)
const logFiles = (await readdir(logsPath))
.map(x => parseInt(x))
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
const logDirs = (await readdir(logsPath)).sort()
let logData = []
for (const f of logFiles) {
if (!(/^[0-9]+$/.exec(f))) { continue }
const path = logsPath + "/" + f
logData.push([await readFile(path, 'utf8'), path, f])
for (const d of logDirs) {
let dir = /IMPL=([^ ]*)/.exec(d)[1]
if (!dir) { console.log("ignoring log dir:", d); continue }
let logPath = `${logsPath}/${d}`
const logFiles = (await readdir(logPath))
.filter(f => /^perf-.*\.log/.exec(f))
const path = `${logPath}/${logFiles[0]}`
logData.push([await readFile(path, 'utf8'), path, dir])

let dirs = []
@@ -148,7 +169,9 @@ async function main() {
for (let row of readmeLines.filter(l => /^\| [\[]/.exec(l))) {
t = readme_re.exec(row)
if (t) {
if (t[1] in dataByName) {
if (t[1] in ignoreLanguages) {
vlog(` ${t[1]}: ignoring (in ignoreLanguages list)`)
} else if (t[1] in dataByName) {
let data = dataByName[t[1]]
data.author_name = t[2]
data.author_url = t[3]
@@ -161,41 +184,12 @@ async function main() {

function githutProcess(textData, kind) {
const gMap = JSON.parse(textData)
.reduce((m, d) => (m[] = parseInt(d.count) + (m[] || 0), m), {})
const gdata = Object.entries(gMap)
.sort(([k1,v1],[k2,v2]) => v2 - v1)
let curRank = 1
for (let [gname, gcount] of gdata) {
const names = githutToNames[gname] || [gname]
for (let name of names) {
if (name in dataByName) {
dataByName[name][kind + '_count'] = gcount
dataByName[name][kind + '_rank'] = curRank
vlog(` ${dataByName[name].dir} count: ${gcount}, rank: ${curRank}`)
curRank += 1
} else {
vlog(` ignoring GitHut language ${name}`)
return curRank;
vlog(`Processing GitHut Pull Request data`)
githutProcess(githutPullText, 'pull')
vlog(`Processing GitHut Push data`)
githutProcess(githutPushText, 'push')
vlog(`Processing GitHut Stars data`)
githutProcess(githutStarText, 'star')

vlog(`Processing StackOverflow tag data`)
const soMap = soTagList
//.map(d => ({tag: d.TagName, count: parseInt(d.Rate)}))
//.sort((a,b) => b.count - a.count)
.reduce((m,d) => (m[d.TagName] = parseInt(d.Rate), m), {})
soMap['mal'] = 0 // NOTE/TODO: StackOverflow mal is something else
const soMap = {
.reduce((m,d) => (m[d.TagName] = parseInt(d.Rate), m), {}),
for (let dir of dirs) {
if (!('so_count' in dataByDir[dir])) {
dataByDir[dir]['so_count'] = 0
@@ -218,7 +212,6 @@ async function main() {
let curRank = 1
let soSort = Object.values(dataByDir).sort((a,b) => b.so_count - a.so_count)
for (let data of soSort) {
@@ -232,10 +225,7 @@ async function main() {
vlog(`Processing log file data`)
const perf_run_re = /Running:.*\.\.\/tests\/(perf[0-9])\.mal/
const perf_num_re = /Elapsed time: ([0-9.]+) msecs|iters over 10 seconds: ([0-9]+)/
for (let [log, file, idx] of logData) {
const dir_match = (/export IMPL=(\S+)/i).exec(log)
if (!dir_match) { die(1, `no IMPL found in ${file}`) }
const dir = dir_match[1]
for (let [log, file, dir] of logData) {
const data = dataByDir[dir]
// if (data.perf1 !== null) {
// vlog(` ${dir} already has perf data, ignoring ${file}`)
@@ -258,17 +248,53 @@ async function main() {
} while ((!match_num) && i < logLines.length)
if ((perfs.perf3 > data.perf3) || !data.perf3) {
if ((!data.perf3) || (perfs.perf3 > data.perf3)) {
data.perf1 = perfs.perf1
data.perf2 = perfs.perf2
data.perf3 = perfs.perf3
vlog(` ${dir}: ${perfs.perf1}, ${perfs.perf2}, ${perfs.perf3}`)
} else {
vlog(` ${dir}: ${perfs.perf1}, ${perfs.perf2}, ${perfs.perf3} (perf3 is worse, ignoring log ${idx})`)
vlog(` ${dir}: ${perfs.perf1}, ${perfs.perf2}, ${perfs.perf3} (perf3 is worse, ignoring log ${file})`)

function githutProcess(textData, kind) {
const gMap = JSON.parse(textData)
.reduce((m, d) => (m[] = parseInt(d.count) + (m[] || 0), m), {})
const gdata = Object.entries(gMap)
.sort(([k1,v1],[k2,v2]) => v2 - v1)
let curRank = 1
for (let [gname, gcount] of gdata) {
const names = githutToNames[gname] || [gname]
for (let name of names) {
if (name in dataByName) {
dataByName[name][kind + '_count'] = gcount
dataByName[name][kind + '_rank'] = curRank
vlog(` ${dataByName[name].dir} count: ${gcount}, rank: ${curRank}`)
curRank += 1
} else if (gname in githutToNames) {
vlog(` ignoring known GitHut language ${name} (${gname})`)
} else {
//vlog(` ignoring GitHut language ${name}`)
for (let name in dataByName) {
if (!dataByName[name][kind + '_count']) {
vlog(` ${dataByName[name].dir} no GitHut data`)
return curRank;
vlog(`Processing GitHut Pull Request data`)
githutProcess(githutPullText, 'pull')
vlog(`Processing GitHut Push data`)
githutProcess(githutPushText, 'push')
vlog(`Processing GitHut Stars data`)
githutProcess(githutStarText, 'star')

vlog(`Gathering LOC stats`)
const stat_re = /SLOC=([0-9]+).*LLOC=([0-9]+).*in ([0-9]+) files/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/graph/graph_languages.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const perfLogSet = new Set(['perf1', 'perf2', 'sloc', 'files'])

let cfg = {
ckey: 'syntax',
xkey: 'push_rank',
xkey: 'so_rank',
ykey: 'perf3',
skey: 'sloc',

568 changes: 568 additions & 0 deletions docs/graph/package-lock.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

50,001 changes: 50,001 additions & 0 deletions docs/graph/so-tags.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

0 comments on commit 74410ca

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