Simple whatsapp web bomber made with python using selenium.
Version 1.0
- Python 3
- Selenium
- (Used in script) Gecko Web Driver- For Mozilla FireFox
- Or Chromedriver- For Google Chrome
To use this program, download(scroll down and search for assets) the geckodriver and then add it to the PATH Environment Variable
- Download and install Python 3.x from
- Install Selenium by
pip install selenium
- Setup gecko driver (for using mozilla firefox)
- Download by script from this repository.
- Run it from CMD!
- Follow the instructions on CMD
- Done!
- Enter the group or receiver's name(It should match exactly with the contact name).
- Enter the message.
- Enter the number of times you want to send the message.
- The program will open Whatsapp web , you will need to use your phone to scan the QR code.
- After scanning the QR code, you will then need to hit enter on the program and it will automatically start sending messages after a few seconds.
This project was made just for fun during lockdown.Please don't use it in a wrong way. I am not responsible if anything happens.