To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
GZZCalendarTool is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'GZZCalendarTool'
@param date 日期
@return 节假日
+ (nullable NSString *)holidayFromDate:(NSDate *)date;
@param date 日期
@return 阴历
+ (nullable NSString *)lunarFromDate:(NSDate *)date;
@param date 日期
@return 节气
+ (nullable NSString *)solarTermFromDate:(NSDate *)date;
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd";
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool lunarFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-10-09"]]); // 九月
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool lunarFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-11-01"]]); // 廿四
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool solarTermFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-10-23"]]); // 霜降
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool solarTermFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-11-07"]]); // 立冬
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool holidayFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-05-13"]]); // 母亲节
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool holidayFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-06-17"]]); // 父亲节
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool holidayFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-11-29"]]); // 感恩节
NSLog(@"%@", [GZZCalendarTool holidayFromDate:[formatter dateFromString:@"2018-10-01"]]); // 国庆节
Jonzzs, [email protected]
GZZCalendarTool is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.